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Everything posted by DrWearWord

  1. Romans 1:11.For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established ; 12.That is , that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. 13.Now I would not have you ignorant , brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto ,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. 14.I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. Comment: This "spirtual gift" that Paul gave to Rome was to condemn homosexuals... So are all supposed to be comforted together in that "knowledge" that God hates homosexuals? It this "truth"? This is the good news? Are homosexuals liars who have deceived themselves with false imagination? Do Homosexuals dishonor their bodies with lust, unnatural, and they all hate God can’t stand thinking about God and then Paul lists homosexuals with every truly vile behavior he can rattle off… And these "demons" which make homosexuals "unclean" have nothing to do with science but with this “spirit of truth” according to Paul and we are supposed to be “willing” servants to the laws he writes. We are supposed to also believe we are free from law at the same time. Romans 19 19.Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. Comment: So God said it and that settles it? Only a few know and Paul is one and he SINCERLY "thinks" what he has to says is the TRUTH. Moses said that God personally told him also to stone to death homosexuals (with ham eaters too). And the loving Christ Jesus of Paul the Apostle has the blood of homosexuals all over his pure white raiment. 1Corinthains 14:32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Comment: More ambiguity... Paul lays down the law then says there is no law. So there is the ambiguity of the letter of the law versus the righteousness of the law. And we are told the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets themselves then Paul contradicts himself and says he is not writing what he thinks but what the spirit tells him... Heb 10:16 KJV This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; Comment: Paul decides just in case the laws are not in the heart he will lay a few down anyway. Though knowledge “puffs up” a little knowledge about hating homosexuals is ok? Are these God's laws or the laws of the prophet Paul? Paul says he tells us these things so our lives won't be "grievous" but the only grief homosexuals get are from Paul’s "laws" that are used to persecute them… So does the loving father give a gift which is a scorpion? And whose heart has been "darkened" toward homosexuals? And does this hatred for homosexuals make the hearts of "Christians" vain? Orthodoxy is broken and the real lie is that homosexuality a sin. The REAL truth is that if it were not for homosexuals, heterosexuals would have killed each other long ago. It is the middle sex that has the TRUTH, compassion, tolerance. Homosexuality is just as PURE as heterosexuality. And again and so often the flat earth "words way" of the Bible is used to persecute a neighbor. Science has proven that homosexuality is genetic and not a devil spirit. It is a natural state of life that belongs through evolution between the sexes. Orthodoxy has turned the sanctity of homosexuality into a lie, their hearts are hardened against homosexuals and they shall receive the recompense of that which is meet. If I were to hate homosexuals through or by the gospel of Christ, I would be ashamed of that gospel.
  2. The truth is ambiguity. The word interprets itself? The spirit of truth: Is the spirit of truth, spirit or truth? Law of liberty: Is the law of liberty, law or liberty? Is it really possible to derive truth from ambiguity? Is ambiguity simple? Does truth change when knowledge changes? If relative truth changes with knowledge then is ultimate truth merely an ideal bound for egregious error? So we girt our loins with ambiguity and our hearts with ambiguity and we run the race with ambiguity for the ambiguous prize that may or may not exist in the way we perceive it. 1 Corinthians 8:1 KJV Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up , but charity edifieth . Comment: Can charity exist without a conscious mind? Can charity exist outside of the knowledge of God? Even "love" is ambiguous.
  3. I thank you for making this seemingly insignificant but actually vital distinction. True, Christ Jesus is the lord even though people may have been taught differently. But to confess something is to believe what we say. What is it that we believe that qualifies one in our own heart to be lord of our life? There needs to be sufficient verity of truth. Is it blind submission or should our confession be the collective idea of gnosis? Do we receive the spirit out of a simple small ‘b’ belief and over time develop a big ‘B’ Belief and what of when we spend our whole lives confessing him as lord and we in the end, end up hating homosexuals, hating those who have not come to our own conclusions and just as confused as to what God's will really is? Was it worth his putting so much FAITH into something that ultimately led us into a radical eccentric form of terror? I believe Jesus Christ is the lord of creation as God is the Creator of creation but I still have not come unto a "knowledge of the truth"... Truth is more elusive than God. e⋅lu⋅sive   –adjective 1. eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define: an elusive concept. 2. cleverly or skillfully evasive: a fish too elusive to catch. Romans 7:19 KJV For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do .
  4. Matthew Shepherd was martyred whether he was Christian or not. What is the price of a homosexual human life? The meek shall inherit the earth. I might also add that Jesus says heterosexuals (and not just homosexuals) will not go to heaven either... Apparently Jesus believed there was no differentiation of sex in heaven. Like the angels... My point is that people don’t think these biblical doctrines “throughly”… Matthew 22:30 KJV For in the resurrection they neither marry , nor are given in marriage , but are as the angels of God in heaven. Mark 12:25 KJV For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry , nor are given in marriage ; but are as the angels which are in heaven. Comment: I guess heterosexuals just "forget" 60 some years of love and marriage when they get to heaven. Where is the "hope" in that? Maybe people can still fornicate outside the gates of paradise. (cynical)
  5. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Comment: Is celibacy "knowing no sin"... Or was fathering a child out of wedlock with Magdalene, knowing no sin, Or maybe it was just gathering and hanging out with twelve dudes constantly talking about "love" that gives him his sinless character?
  6. I might suggest that Jesus Christ is the one who judges what sacred love is, not other saints. I am confused and wonder what qualifies Jesus to judge whether homosexuality is sacred? Who is Jesus? A man whom orthodoxy says, never married, a man that the gnostics say, had a child with Magdalene and yes, he gathered twelve men and not one of them, not even Peter, felt free to, "agape" him. Then the world murdered Jesus Christ (like Matthew Shepherd) and has used it ever since to condemn homosexuals. Is that logical? Is that the "message of Christ", is that the "good news"? Sometimes the "truth" needs defense.
  7. I am reminded of the Teutonic Knights. They were mostly men (probably homosexuals) who swore off the cozy picked fence lifestyle, hopped on a horse and traveled to the "holy lands" to save Christendom from extinction... I find it ironic that these Knights who had likely viewed homosexuality as a sacred rite, when they returned from the holy lands, were condemned by the very same Christendom that sent them in search of, “the cup of Christ…” (In chess, a knight never moves in a straight line.)
  8. Geisha I am not really agreeing or disagreeing with you. I just think that you care regardless and that to me is the heart of Jesus Christ's message. Many of us, no matter what the word says in certain places know contrary and have a grip on what is right and wrong. Yet many have differing opinions. We are told to sin no more, then we are told that we are above sin, then we are told that all who are above sin are liars. Then Paul the Apostle goes on for several pages saying that he does what he does, not because he does, but because he does... Then we have the law of liberty versus the law of sin and death, and we are free indeed! And all of this justifies telling a homosexual that their sacred love for their same sex partner is a devil spirit... Where is the love in that?
  9. Revelation 20:3 KJV And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up , and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled : and after that he must be loosed a little season. Comment: What is a bottomless pit? One of my long suits I like to believe is geometry, so this pit has me naturally intrigued because I do not just think of it as a source of "fear" but I tend to have the propensity to visualize it and survey its design. My first thought is a “clay pit". Clay pits are where potters in antiquity would get their raw materials to make their clay pots/vessels/figurines/and “stone tablets for writing”, these stone tablets are often baked in the "sun" (another circular image). (crowns worn on the head are also circular) Immediately I then relate the endless writing of humans as the “bottomless pit”. So to really state it in its simplest way, from the clay pit came endless discourse. Clay pits are usually round, they are fissures in the earth so their geometric shape do indeed have a bottom or else they would jut out of the other side of the earth. So we can learn from a clay pit also that they never come square (rarely things in nature do) they always naturally occur as circular or linear, well, “pits”… Pits are usually round and circular. So what was cast into the pit? Zero… This is my theory… From back to the beginning of civilized thought (6 thousand years ago) zero was the greatest secret. Zero was the unspeakable name and number of God Zero was only known by the most high priests of a globally secret order of monotheists/pagans etc. Thus everything these priests did culturally contained this zero... but HIDDEN within. Hidden covering the bottomless pit and "shut up". For zero is not only hidden but it also represents silence. To be “shut up” is to have zero say in a matter. The “seal” which is also connected to the circular ring which there is also zero (a ring) concealed behind a symbol or seal on the face of the ring (where the two ages meet). Three times zero is inferred in this scripture without actually mentioning it. It is apparent the writers of the old testament understood zero yet never voiced it other than in mystical figures of speech. And this knowledge of zero became LOST… So has zero been found again? Is this the season of zero? Is zero still shut up? When will zero speak? When will the clay rise up out of the pit and begin to reveal what is unspoken within zero? Consider that zero (including writing and art) was completely hidden for about a thousand years during the “dark ages”. Zero was the gateway to what we today refer to as higher learning. Zero is also the first binary number which makes computer logic possible. Consider also... have you ever tried to multiply large numbers in roman numerals? It is nearly impossible. Zero is the seed of all numbers as clay was the seed of all written words. I am not saying that this is really what this verse means nor am I trying to make any apocalyptic pronouncement. I am just saying that if so we can marvel at the name of God and know that God is zero where for many ages past this was hidden in the bottomless pit. So a pit that has no bottom does still have a top, so the top is zero and it counts on down into the pit into infinity. This is the season of Zero. Peace with Zero
  10. Jesus Christ gathered twelve MALE disciples... Is that "inordinate affection"?
  11. Jesus Christ also gathered twelve MALE disciples... none of which at the time had the "LOVE" to stand up and die with him... (One in ten men are homosexual...) Colossians 3:5 KJV Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: Comment: I don't really know what I am saying here... Just babbling again...
  12. How many homosexual teens have committed suicide because of this man's loving God? James Dobson (feed my lambs)
  13. And what would you call turning water to wine? Alchemy? Dictionary.com Al-che-my (second meaning) any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value. (One might also note that the word Alchemy is of Arabic/Persian origin.)
  14. Is it any more of a leap in logic than... a woman who must walk ten paces behind a man and cover her face to, now she can walk beside him and wears makeup? Jesus Christ was a friend to SINNERS... So how does "mark and avoid" fit in here?
  15. Yes two millennium ago Jesus Christ was crucified by these same right and left brained fundamentalists, Mary Magdalene nearly lost her life by their hands also and it seems some are still hanging on to their nails and stones even today. Homosexuality in the old testament is listed with the great sin of eating pork! Eating pork is an abomination in the eyes of God and anyone who eats it is worthy of death! (cynical) In the New Testament Paul the Apostle concludes there is neither male nor female (left or right brain) but all are one in Christ then he, Paul (an unmarried man) defines the natural use of a woman? Isn’t there a bit of contradiction in this and some want to label this all LOGICAL?
  16. When our head doesn't hurt then we stop reasoning, we become complacent in left or right brained absolutes where the truth is actually and usually juxtaposed somewhere betwixt the twain. The only sin is breaking the law of liberty.
  17. How can a person "diligently" search for truth while we are uninstructed and not be considered a type of prostitute? In the span of my life I have dabbled in nearly every religion short of devil worship… Yet, it is always God I am searching for. There are so many rituals, holy days, laws, observances, societies and I feel now like I have reached some sort of pinnacle of either an all knowingness and acceptance, or maybe it is just pure lunacy. I can’t tell the difference anymore. I feel like they are all somehow a part of me like I am an ear of Indian corn… I am encompassed by imperfection yet somehow I have organized this imperfection into symmetry and order aligned in neat and tidy rows of compact thought spiraling around the core of my being. It seems very difficult to place a purpose on this idea or even this thread other than I want to reach a place where my eyes are opened. To imply there was a whore in Babylon it may be considered that this whore was actually supposed to have belonged to another, one or person. One may consider, “the whore” possibly being a metaphor for a religious system that honored the wrong deity… or a deity that administered the wrong religious system. Thus the dilemma is what deity belongs with the right religious system in order for one to not have prostituted or offered themselves out in vain? Has God changed or has our perception of God changed? Jesus was an early alchemist, where he used alchemy to transform his followers into God’s own spiritual essence. He used faith and alchemy to heal and perform miracles in the physical world. Where alchemy was used for ages to deceive the nations and was considered forbidden it suddenly was used by "God" to "redeem" the world. We are taught to “stand” not kneel before God yet (though equal to God) Jesus humbled himself before God. It seems there is no doctrine that cannot be broken by reason. So some days I feel like a whore, and some days I just feel like an innocent seeker, but as time goes on, am I moving forward or backward, am I growing nearer of farther along? When I get old and can’t even remember how to put on my socks will it even matter?
  18. Revelation 20:3 KJV And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up , and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled : and after that he must be loosed a little season.
  19. Perhaps the first century was an enlightened time of "revelation" and now two thousand years later it is a time to begin to decipher this revelation with "reason".
  20. I thank the last two posters for their illuminating replies! I am sorry I may let posts sit for a while before responding and posting. I am like a recovering blogger (alcoholic) that has a relapse every once in a while and then I am days posting blogs again on a binge. Besides this forum is a bit intimidating because I realize I am not just talking to those who have not had the same experience as me but I am talking with those who can actually understand and “nail” me on my sometimes errant doctrines. Some of the other "liberal/conservative" blogs on the net get very insulting as opposed to here where people seem to value each other more before they write rather than after. I have never been a blogger that can on a daily basis just have a few sips. Either I am blogging steady for days or dry as a bone. I think it relates to my own biorhythms and phases where I am either not ready to “release”… “receiving” or God is just being silent and giving no revelation so there is nothing to “retain” and incubate on. …By furthering the logic... then we would be the anti-tupos of God being created in God’s image and not the actual Tupos. I am reminded of words that have unique character because they sound like the action they perform. I remember (if I recall correctly) the Greek word for spit is “ptui” a words that sounds like its action. (Anyone remember what the formal name by which words like that are called?) So what is the sound of salvation? Trumpets? A big bang? A rushing mighty wind? Is the sound of breathing (inhale and exhale) the sound of Tupos and anti-Tupos? Is the spirit born without a sound? Would that sound be silence just as zero decibel is likened unto silence?
  21. Salvation is of grace VS salvation is of works… Jesus is God VS Jesus is not God… God is only light and love and has no evil VS God is an Old Testament barbarian warmonger who created the devil… God is knowledge VS God is spirit God detests sexual alternatives VS God has only one sex in Christ… Life begins at the moment of conception VS Life begins at the first breath… Christian soldiers VS Christians athletes There must be a cipher to understand these doctrines that seem to stand in direct opposition to one another. It seems all good Christian people do is polarize the issues. Is it reason that unites these all into one cohesive doctrine or is the truth forever shrouded in darkness?
  22. It appears that I am not the only word doctor here :)
  23. As in dreams where we sometimes allow our minds to wander out into the open spaces of our own captivity I dreamed this dream. I was high on a hill and an angel flew down and picked me up and carried me up into the heights of heaven. I looked down on the earth and saw the valleys and the open plains and they were as a pastoral painting of such beauty and awe. They were untouched by blight and the scourge of the worlds industries. As I neared the heavens I saw angels living in a harmonious communion. There was serenity and perfect peace among the heavenly spirits. Yet I was taken even higher to another heaven, one that was so far above all that I had ever perceived. There in this heaven sat God in a majestic throne. From without I saw radiance and a brightness of light that was both humbling and warm to my face. I soon was at the feet of this God in such humble submission that I felt there was no need to ever leave this place of such a great and wondrous presence. I could not help myself but to look up into the face of this God. To but once stare into the eyes of God and feel God's inner sanctity. As I looked up I noticed tears in God's eyes... They were reddened and his furrows were contorted with wrinkles and lines that witnessed of great sorrows. I was both startled and perplexed. Why was God crying? I spoke and my words seemed to become a hollow silence as if they had no atmosphere with which to travel. My lips were dry and my heart was beating from the shock of seeing such immense power cowering and wreathing in such perceived weakness. I managed to speak four words in a question. Why do you cry? God lifted his head and said, I cry for you... I cry that you will come to know my love. That you will seek the light and in such find it within to love your neighbor. I cry because you are crying and you hide your tears in my name... I cry and cannot cease from your pain. I have seen the hate and the bloodshed. I have seen the division and prejudice. I have seen the rage and violence and I weep for the world. I wanted to comfort this God and to hold this God in my arms but I could sense that this would not stop the tears. This would not end this God's suffering. As long as the world continued to live in chaos and injustice that this God would continue to cry... Somehow I was filled with love for this God. That in weakness and tenderness of heart I found respect. I drew close to this God and suddenly I began to cry. That was when the dream ended and when I awoke I had tears in my eyes and I only then knew the love of God. I knew to look to the heart and to strive for the good of all of creation. I wanted to do something to make this God smile again... To give this God a day or a moment of peace and rejoicing. To stand again and be a shining example to the world. To live in the love of God and to feel for the people. People have lost their ability to feel. They have become cold and hardened by this world. It is when we learn to cry that we learn compassion... Only through our compassion can the crying God smile again... DrWearWord Luke 3:4 As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight
  24. It does not have to be the "end time" to have a prophet. :) Many prophets may arise before the end times begin. This generation has seen many prophets. There may be great times of peace before the days of wrath come. The dead in Christ have been raised on Wikipedia... and we who are alive and remain have met the lord in the air over the internet through satellites. We may all be getting a text message from God soon in the twinkling of an eye and see Jesus face to face on webcam... :)
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