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Everything posted by DrWearWord

  1. Instead of loading down my liberty topic with numbers I thought I would handle this topic here. I am still stuck at the zero and one thing I have put days (if not months) of thought into this and I am still just barely scratching the surface on numbers and how they relate to our position and place in God and Christ Jesus. I have had some interesting breakthroughs. For instance, there is a big difference between the two phrases "in the beginning" and "at the beginning"... Where the preposition "in" could represent some time after the beginning where if God had used the words "at the beginning" it would represent that his actions commence at the very instant of the beginning rather than sometime within the beginning but not actually at the beginning. So to be in the beginning instead of at the beginning would this beginning be considered zero or one? Is the beginning spoken of in Genesis the beginning or are there two beginnings indicated. Where zero is the first beginning and one is the second beginning. Where in one numbering system zero represents a unit where in the other numbering system zero represents emptiness and void... Try that one on in your mind for a while and see how it fits... So with two time lines both starting at the same time one starting the count with zero and other other starting the count at one then in order to sync up the two systems we must mentally add or subtract one. Mt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Comment: Where when we do our math wrong things are subtracted from us...
  2. Some pick freedom and some pick slavery.. You cannot serve two masters.
  3. Better half full than half empty, better nothing in excess than everything in moderation... :)
  4. Abigail, you can't be half saved... :) (Back to numbers, or rather fractions) One can live by fear or faith. Let go and let God... :)
  5. Love liberty and forgiveness and you will be shunned like Jesus was... Kinda makes you wonder about "the way"...
  6. It does not take holy spirit to believe. There are certain innate qualities within people even without the holy spirit. There are unique qualities God placed in the hearts of every living organism. The desire for eternal life (survival) and the ability to believe and have hope.
  7. I was going to expound on this new number theory but I just lost my desire... It is not you Abigail, it is this idea that sin is more important than the spirit. I am so tired of correcting even the most self professed "Christians" of this truth... That it is God's works in us and not our works that saves us. Nothing even the most perfect Christian can do can please God. God is pleased by his own spirit in us walking in love and forgiveness. No matter how much people love throwing sin at people they are saved from this sin. For it is God who rejects and accepts the sinner not human judgment. Human judgment can only judge the flesh but it cannot know the spirit for the spirit is spiritually discerned.
  8. And knowing how to insult others well by "pointing fingers"... What part of the word "free" don't you understand?
  9. Where the two loops meet in the center is zero...
  10. I have not been on here discussing my ideas lately because whenever I become blank and unable to express what is in my mind I figure I am in a receive state of consciousness (as opposed to a retain state or release state.) Well it seems that now I am in a sort of release state. I get hung up on numbers... Suddenly I will perceive a new numerical equation and I become enamored almost listless with ecstatic exuberance. It appears I am in one of these moments now. Law and liberty and the mystery of how that they become "one" is something only the mystics can fully understand. Although this happens on a daily basis the how of how it happens is enshrouded in one of the greatest most inexplicable conundrums of all time. How this conundrum explains the rift between trinitarian and protestant. and it all boils down to numbers. (mathematical accuracy)
  11. Thanks Abigail, So is this truth something we thought of or something God thought of? Did we create this truth ourselves or is this truth the creation of God within us? John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
  12. John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Comment: Must we have the spirit first before we can know the truth? Is it the truth that makes us free or is it the equality of the spirit that makes us free? Is the spirit itself knowledge of God? If so why does the Bible talk about knowledge vanishing away, isn't the spirit eternal?
  13. Very good point. Paul is after Christ where Moses was before Christ. Paul was after the arrival of gnosis. "The ability to "know" God..." (Mohamed was also after Christ too) Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Comment: In the end it is simply a matter of my own "opinion"... I tend to believe that Paul was genuine. I don't believe that the logic of the Church would have been "complete" and would have been subject to a much greater abuse had the Epistles of Paul not been written and preserved. It is just my opinion, but in this is the same proverb that if one rejects Paul are they also rejecting Christ and ultimately the will and word of God. So in rejecting Paul am I crucifying Jesus Christ afresh? I don't want to go down in life as a accuser of the innocent. I am hesitant to reject such writings of Paul simply because (and I think this is the case) they may address subjects that are sometimes not that pleasant to talk about.
  14. If I recall correctly, Dr Wierwille taught us that we are not to look to our friends as a an object of great desire (I am paraphrasing here). He in so many words said that when we look to ourselves we become lonely. When we become lonely we seek others to fill the empty void. Then Dr. goes on to say that we are eventually let down by our friends. People are imperfect when sought in this manner of such great expectations. So Dr. Wierwille's solution was to instead seek God. His reasoning was that we could never possibly be lonely if God was always present and God would never spiritually let us down. So in this is the secret to personal success in this world and popularity. For we who were in TWI had such a groove going on because we all sought God instead of ourselves or each other (for the most part). The success of any victorious life is to stay focused upon the goal who is God and all other things we seek will be added unto us. It is when we pull back from friends and into ourselves that our ability to love God through it all really shows.
  15. In the search or how Paul's doctrine fits into the church my mind goes to two peculiarly unrelated places. One is certain of the oldest roman catholic martyr saints and the other place is a part of the beginning of the PFAL class. We will start with the old catholic martyr saint. I don't know allot about him and I don't even know his name. I could do a word search but I feel my slight understanding of him will suffice for this occasion. I will describe this early Christian martyr. As I recall he stood on some sort of podium out in the elements. Come brutal rains or the burning hell of the noonday sun he stood out in the weather preaching the gospel of Christ. He became such a spectacle that people would come from all over the known world just to lay eyes upon him. If I recall correctly he was the first aesthetic in a long monastic line of clerics. The lesson we learn from this man is the stark contrast which his message is perceived in relation to that of the apostle Paul. Here is where we get to the PFAL class part. Dr. Wierwille's antics portraying the downtrodden Christian seem to explain it all. Are we supposed to emulate the suffering of Christ or the victorious emancipation of the law of liberty through the gift of the holy spirit? Are we supposed to view our salvation as a means with which to live a good life or are we supposed to deprive the soul of any earthly pleasure and respite?
  16. I don't mind people walking on my feet... :)
  17. Sin is the greatest form of fear motivation.
  18. I love you all... If it came to a toss up between arguing the various interpretations of the scriptures or just loving you all I would surely pick the latter. :)
  19. I also wonder if some have considered that Paul was Christ spiritually and gnostically returning to the world in the form of the holy spirit. So we love both Christ (the first born) and Paul with the same love, for ultimately they stand in the very same image and fingerprint of God represented by a walk in the spirit of grace and liberty. Just as Christ is present within in us today in the church through the new birth first and secondly the word of God. For the mind of Christ is not an instantaneous and static thing. If that was the case psychologists would be out of a job. The mind of Christ is a wrestling of the spirit with the conscience coupled with the five senses capacity to understand. The mind of Christ is a day to day walk where spirituality is a reality that is static and cannot be corrupted, subtracted from, slain, darkened or diminished in any way, shape or form.
  20. Hebrews 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
  21. Well you appear honest and frank that is the best attitude for sure...
  22. So considering that Paul has in fact told us that the entire "male" Judean line has been considered null and void severd in the coming of Christ and that technically Jesus (contrary to what Dr Wierwill taught us) would be none other than his mothers genes which were according to Matthew, pure semitic. So Jesus would not have necessarily been pure semitic. So if Paul was a spy and zealous for the law why would he write something that completely obliterates (other than Mary's side) the lineage of Jewish male ancestry? The very supposition that Paul was secretly a Jew after his conversion is to me shockingly unlearned of how the world was liberated by the major apostles and Paul. Paul's writings agree with those of the other apostles and most disagreements are only in our understanding of the spirit and the confusion of our standing and state. Even those scriptures that seem to condemn the flesh do not condemn the spirit. For to condemn the spirit would be to condemn the holiness created by God in us. This is the doctrine the apostles all agree upon. To not agree would be being a false prophet. (possibly as Barnabas?) And yes a person can be dead spiritually but not because the spirit is dead but because the mind no longer has the ability to allow the light of God it shine in this world. That does not negate that the spirit is still present within as a "gift". For we may all become old an senile and forget where we left our teeth, but the spirit will still be there to guide us though to the other side without our glasses... :) I see the darker seemingly condemning writings of Paul an attempt on his part to reconcile his own daemons. We all think out loud and show that our lives are that delicate balance between trying to please God and trying to find some pleasure of our own life before our lives climax and fade into near obscurity. For there are many forms or pleasure both good and evil and it is the death that comes along with pleasure that Paul cannot be faulted for. He is NOT saying this pleasure will stop you from going to heaven. No but he tells us we will not live a happy life in promiscuity and people will end up "sick" and die... plain and simple. So he emancipates us completely and then says we are "like" the evil people when we do not love others in a reasonable way... and he leaves it up to our own conscience and the walk of spirit through the law of liberty. Is that aspect of life really his fault? He seems to be the scapegoat that people need to hang their own "personal" fears upon. They enter a room and turn on the light. they see a snake in the room and blame the appearance of the fact that the light was turned on. So they turn the light off and the snake seems to disappear. But the snake has greater senses in the dark than we do. Denying Paul is simply turning off the light when we perceive possible danger... When it is the light that we require to fulfill our gnosis. We cannot blame the old testament law on Paul for he spoke CLEARLY of us being free from it. And we cannot with conscience blame the sickness of soul and disease on Paul because he tried to give us a way to heal ourselves from "spiritual" forms of tyranny through God's help. As for diseases... are they really devil spirits as Jesus demonstrated? Is a virus a spirit? Is leprosy a spirit? Are germs spirits too? Is it better to kill a virus with prayer or disinfectant? Hebrews 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Comment: Paul preached Jesus Christ as the SON OF GOD this in my book would exonerate his intent from any serious doctrinal misgivings.
  23. Romans 11:21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Comment: What natural branches? The branch of David and the Islamic branch (of the male). Instead God became Jesus' father and the natural branch is the sins of the fathers carried on through the progeny that was severed by God's intervention within the seed of life. That the natural branch came from Adam ultimately. The "branch" is the Y chromosome... Peace with God
  24. John was certainly not Paul or are you attrributing all Christian writings to Paul now? So was John a spy too? I am just stating that his "father" in regard to those who believe in the inspired word, was God.. Now according to Matthew not Paul, his mother was of the lineage of David not Ishmael. The Jewish handmaid Mary his mother is also revered in the Qu'ran And your logic is all over the place... It is like anything goes when you don't at least consider the scriptural canon sacred. These apocryphal writings are ignorant of the canonical logic. I could write that Barnabas had two green toes and in a thousand years someone like you would take it as fact. The quandary still stands that Jesus cannot be of Jewish descent or Islamic descent if God was his father. Only through the mother can any decent be traced and both religions consider the mother's descent of no consequence... Only when we are born within the body of Jesus will we bear his genetic characteristic of God and his earthly mother.
  25. "When that which is perfect has come..." Knowledge is imperfect. So to be a child is to rely on knowledge and to be an adult is to rely on the spirit.
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