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Everything posted by DrWearWord

  1. You don't have to know someone to knock on their door. You don't have to know someone to believe in their abilities. (before faith came) You are confusing faith with believing. You are substituting the power of the spirit of God with a self oriented knowledge, this breaks the perfect spiritual bond of peace and equality.
  2. There is logic and scientific evidence to "support" it. As for the supposed writings of Barnabas Paul's "buddy"... This contradicts the scientifically supported logic of reproduction and it's characteristics and nature. The Bible puts forward a premise that Jesus is the "son of God". Now this is not just figuratively this is physically and in reality. He had no earthly father... So logically and scientifically how do yo get an Ishmaelite father out of that? One has to completely disregard that he is the SON of God? Or are you suggesting he had two fathers? This is science not a matter of opinion (that is if you believe he was God's son.) Scientifically for this to happen Jesus would have no earthly male father. So Barnabas' writings simply are laughable and highly suspect and ignorant of this scientific logic in the face of such complete revelations of God's wisdom. Isn't Jesus called the "son of God" 63 times in the gospel of John alone? (if my memory serves me right.)
  3. ...the coming of Gnosis. 1Corrinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
  4. A male human is never born "male" without a Y chromosome... So scientifically if Jesus had no earthly father then his Y chromosome must have come from a divine source. Considering there has never been a record of any female throughout all scientific history to bear a MALE child (or female) without the Y chromosome (sperm) being supplied from an outside source. It is also then logical to deduce that the "son" began by God creating the Y chromosome and the life therein. Much of this is reflective of communion also, this new body and soul becoming our own life through faith. This is why God is "our" father...
  5. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Comment: Both requirements of salvation can be gleaned from the gospels... The lordship for Christ and the raising from the dead are facts that can be understood from the life and death of Christ in eye witness accounts during the gospel period. 1Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Comment: Notice salvation in the last verse precedes gnosis... The holy spirit precedes gnosis. So the revelation of God to Paul is the coming of gnosis to those with the spirit born within.
  6. That would be all fine and dandy if the Muslims did not already today worship Jesus as the messiah also... If the Qu'ran did not CLEARLY teach that Jesus is the messiah that "theory" might hold some water. Are you trying to start a war? Are you trying to undo the precious truth that the prophet Mohamed (pbuh) taught his people? This is gnostic ga ga if you ask me... And how can an "Ishmaelite" be the son of God when the Y chromosome is replaced with seed from Jesus' heavenly father? Jesus was not even of Jewish descent on his father's side. And unless Mary was of the seed of Ishmael your point is moot. How self professing smart people err in the scripture to such a degree I don't know...
  7. I am glad you re-pasted your quote, that really did inspire this thread. I consider the Old Testament God to be both a mix of the god of this world and the one truth God. I also believe it is the holy spirit that helps us discern the old testament God into the respective parts. This might explain why satan and God were both seemingly chums in the book of Job. Where in the new testament we learn that God has no conversation with darkness. I don't believe the true God was ever in the law of Moses fully. When the word "god" is used even by Moses it is suspect and subject to his own spiritual limitations as a prophet. I see two god's were used synonymously and interchangeably in the OT... One god where some people sought justification by the law and one God where people sought justification out of a pure love and trust for the true God to deliver them in spite of their physical position concerning the law. One justification by the faith on the belief of a coming messiah and one justification by the law of Moses. One justification from Menchizidek on the justification by sacrifice. Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Comment: For instance Lot, why would God consider Lot righteous if he had foreknowledge and knew the future of Lot's indiscretions after Sodom and Gomorrah. How could God looking ahead perceive Lot as "righteous" if he was all about the law?
  8. Abigail, My head is reeling from this forum and I have not learned how to quote your quotes with the controls here yet. So the process for me of trying to comment on them has been tedious at best. I have tried to touch on your questions in some of my general ramblings. I need to extrapolate the text and sandwich my replies. It is not that your intention is not well received but it is that i have not figured out technically how to reply to such a lump of coded text. If you were to make each question in a separate post then it would be easier for me to reply to them until I learn the way to use the editing tools of this site better. And thank you for your questions they are always welcome. Peace with God. DWW
  9. I might come back for seconds. (I can only stomach granola for so long and I get indigestion...)
  10. As opposed to the old testament God... What is the difference and what difference does it make?
  11. Maybe they (16th century Spain, or Salem Ma., or for the 30-years War) elevated their own selfish knowledge and designs over that of the true and perfect spirit. They saw the flesh over the simple love for God as God has so "loved" that he gave the spirit. Christ has so loved the world that he gave of himself. The law of liberty is a precious promise which must be preserved and kept in the state of unity. I see it so often on the net people blaming God for religion and having no clue whatsoever that they are doing it. By blaming God for religion they are judging God and convicting divine omnipotence. Innocent blood. It is clear that the old testament God (on the surface) was created by man in man's own image. YET, Christ walked in the image of God not his own. God is not the reason for human strife, God is the solution.
  12. It is very hard being being DWW. You people are so fortunately "educated"... Someday you will all catch me in a biggie I am sure... (hehe)
  13. The WOW field was a disaster for me but through it all God kept the peace in my heart and I seldom look back to that "dead" life before my conversion. I did reach at least one soul while on the WOW field. Still doing the ministry of the Lord 26 years later. I have many thought provoking stories of converting others to the word now and they comfort me just as the memory of this man and his sisters who loved me and saved me comforts me still so many years later.
  14. You have your own cup of vile I see... Maybe that mirror is revealing more than you think. Was Jesus out of fellowship when he became "angry"? Are you making a rash judgment over what is healthy anger and what is not? Does a person have the right to defend their own honor and dignity?
  15. I don't recall anyone here suggesting that we elevate religion, That is other than Danny and Evan elevating knowledge. And you don't find that scary? And what do we do to all of the dumb people? Give them free library cards?
  16. Read the insulting post he wrote to me about me "going to the library"... Am I supposed to take that kind of stuff lying down? Maybe someone should have given me a heads up... Like Errr, there is a guy (Danny) in the forums that thinks he is all that and a ball of wax, don't burn his onion... Just let him go on thinking what he may... And I say, what of the "TRUTH"? Do you really think I came into this forum to roll over and play dead?
  17. Heck, it is a wonder if we can even find the way to the library let alone cognitively read something there... I am being cynical of course. :) Cynicism may be to high a form of discourse for my little brain... (hehe)!
  18. If every Bible was destroyed and the knowledge of God completely wiped from the face of the earth (As the Iranian President would maybe like to see) could people still get born again of the spirit? I tend to think this is like arguing if law OR liberty is the way when the truth is that it is the law OF liberty.. Well it seems that the spirit embodies gnosis just as the law of the spirit embodies liberty. (Just a thought of mine that I have been mulling over in my head.) The Sophia of Christ. (which I don't pretend to fully comprehend) The marriage of the spirit with knowledge. Just as the new law married law and love (in the form of liberty.) And the interaction of gnosis and wisdom. (all very mysterious) For is knowledge perception? There is right knowledge and wrong knowledge... A spirit without knowledge and truth is dead. So it is not only the spirit that saves us but it is also the mind of Christ that manifests from the spirit to bring gnosis and wisdom. I may seem to be back peddling but I will always elevate the spirit above knowledge, for the Bible clearly does too. Just as we elevate the spirit of the law over the letter of the law... It is the virtue of this gnosis "within the spirit" and not the value of gnosis within our minds (or the library) that we respect. For this is "God's" wisdom not our own...
  19. You apologize by insinuating I cannot understand humor... Do you really expect me to take this apology seriously? I don't hold grudges, but it seems that chip on your shoulder is just as big as ever. You appear to be living proof of the negativity of "gnosis"... I will concede that I may have overreacted... But your lack of "genuine" remorse makes me consider if I may have hit the nail right on the head.
  20. Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Comment: What does the world use to conform people? LAW So the renewing of the mind requires the spiritual law of liberty to fulfill the will of God. The law of liberty is the will of God for word [law] of truth [liberty] is the will of God. So we renew our mind by the acknowledgment of the spirit in ourselves and others and this is how we can love others as Christ Jesus loved us... This is how we do not become conformed to the sin consciousness and become liberated by the spiritual consciousness of God's will. John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
  21. 1Corrinthians 8:1 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we ALL have knowledge [gnosis]. Knowledge [gnosis] puffeth up, BUT [in total contrast] charity [agape] edifieth. Comment: Dan and Evan can keep their gnosis and libraries, I will stick with Agape... God forbid if I should appear "puffed up"... 1Co 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency [elevation, pre-eminence, superiority] of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. Comment: I wonder if there is s single professor at Brown University that knows or even understands the distinction between body, soul and spirit (the crux of Christianity)? Christ is the way to gnosis of God...
  22. Evan, You might take your own advice. I am not dealing with easy topics to explain... Genetics and physics? If you had any decorum you would know that and understand why I struggle with the topics... (With no help from your boastful mind) When it comes to intelligent "responses" to what I have written I have you here childishly insulting my tie (figuratively)... A preschooler can do that. So I must wonder if you and your ilk can actually learn (no matter how many "libraries" you attend). Also I have been writing for the last three days straight. Am I allowed a typo or grammatical error every once in a while? I didn't know such self important people would be scrutinizing my choice words. With over 6000 replies on another site representing only half of my replies over the last 8 years, I think I am standing in an alright place. You imply that I have never been in a library... How conceited you seem... Do you not think that others can see right through your fake facade? I hope belittling me improves your self image... (it needs improvement) You have cast God in your own image, may I suggest you keep your self made God to yourself... Also your buddy with the fiddle Dan attacked me and gave no real substance as to why other than as Larry indicated in so many words, Dan was elevating himself at my expense. Now is that the way to win friends and influence people? I suggest if you want to influence people you could start by taking your foot out of your mouth... Now I will re-read this 20 times, God forbid if I should make a typo or grammatical error and reveal that fact that I am also human.
  23. I am thankful that I am here to share it. :)
  24. I was 18 years old, and skating the thin edge of the blade between life and death. I had already planned how I was going to die and it was in my mind about to happen. The details are even to this day too much to want to remember to look into for very long. But back in this same darkness was light. My story is I believe more personal than most and something for decency sake I will paraphrase. Some of us know much of what a nightmare that life can become. Why we remember is to keep us humble and why we forget is when we stumble. Well a bottle of wine and a game... He was going almost gone. (how was that for paraphrasing?) Well I was getting my hair cut. I was telling this man who was rather flamboyant about this book I was writing. I am writing a book while I am also planning my own demise... (schemes) Well I tell this guy that I am going to write a book and put all of this stuff about God in it. I go on about how I am going to write about the Egyptians and Atlantis etc... He would preface everything I said with that is OFF and that is ON... After noticing him say this I turned my head around and looked him right into the eyes and said. What makes you think that you know what is right or wrong? He said, "the word of God"... Then he said, "I am part of a Biblical research and teaching and fellowship ministries called The Way." He continued by saying we have fellowships in our home and he asked me if I would like to come to one. I looked at him sizing him up. (purely a fleshly response) But something about him attracted me. It was the love in his face. I had never know anyone like this ever. But the haircut got done and I had to run. Before I left he gave me this white card with a green globe of the earth on it and his phone number on the back. A month later I was at the rock of ages and Dr Wierwille was training me as a WOW. I had sold every thing I owned to get there and pay the fee. But I get ahead of myself So I left the beauty salon and headed out into a bright sunny day with my hair cut and I went to look for a job. I found a job and rented an apartment and made some new friends. This turned out to be a nightmare that only a bunch of adolescent teens could get themselves into back in the early 80's. Partying and of course my plan of my own death which involved a bridge and a note. So my party friends called me and said to come on over and I was stoned and I could not think straight. I called this person on this card and just wanted to talk. He came out from his house and we went to a bar alone. Then we talked about God but he only had two drinks and left abruptly. The next day I could feel the turnstiles spinning in my life I was faced with my own demise and this life of total chaos night after night of adolescent parties and crazy reckless abuse of the flesh. It had brought me to my own image of self. So it was five o-clock and it was just getting dark. I was either going to go over to another party bash or call this friend I had met with the card. I remember the feeling like I reached in my back pocket and got the card out but I was only half using my hand and arms. I dialed the number and called this man. He answered the phone and said come on over, me and my sisters are about to have fellowship. I thought it was kinda weird, his sisters? I never even considered that this could have been a human slave trade ring or some really dangerous cult that would have held me against my will. I was 18 and I was not sure if my intentions for going there were completely honorable. So I left the phone booth and got into my rag top Chevy and drove off to their house. I remember this feeling again like I was only half driving like my foot had something else pushing the gas pedal. My arms felt like noodles and did not want to drive the steering wheel into the driveway. I have thought back on this and wondered if this was a guardian angel. So I got out of my car and closed the door. I walked up to the house and knocked. When the door opened a woman stood at the door. She had a smile on her face that I will never ever forget. It was so warm and her eyes were so excited and happy full of love and acceptance. Yet I felt so dirty and out of place. Then I met this man who I had met earlier twice. He introduced his two sisters. I then began to think this was weird. I looked at the two woman and they looked nothing like him or each other. I took the man aside and asked about the sister thing because I became really uncomfortable. Then he said oh no they are my sisters in the word and that seemed to relax me a bit. Then he said let's all get together and hold hands and pray. There was another kinda disheveled gentleman at the fellowship too. So we all clasped hands and several of them prayed. For some reason the prayers didn't phase me a bit. I was still nervous and felt out of place. Then they got out the song books and this only intensified the fear. I felt suddenly like I had the worst hangover in my life but I continued on. They handed me a book and we all held them up and they gave a page number and I turned to it. At that time I felt kinda prideful being a guitar player and all I felt I could pull this off. So they began to sing the words and I was silent for a moment. Then one word came out and and I looked down and the page and read the words they just went by quickly as my eyes struggled to read them. Then certain words jumped off the page and hit me like I have never experienced before. How Christ Jesus died for me... and lifted me up. My friends just smiled and sang... I read the words they went into my mind and the most profound feeling came over me. I became a believer. I stayed almost all night at the kitchen table while they and the coffee poured everything they could into me about the word. I as so hungry and they were so loving and proud of this word and way. My world had changed. Two days later I was moved into their basement a week later I was in the PFAL class and four weeks later I was saying goodbye to them and heading out on the WOW field. But the old man was still lurking underneath. My sisters and brothers in the word had their doubts about me going through such change so radically fast. They did not understand when I cried like a baby when I had to say goodbye to them... I felt embarrassed. I needed peace... So on one of the first days of the rock I gave God an ultimatum. I said if I do not find peace in one year I will leave the ministry and my faith. I had wandered away from what I was supposed to be doing I was supposed to be getting in line somewhere and the WOWs were supposed to march. I got lost and then I lost my faith in the crowd. I found myself inside the big top tent alone. I sat down and I began to pray to God. This was when I gave God the ultimatum about peace in one year. Suddenly I heard a voice coming from behind a curtain and a choir began to rehearse "In answer to God's call" I heard Claudette Royal's voice like and angel and suddenly the WOWs began to march around in file around the big top tent and they completely enveloped me and I could feel the love of God and I began to cry and I got up and found my WOW family. The rest my friend is HIS story...
  25. I will add that quantum physics are things like electrons and neutrons... things smaller than the theoretically smallest thing there is, an atom. If things are smaller than the smallest thing there is then we are a world within a world, a dimensional shift from the actual true reality. The mystics teach that the flesh is but an illusion of the spirit and the physicists teach that the physical world is only an illusion of the quantum reality. And when you begin to talk about dark energy and dark matter you are taking a page right out of the Bible... "darkness was upon the face of the deep" Could that be related to the black hole [abyss] that is theorized to be at the center of the milky way and the black holes that some new scientists theorize are within the earth and are the cause of the hurricanes and the circular wind patterns even massive tornadoes. Does that not alter the biblical perspective of the "god of this world"? Luke 4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power [energy] will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
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