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Posts posted by JavaJane

  1. I have a spiritual suspision that you're all possessed! :biglaugh: How could you reject the wonderful "truth" that our Father in the Word so loving provided for us?

    Yes.... BUT, is it a genuine spiritual suspicion?:evildenk:

  2. Well, we caught two raccoons in traps provided by a professional. Then bait started being stolen out of the traps without setting them off. The catch-it guy said he thought it was squirrels. He's wrong - it's a small raccoon - about half the size of the ones we caught. I found him last night on the deck with the hummingbird feeder having a great old time. Husband and I both threw stuff at him from the door - he would run off the deck and then just come right back five minutes later. I ended up throwing a glass of water on him and then going out and getting the hummingbird feeder and moving it to the garage.

    We live next to a wooded area, and I think the population of raccoons is not even dented by the ones we trapped, and at $130.00 to lay the traps and $70.00 for each raccoon caught, to trap them all will put us in bankruptcy. We are going to try a motion activated sprinkler to keep him off the deck at night.... I'll let you all know how that works!

  3. The funny thing to me is LCM referred to lesbians as pillow biters, yet my understanding of his adulterous affairs included girl on girl action. That spells hypocrite to me.

    Nah, he was just planning on using it as a teaching example for Way of Abundance and Power II: The Porno

  4. Wow, that really hurts my heart for him. But good for him he has stayed sober for two years. Are your parents able to help him now? I can't imagine the guilt they must have gone through over this.

    I know a lot of families that are a tattered mess because of twi. I'm sorry yours was one of them. But even so, as you said, you do love each other and that will help.

    My parents are still wracked with guilt over what happened to him. I still have slot of guilt for marking and avoiding my family, too, even though it was years ago and they have forgiven me. Just knowing you are capable of doing something so heartless to people who love you messes with your mind!

    I had one friend who helped me a lot with this, though. I had told her that I was afraid that I could abandon my child at some point because I had abandoned my family (I was not yet a parent at this point) - my friend told me that I would be the last person she would expect to do that because I knew what it felt like to abandon those you love. She's absolutely right. It will never ever happen to me again!

  5. Her husband only looks like her first husband to her - when you see his reflection (at least for a while) he looks like the guy who's body he took over.

    I think they sorta jumped the shark with it.

  6. java, how is your 16-year-old brother today? oh man what a heartbreak

    I would love to say that my brother has shaken it all off and is living a successful happy life. But I can't say that. He has been in and out of rehab and prison for most of his adult life, but has remained sober for over two years now and is going to back to college for his degree - that is good. He did manage to graduate high school on his own after he was kicked out. He is a good guy with a good heart, but he has an addiction problem which stems from what happened when he was a teenager. I think twi can be at least partially to blame for what happened to him.

    Btw, exie - crazy clip!!! Did I see Donna in one bit of footage??

  7. Can't blame that one on lcm's hateful screeds- he didn't make it up,

    and he didn't take it out of context.

    (For him, that almost qualifies as erudite research!)

    As your links show, while the term "breeders" is correct as far as being a derogatory term used for heterosexuals, to say (as Craig did) that all gays and lesbians use the term is as ludicrous as saying all white people use the n word to describe African Americans.

    LCM made it sound (to my teenage, niave ears) as if all the gays and lesbians were working together in a secret underground network to systematically overthrow civilization and make us all homosexual.

  8. It reminds me of Jim Jones and the People's Temple and their homes they set up for the elderly, who in turn willed their money to the church...

    Might want to think on that for a minute, and then get the heck out of that church, or confront them with the similarity.

  9. And.... if as TWI teaches, Lucifer only took one-third of the angels with him when he fell, then why is so much emphasis placed on the "devil spirit realm"? And why is it that it is taboo to speak about angels (who are godly)? Why is it that guardian angels and angels that are talked about are considered to be devil spirits??


    And why is it that VP thought the word "demon" was too "cute" to describe "devil spirits"??

    The whole thing is wacky.

  10. I heard from a coworker today that she is giving her oldest daughter who has behavioral problems to a Christian home to be raised for a year - she will get counselling and help to overcome a lot of difficulties in her life from her mom's two failed marriages and being rejected by her father. It broke my heart. She won't be able to even have a phone conversation with her mom for 30 days. As a parent, this would kill me.

    Maybe it's because I was separated from my family for so long (even though I was an adult, it was horrible)... I can't imagine being separated from my child like that! I suppose a lot of my concern in this category is caused by my experience in TWI. Maybe I will become too clingy to my kids in response. I hope not.

  11. One of my siblings and I were talking about this very thing last night. I "marked and avoided" my family for five years after they were kicked out of the WC because I believed the lies Mosquito told me (he was on the phone with my LC the MOMENT he had them pack up their stuff and leave, and my LC was on the phone with me IMMEDIATELY after - they missed my parent's call to me by SECONDS... How is that for trying to break up a family??) They never specifially told me to M&A my family, but it was encouraged, and I remember having meetings with my LC where he told me that it would be "best" to limit my contact with them because it was effecting me spiritually.

    Prior to this in preparation for inresidentured training as WC, my parents kicked my 16 year old brother out for being "rebellious"... kicked out as in threw him out on the street with NOTHING but the clothes on his back. He lived under a bridge for a while before he took up dealiing drugs to make enough money to live - because no one would hire a 16 year old at a legitimate job without an address or parents' permission. He is still recovering from that.

    Well, it has been seven years since I reconciled with my family, and three years since I left TWI. My family is still effected by the whole situation - they keep major life events secret until they absolutely have to tell someone else (major life event like marriage, divorce, "I'm going overseas for the next six months and you can't contact me", major across country moves, etc.) The entire family is disconnected. We do love each other, and I have one brother I am very close with now, and for that I am thankful. But when you compare that to my husband's family (and according to TWI, we should NEVER compare!) my family is a tattered mess. See, my husband's family was never in TWI.... there is nothing more important to them than family - and that includes in-laws like me! Our child plays with her second and third cousins on a monthly if not weekly basis. FAMILY.... EARTHLY FAMILY is more important than any religious group.

    And if any religious group tries to break up families, they have nothing to do with God.

    And if any religious group tries to put down the importance of the family to GOD, then God is not in them,

    GOD loves us - he is our Father (in Christian religions) and our Mother (in other religions)... God is the Ultimate Parent, the Designer of families. To try and pull those bonds apart that God built into our DNA is evil.

  12. My guess?? Rosie is in power until she dies... She *might* set someone else in power, or have a document that says who will take over (my guess would be R?pp) if she dies. She will want to wait until the last possible moment to ensure her comfort and poisition are kept intact - because if someone else steps in she would be second best.

    After her death? Massive power grab from Moneyhands, Rupp, and maybe others. Will probably have several split offs.

    All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again. Yup... Will be just like LCM an G33r, just with different names. My hope? That it all takes such a beating that there are no people left to hear their teachings.

    But who will get the money?

    My bets on T!mmy.

  13. I had a a guy who took the class because he thought I would date him if hr took it. I told him beforehand that I was not interested, in fact, I only invited him to fellowship to try and discourage him because all the people at my fellowship were sorta weird and I had a really hard-a** fellowship coordinator. Of course, the hard-a** fellowship coordinator was all over the poor idiot when he came to fellowship and got him signed up for the class in a heartbeat. Then I was spiritually obligated to follow up with the guy by calling him every day and carting him to and from class - sorta fed into his delusion that I would date him... poor guy. He eventually got the hint.

    I hated every second of it.... and I ended up getting USED to get the dude in the class.

  14. Microsoft is not only flagging our mail as spam, they are refusing delivery. Done every thing they want and still they refuse.

    Never did like Microsoft.

    Then again, they did finally get back with me. Supposedly in a couple days they'll stop bouncing our email.

    :evilshades:Maybe Microsoft has an unholy alliance with TWI???

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