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Everything posted by bowtwi

  1. The best videos of Rosalita Come Out Tonight are not embed-able, so here's a link so you can see the show. http://youtube.com/watch?v=glcPJHm0yN0&feature=related Happy Birthday!!!
  2. HBO is airing all of his specials between tomorrow and the weekend. Here's a link to the schedule. http://www.hbo.com/events/george-carlin/tr...feat_main_image
  3. bowtwi

    Herb information

    I believe you mean to find Masterherbalist.
  4. Outstanding! What fun to read!
  5. Peter, I can see your house from here! He fell on his a$$, I told you he was crippled!
  6. I'm one of several people I know of that were M & A'd for false accusations of being homosexual. My son is another. A family I knew was kicked out because the husband wore his hair long and did the housecleaning. He didn't "dress" appropriately. He had worn sweats to twig. He ran a cleaning business - that was not acceptable to the leadership. The man was told he wasn't man enough to attend household fellowships. (He had been the assistant twig coordinator for several years - this came out of nowhere to him.) A lady I was wow with was kicked out for being "a fag hag," a "homo sympathizer." She had been seen eating lunch at a rock with a (gasp) known homosexual man. She also failed to discern my and my son's homo spirit... Those are just off the top of my head.
  7. Gee, Caveman, that's quite a leap from my description of what I experienced firsthand to your remark ASSuming that I don't like fun. Obviously, you've never had the pleasure of spending any time with me. JavaJ - If you do decide to attend this church, I'd love to hear about your impression.
  8. JJ - I've been to the IHOP church. Once. I have never had such an intense church experience in all my life. First off, it's HUGE - HUGE!!! Lots and lots and lots of people. Huge parking lot. Lots and lots and lots of vehicles. Secondly, it's loud. VERY LOUD. They had very cool-appearing musicians (full bands like you'd see at a rock concert, not singingladiesoftheway at ALL), but it's SO LOUD that I got a headache from it (and I enjoy loud music). I was steadily distracted by all the people that were running around or dancing or falling down on the floor or or dropping to their knees or shouting "Praise Jesus" and "I love you Jesus" at what appeared to me to be random moments throughout the service. I enjoyed the teaching itself. I enjoyed the energy of the room altho it freaked me out a little bit (all things in the church service not being my idea of decent OR in order, not their issue, but mine, I know). I enjoyed the live music until it got so loud it hurt my head. The service seeemed to go on forever. Something else happened that I've never experienced before or since that night. I was told the people "prayed IN THE SPIRIT", meaning that they prayed hard enough that they collectively sort of summoned THE HOLY SPIRIT into the room. I don't know that I believe that, it's what I was told there by several people "in the know". I do know I felt something intense and heavy in that room and people were saying it was "THE HOLY SPIRIT". The people that brought me there knew my ex-way background and placed themselves strategically between me and the exit. The one that was not ex-way, but might as well be, cause she was initially introduced to "Christianity" via ex-way people that continue to act like they're in a cult, but that's another talk show, this other lady told me on the way home that she had felt "led" to drop to her knees (something to do with showing humility to the Lord), but she fought the urge and won that fight cause she knew it would tip me right over the edge. They said it was quite a learning experience for them to observe my reactions to all that was going on there. I'm not saying don't go. I'm saying prepare yourself for worship in the midst of a 3-ring-circus. That's how it felt to me. I didn't know where to focus my attention, there were always so many things going on at once. I've not gone back, but I felt duped by the people who took me and wasn't giving them the opportunity to do that again. It seems to me the service was 2 hours long. This was 4 years ago or so and this is what comes immediately to my mind when I recall that night.
  9. He may well have made that statement, I don't remember that one. One I do remember that always freaked me out a little was that God told him that as long as the Wierwille family was "standing," that the Word would continue to live. Man, talk about respector of persons and undue pressure on your own family...
  10. bowtwi

    Infomercial Hell

    I haven't had satellite tv for at least 3 months now - I don't miss it a bit! I'm tickled not to be spending that $80 every month on tv and still have nothing worth watching on weekends when I'm free to lounge around and watch tv. I'll reassess my situation in the fall and I may sign back up, but I'm really glad to see how well we're doing without it. The only 2 shows I actually watch are on ABC. Of course, if they'd bring back The Sopranos, I'd want HBO again...
  11. I just spent the last 3 hours going through hymms of worship with my daughter to help her select one that she's going to sing for the church congregation. She was asked last week if she'd like to do this by her school choir diirector who also attends the church we do; she even offered to accompany her on guitar. While I was playing youtube songs to show Annie what songs I had in mind I started crying and it was tear after tear down my face all during this time. My daughter kept handing me tissues and hugging me as if I needed consoling, but I felt just fine. I was simply crying. I don't feel guilty, I don't feel unworthy (anymore), I don't think these tears are a negative thing at all. I was surprised by them, as I had thought I was all done with that sort of crying, but apparently not. Maybe it is simply a tender heart. I cry at the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, when I see people I love receive awards, all sorts of things like that. I'm not worried about the why of it anymore. If I'm just a tenderheart, that's not the worst thing I could be. I just have learned to keep tissues around. No big deal. She's chosen In The Garden. I sure hope I can get this on video.
  12. I don't really know exactly what the sobbing is all about. I know it took me over 3 years to get past it, but I didn't attend church every week for that 3 years. Everyone has an opinion. I've been told it's cause my heart is SO MEEK. I've been told it's GUILT. I've been told it's SIMPLY MY STYLE OF WORSHIP. I've probably forgotten a few things I'd been told by well-meaning people who set out to fix what's broken in me. Whatever it really is, I'm about done with it. If you'd like to see if we can get together some time we could probably meet in the middle and it'd only ba a half-hour drive for each of us. You're certainly welcome to come check this church out if you'd like. The first service starts at 8:30. The Sunday School class begins at 9:45 and the second church service begins at 10:50. They have donuts and coffee in a fellowship room in between... They pray to Jesus. Some of them believe the trinity. I like it cause to me it's simply a matter of being with other Christians to worship God (and maybe Jesus some too) and get fed spiritually. I have a couple personal stories I'd share with you if you're interested - don't want to post them on a public board, but I believe this preacher is the real deal because of several experiences I've had myself. The nondenominational church I attended was called New Life Worship Center. I quit going there after an uncomfortable incident regarding speaking in tongues. They were very much "their way or the highway" in their dealing with people. I chose the highway.
  13. JJ - I'm about an hour north of you. If I were closer I'd check out that church Mark Clarke told you about. Sounds interesting. Besides, we got our puppy in Peculiar - I like that general area... I attend a First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I've checked out our local Baptist, Methodist, am ex-way "Indian fellowship" that meets in a home, and a nondenominational church. The only one I haven't visited in town here is the Assembly of God. The church I attend have 2 services Sunday mornings - they call the first one 'contemporary' and sing the modern worship songs. Everyone that takes communion, which is offered weekly (I really like that), goes up the aisle to the front to receive communion, then stands in a circle around the church, holding hands while they share their prayers and praises of prayers answered. That's a bit much for me personally. The second service, which I attend, is called the 'traditional' service - they sing the old hymms (which I love) and the communion stuff is passed around the pews. I really enjoy communion offered so often. The Sunday School class joins together at the end for hand-holding in a circle while they pray together. I'm not too uncomfortable with that, altho I could do just as well without the hand-holding part. I haven't joined and there's never been any pressure to join. I don't tithe there and there's never been any pressure to tithe there. Nobody gives me any guff whatsoever. If I don't go nobody bothers me about it. When I do go they seem glad to see me. I've been attending their Sunday School class and getting a lot out of it. My daughter's choir director is a member of this church and last week she told my daughter she'd really like to see her sing a song for the congregation. We're working on picking one out this week. It used to be that whenever I went to church I would actually sob until they got to the teaching. It's been months now since I've even cried much there. I used to get panic attacks in churches and would have to leave immediately. I'm feeling at ease there every time I go. They don't tell people what to believe. They welcome everyone. They really do welcome everyone. The organ player is gay and doesn't pretend he's not. When he and his partner came to town it was a bit uncomfortable for some, but the preacher is awesome and helped those with issues about it to understand how Jesus would welcome them. When someone in the Sunday School class has a need, the rest work it out together to be sure the one in need has what they can't do for themselves. It's great fun to watch in action. .. I can't wait to hear what you decide and how it goes. I'm confident that there's a church that'll be a great fit for you.
  14. May your day be filled with things that bring you joy.
  15. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    That'd improve my mood too, mstar! Thanks!Here's what I just listened to.John Prine - Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian John Prine - Aw Heck
  16. bowtwi


    In the late 80s our area had some class or other going on over a weekend in our limb city. Most of the believers in our branch booked rooms for the weekend in the same hotel. I was married to what the way called an "unbelieving believer", who wasn't involved in the way at all. A male believer and I had gotten to be really close friends and spent a lot of our free time at the rock together. We exchanged platonic back and neck rubs and never ever crossed any boundaries between us. We were both always aware that I was a married lady... If this guy had lived in my town, he and my then-husband would have been great buddies. This guy and I decided to share a room to cut down on our expenses. My husband knew all about this plan and trusted me completely. He also enjoyed the idea of me not having to pay full room price by myself. We had no other "single" ladies from our area for me to room with. When our limb coordinator's wife and I were discussing the weekend about a week before the event, she hit the roof to hear that this guy and I were going to share a room for the weekend. She gave me all sorts of lecture about lest the ministry be blamed and when I said, but MY HUSBAND approves with this plan, so why would anyone else have an issue - she quoted that verse about avoiding the appearance of evil... She basically ordered me not to share a room with this man, my friend. We wound up with adjoining rooms, but dang! Here the leadership was carrying on like they were and all we two were trying to do was save a buck and enjoy a weekend together - platonic and bible study oriented.
  17. Robes, My mom killed herself when I was 18. I got involved with twi not long after and for all my years in twi, I was angry with my mother, considered her weak, was sure she was going to hell and I'd never see her again. It took me quite a few years after leaving twi to sort through my feelings and beliefs. Today, I believe that I will see my mom again, just as you will see your nephew. I believe God is a compassionate God and I just don't see him punishing Michael, much less your entire family for the suicide. I think that God understands Michael's pain more than any of us could and that he loves him, as well as your sister and your entire family. I think of Michael as I do my own mom, at rest now, awaiting the return, when his next waking thought will be Jesus tapping him gently on the shoulder telling him it's time to wake up and join the gathering together, reuniting with his loved ones without the pain of today. My prayers are with your family.
  18. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Lou Reed - Perfect Day Lou Reed - Rock and Roll Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side
  19. bowtwi

    Bowtwi's Birthday

    Maybe that's 'cause it IS pronounced "bow tie". See, I spell it capital B-O-W-t-w-i. (I'm a total word nerd, I know.) I figure it like this: It's MY screen name so I take poetic license... B is for BETTER. O is for OFF. The first W is for WITHOUT. Those are capital letters - emphasis on them. The lower case t - w - i refers to the cult by name. I do not capitalize them as I do not respect the cult. Not only do I not capitalize them as I would any other "proper noun", but the lower case w in my screen name is a silent w. My way of silencing thewayinternational in my little corner of the world. The lower case letter i is a long i - sounds like the word "eye". Part of the fun of this particular screen name is remembering Shell trying to wrap her mouth around pronouncing that second letter w - makes me giggle every time - lol (She says it like it's "boat-why"). But then she also calls me "box", but that's another story for another day (unless Shell wants to tell it). I used to have an avatar of a monkey sporting a bow tie, so that might also give the subliminal message that it's pronounced that way. If I ever get sick of my current avatar (not TOO likely), I may switch to that bow tie you posted. I like it. Off for a birthday walk Thanks for the good wishes!
  20. Not if they're chicken!
  21. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet - BTO
  22. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Boogie On Reggae Woman - Stevie Wonder
  23. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Come Rain or Come Shine - Billie Holiday
  24. bowtwi

    Talkshoe Live

    This was my first time on talkshoe last night. What great fun - what a treat to hear voices of folks I've enjoyed in print for years. All that laughter has to be good for us! I'm definitely planning on being there tonight! Thanks, Paw!
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