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Posts posted by JavaJane

  1. Probably been hashed and rehashed here at the GSC... But why was LCM the choice for president instead of someone else? Better boot licker? Had more dancing ability? Knew more swear words? Looked better in tights? Wife was willing to swing both ways?

    In all our discussion of who would be Rosie's replacement, it just got me thinking...

    Why LCM? It would seem to me that it would be more logical to select Don and keep it in the family.

    Maybe it was the hypnotic power of the five-head?

  2. Twinky, that would imply that a mistake had been made... That TWI is not infallible.

    We can't have that, can we? It would tear a hole on the fabric of the universe if twi admitted they weren't perfect!

  3. More than a few time I thought I was losing something in my head when they insisted they'd not said something (lie) and I'd surely misunderstood (insult lie) then puke some new lie on top of all that. Took me 16 years to realize that.

    oh, I remember those mindgames well... Usually happened when you followed their bizarre instructions without the desired result... Or if you were confronting someone in a leadership position.

  4. Give it up, Rosie... Now you just look pathetic and sad. And a little insane. The number of WC grads keeps dropping, as does the number of students for the Advanced Class. What? Are you just going to BELIEVE your way to living dead status? Maybe have them take your brain out and preserve it in a jar with some wires sticking out so you can keep absolute control?

    Or maybe you could just neuter the younger guys as a condition of cabinet-hood?

  5. I've heard they've considered hiring a landscaping company . . . might be cheaper . . . but yeah, who could they yell at?

    I heard the same about Housekeeping... but they need the SPIRITUAL awareness of a believer to really make sure the toilets don't have poo poo crumbs in them. And the whole vacuuming the carpet without leaving lines behind.

  6. Someone.....please turn off the lights at twi. Reminds me of those Ernest Angley services that we used to laugh at decades ago.....Click here

    Totally off topic.... My Dad does the BEST Ernest Angley impression.

    EVIL DEMONS BEGONE!!!!!!! (Someone should try that move on Rosalie - slap her on the forehead and see if the demons leave...)

  7. The Way International NEEDS staff....

    Like a submarine needs a screen door.

    and the Staff need TWI like a hole in the head!!

    Or maybe they just need them to fill up the shot used during the STS for the video?

    I saw a facebook status update from a new staff member the other day - they were headed to the STS - and what a privilege it is to go! Only the spiritually mature can handle all that robotic repetitive monotonous bull poopy for that long. And even they are forced to attend!

  8. I've met quite a few people who are involved in occult stuff. None are involvd in a hierarchy of leaders leading up to th MOG that they look up to and obey without qustion.

    I think it was the desire to control people from the top down that really hurt way people.

    I think that hit the nail on the head!!

  9. Does anyone else remember LCM telling us that he had a revelation that TWI would always have at least two people believing The Word ™ until the return of Christ....

    Maybe GSC's ever rising population, and the decrease of TWI's followers is a sign of the impending Apocolypse? :blink:

    OH NOES!!!

  10. Another time I was discussing why the USA has such fertile land and why the Middle East can't grow any crops. The answer? Years and years of unbelief coupled with slothfulness in not tilling the ground has made the ground unable to bear crops.

    What an astounding grasp of history and ecology and horticulture that have!! (I am being sarcastic here!)

  11. Oh, exie!!!! I cannot even express how that makes me feel that you went hrough that. What an amazing strong woman you are to be able to express your story in writing.

    George, well put!!

    As for those offspring off VP who still fellowship with twi, I think acknowledging the truth of what really happened and how hurtful it was to others ( rapes, abuse, suicides) is too much of an emotional burden for them.

  12. Want people to come on Staff? How about this: treat them like responsible adults - let them sleep and eat where they want to!! Let them live off campus if they so desire. Get rid of communal bathrooms in Founder's Hall. Don't REQUIRE attendance at things (STS, noon meal, etc.)... Let people have fellowships with people outside their department (your boss shouldn't be your minister - it's a conflict of interest). Don't have a curfew.

    That still wouldn't overcome the drawbacks to living in New Knoxville in the company of a cult, but that's just me!

  13. My brothers used to hide porn in the underwear drawer... I wonder how the coordinators would have liked that? Probably fine as long as it was decent and in order and stacked appropriately by date.

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  14. Everybody got to get up your business, you know??

    Remember the weekly schedules some of you people had to turn in? I remember my mom telling me that they had to schedule sex with their spouse and then put it on the schedule for approval while they were in residence. Then their coordinator would tell them if they thought they hadn't allotted enough time or if they had allotted too much. Good grief.

    And, from what I understand, the department coordinators at HQ would pick up people's mail and deliver it to their employees?? (Of course, all of it was handled by the Procuress, Ramona first)... I always thought that was a bit of an invasion of privacy.

    Sounds like you won that argument, What?

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