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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. There is a Sam's Club in Beavercrack, in case we need to restock the eggs and TP . . .
  2. Someone once told me they heard from someone that vpw followers are stupid . . .
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrological_age It's both an astronomical as astrological event. I think it was mentioned in Zeitgeist.
  4. no no . . . he was chosen to lead . . . pick a lemming, any lemming. give it a flick. the rest will follow.
  5. what year was corps 13? I was talking about corps 33/34 or about that. I believe numbers are every other year now. $30 back then, compared to $30 now. I was just saying they learn to think small. So they can teach others to think small. The other day I found a paper clip on the ground. It was new and shiny. What a blessing. I needed a paper clip.
  6. They can build whole new ecosystems, so whatever is left behind, they can fix up I'm sure.
  7. anyway, I've got eggs and toilet paper . . . just need an address . . .
  8. Unlce Howie was supposed to have been witnessed to taken the class in Beavercrack
  9. of mice, and rats I wonder why anyone signed a green card, then go on to habitually lie about its benefits to their lives.
  10. So WD, this guy lives in Beaver Creek?
  11. wonder how many old folks base their retirement on ABS
  12. lcm was just one lemming among the thousands of others.
  13. I kept giving 11-20% while working on Staff. Giving it right back to them. The only problem was, how do you figure 10% of 3 peanuts and a potato skin? Do you go by mass? volume? surface area? Half a peanut and a a fifth of the skin?
  14. One night we went to fellowship (like we did every night ) and all the lights were off. We went in and candles were burning, linens draped over the tables, everyone sat around being really quiet. The fellowship coordinator then told a story about how her son was just in a car accident. The car had hit snow bank or something, flew into the air, twisted on its side, went through a fork in a really big tree (in the air), then landed on its wheels. Everyone was okay. She then said she had just given her tithe/ABS despite all good sense. The moral of the story: ABS, you might just have a really cool car accident.
  15. I remember, since I was a kid, I would give 20% of whatever I received. 10% is the minimum. Give this much so God won't let you get sick or die unexpectedly. Give a little more and your stuff will be protected. 15% percent was the point at which God would start to bless you back. You might get a return. 20% was just in case something was missed. That extra 5% covered any gift or paycheck that was overlooked, not accounted for by mistake. Of course, time is of the essence. You must give right away. ASAP. Monthly checks (so as to keep accounts straight) were unacceptable. Give now. Give it all.
  16. I believe in res corps get $30/mo, at least a few years ago. to learn to do a little with a lot, er I mean, a lot with a little, no, to belittle a lot, no wait, to cast lots on little, uh, no, Lot's wife was a little salt pillar, err. . .
  17. It doesn't make any sense. It's not like they're riding in limos and spending half the day at the pool. Weird weird people.
  18. They've been trying to get HQ to run, where, if no abs came in for five years, they wouldn't have to change anything. I still don't know what they hell they do there anyway.
  19. So, unless there are two or three witnesses, nobody signed a green card?
  20. (# of people on earth during the time frame) X (fraction witnessed to) X (fraction who went to fellowship) X (fraction who signed a green card) X (fraction who finished the class) X (fraction who took other classes) X (fraction who signed up for corps) X (fraction who finished) X (fraction of those who would admit to any of this) = ???? about 42.
  21. There are websites about Benny Hinn. He seems to still have an audiance.
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