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Posts posted by JavaJane

  1. I would tell them to ask themselves if they are really truly happy with being in twi... Are they living the "more abundant life" and do they know of anyone who is? Is every day sweeter than the one before? Is fellowship a burden or a blessing? Is the love of God evident?

    Are they learning anything?

    And, if things have changed for the better, how come no one has ever apologized to those who were hurt?

    ***edite for spelling.

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  2. One of my siblings had a pretty spooky experience at Rome City growing up - he saw the woodgrain next to his bed contort into a face that started laughing at him. He was only around 8-9 years old when it happened. Who knows what that was. I can tell you one thing, though... It seems to me that any Root Locale probably had a lot of nasty energy hanging around after all the abuse that happened to people in those locations. If you believe in that stuff... I know the top level of the PWA, and the BRC creeped me out more than a little bit.

  3. Well, Rozilla's MO is this pattern. She does not take direct retaliatory action against people right away. This could give way to many more lawsuits. She does mark people that speak up against her, let things cool off, then look for a reason to take dramatic retaliatory action against them. She absolutely will burn people later.

    Why do people put up with this?

    Chockfull, remember... The secret of her success is the secrecy of her moves.....:evilshades:

    And OldSkool - the REAL reason you started this thread is just because you like that picture so much, isn't it??

  4. Did Ch@v0usti grow out of that arrogant/condescending streak?

    All I could think when I read this is "short- man syndrome." Get it? "Grow" out of the arrogant/condescending streak??

    (no offense to any short men out there...)

    When I met Chav0u$+ie, he seemed more like your typical neutered male Rosalie lap-dog type... Hey, come to think of it, Rupp's pretty short, too.

    That's why L0ngley won't be president... Too tall.

  5. I used to wonder why there were no great healings in the PFAL books like this one that were done by VP except in India. I thought it had something to do with an abundance of unbelief in our modern society.

    Now I am thinking it had more to do with it being a lot harder to debunk claims made in the far off exotic land of India.

    I was soooooo naive!

  6. Oh my gosh! I hope there aren't any innies from HQ reading the stuff about HQ being bugged!


    ROTFL!!! As if they didn't have enough to be paranoid about!!!

    Here's a hint, staffers... Your bosses don't get revelation from God! Nope... They are watching andistening to EVERYTHING!!!

  7. I just want to clarify - I'm not blaming my parents at all - they did the best they could to be good parents, and they love us kids a lot. I'm just sorting through a lot of thoughts about how I ended up the way I did... Why did I stick around in TWI and buy their stuff so easily, and then become so very very committed to it?

    So many peices of the puzzle to still fit together.

  8. Beguiled, your story is very similar to my brothers... I know what you went through was tough, being raised in TWI can really be a mind-f***. Glad you are out and done with it. Enjoy your stay at the cafe. It has helped me a lot and continues to help!

  9. I just realized recently that my childhood primed me to be the perfect cult member - submissive, naive, willing to believe that everything was perfect when it wasn't, hating conflict, sweeping any problems under the rug, and completely blind to reality.

    My husband was not nearly as affected by TWI as I was - his family is a bunch of fighters - they argue constantly, they bicker, they make up and get over it. Conflict is considered normal, and they have lived in the same area for generations. Some of them in his extended family hold grudges for so long they forget why they were fighting in the first place... thy can be overbearing a$$h0!es but they are honest with each other and with themselves. They don't put up with bull $h!t.

    I really believe that my childhood experiences really skewed my internal instincts when it came to seeing the truth about TWI - I just never wanted to think negative thoughts even before I got involved.

    Well, back to therapy for me!

    **edited for clarity

  10. No, not a racist remark. That's a reference to one of the endearing little stories Rupp tells in their new FNC about his childhood, where he used to mix up chocolate milk, and he relates it to the Word. It's extremely cheesy. You know, like someone is pretending to be genuine but hasn't practiced that act very much in 20 or 30 years?

    Didn't think it was racist at all!! I managed to somehow avoid taking the new FNC and missed that anecdote, but from my brief personal encounters with Rupp, I could see him calling himself "chocolicious" - blech. There is NOTHING I find attractive about that short little pineapple-head.

  11. Back in my early twenties I was confronted by my twig coordinator on the amount of my tithing check. She was convinced that I wasn't giving at least ten percent of my income. At the time I was working as a salesperson at a store in the mall and making just above minimum wage. I actually showed her my check stub so that she would believe me. She then told me she didn't know how I could live on that amount and that I needed to find another job so that i could increase my giving so God could bless me more.

    I used to condemn myself because by giving ten percent I was ALREADY living on a need basis and couldn't move on to ABS level, much less plurality giving!!

  12. Welcome, Cal! The Cafe is always open!

    My husband and I faded away about three years ago.. It's been so nice since! GSC has helped me a lot when it comes to understanding what happened while I was in.

    And chockfull - "chocolicious" ??? Rupp? For a second I thought you were talking about L0max... And it still turned my stomach.

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