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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. So will that print the words for the numbers? In other words, will it convert say, 123.52 to the string "One Hundred Twenty-Three Dollars and Fifty-Two Cents?" Or something like that? If so, it's a heck of a lot easier to do in Excel than in VB. :) And Jim, I just looked at your link. The logic there looks very similar to what I wrote on my own. I wish I had looked that up, I could have copied and pasted and saved myself a couple hours worth of work. Rick
  2. Bluzeman

    The Truth

    No problem here Clay. :) Rick
  3. Bluzeman

    The Truth

    It just sounded like you were trying to pick a fight. If I"m wrong, then sorry. But it sounded that way. No one is trying to tell anyone else where they can or can't post. At least, I didn't read it that way. Nothing wrong with suggesting that if someone wants to discuss doctrine, that they take it to the doctrinal forum. Rick
  4. Bluzeman

    The Truth

    And uh, why are you trying to pick a fight where there isn't one? Rick
  5. I get spam about that in my email every day. Rick
  6. Thank you for that post doojable. Wonderful! Rick
  7. Rascal, I agree with you. I don't like to see people on either side called liars. It's been pointed out many times, but bears repeating. Just because YOU had a wonderful time in twi doesn't mean it was that way for everyone. Conversly, just because YOU were treated horribly in twi doesn't mean it was that way for everyone. So to find common ground, EVERYONE needs to have respect for everyone else. I agree that if someone posts about something horrible that happened to them in twi, that no one should come right behind that person and say "Well, *I* never saw that happen and everything was just peachy for me". But that goes both ways. If a person starts a thread about the good times, the other camp (just a figure of speech, ok? :) ) needs to leave it alone as well. But what the heck do I know. I used to be in a cult. :) Rick
  8. Well uh, no. The thread actually was about common decency and disagreeing without being a jerk about it. At least, that is how I took it. Not saying you or anyone else is, but that is what I thought the thread was about. Trollish behavior is a rather uncommon thing on this site. If you don't believe me, look at some other forums. There are very few posters here who act like trolls, in my opinion. There may be some posters you don't agree with. There may be some you even have a strong dislike for. That does not make them trolls. Rick
  9. I said I have seen VERY FEW trolls here. I did not say there have not been any. However, that term get's used very frequently here whenver someone posts an opposing viewpoint. Same with terms like waybrain....all terms used to discredit anyone who disagrees with the status quo. As far as posers, who is to make that distinction? Only way to do that would be to actually know the person. Aything else would be pure speculation. Rick
  10. Bluzeman

    Poker Anyone ?

    I have a friend that plays poker on the internet, but I thought he said he can win real money. Or maybe points that he can use to get stuff. Me, I love to play poker, but I've always been too frugal to gamble with real money. (That's because my luck sucks and I usually loose. :) ) Rick
  11. I have seen very few real trolls on this site. That term is usually used here for anyone that posts anything that is not in keeping with the group think that a small handfull of posters want to enforce on everyone else. And I am NOT speaking of the waitress's and busboy's either. The moderator's here do an excellant job. Rick
  12. I typed a response BEFORE I carefully read your question. :) I have a VB module that I created for an access program that will do it. You might need to adapt it a little to work with Excel though. The program I wrote it for prints checks. Do you know how to utilize VB modules in Excel? If not, I will try to make a little time and adapt it for you. Let me know. Rick
  13. Hi Mark, long time no see! How are things? Rick
  14. Bluzeman

    The Truth

    I TOLD them not to take the brown acid. But would they listen???? :) Rick
  15. Well if you get it down, could you teach me how to turn water into Absinth? It's legal here in the US now, but it's EXPENSIVE! :) Rick
  16. Maybe I misread you, but did you have a birthday recently? If so, belated Happy Birthday! Rick
  17. Hi Satori, good to see you! As to your question, and this is just my opinion, which is worth even less than the amount of bandwidth these few words will cost, but I don't even have to think about that one. The anti-gay "church" doing the protesting should be silenced. There is a time and a place for everything. A funeral is NOT the place for any group to protest. Combine that with the fact the few, if any of the fallen soldiers that they are protesting are, themselves gay, and it's easy to see this "church" is nothing more than a group of pretty sick individuals. As to the freaks little dig against the PGR groups, they are a really great organization. I am on their mailing list and plan to take part in some of their missions when time allows. This is a real good thread even though Groucho is a jerk. (There, I made a personal attack just so I could be like everyone else. I actually think very highly of Groucho. :) ) Rick
  18. I have no problem Danny...I learned that John is a foul mouthed jerk and that you are a sleazy low-life that baits people just to start verbal fights on forums. Cman is just a little twit and not worth my time. For the record I said SOME people here act like 12 year olds. Cman obviously decided that the shoe fit. Now if you and your little buddy cman think you can SAY something that is going to hurt me or make me mad, please continue this foolishness cause I'm just laughing at your stupidity in doing so. Have a nice day kiddies! I have work and meetings again today so I won't be able to join the fun. Rick
  19. Clay, you really do have a low IQ don't you. YOU are the one who started in on me. I really don't care to interact with you so as I said, leave me alone. Otherwise, I will consider it harrassment. Hey, maybe I should take lessons from anther poster and turn your posts overt to my attorny. As to the topic, I can think of very few instances where it is proper for a man to hit a woman...all involving the man's life being in immediate danger. John, if you feel otherwise, that a man has the right to hit a woman just for being annoying, then you are seriously messed up. I don't know that you really feel that way but your posts have led me to believe that. I hope I am incorrect. As far as me jumping on Danny for intentionally baiting, that still does not excuse the nasty language you used in response. No matter how you try to justify it. Now if cman or anyone else has any nasty's to say to me, I probably won't respond cause I am in meetings the rest of the day, and will be going out this evening so I won't be back until tommorrow. In the mean time, fight nice kids. :) Rick
  20. I dump on those who deserve it. Danny deserved dumping on for baiting as much as John deserves dumping on for his nasty profanity. Now you got a problem with me cman? Come on, bring it out...say what you got to say. Otherwise, leave me the hell alone. I personally don't like you or care to have any interaction with you. Is that clear enough for your little brain to comprehend? Rick
  21. Cman, you have confused me with someone who really gives a crap about any of the stupidity that you type. Rick
  22. Johniam was wrong. Way over the top. But that being said, intentionally baiting a poster is a very low and sleazy thing to do and I'm glad to know you are that kind of person Danny so I can avoid you. Oh, and don't pretend that vulger language offends you after your "bad bitch" post (which I reported). This kind of crap is why I hardly ever visit this site anymore. Some of you act like 12 year old kids. Rick
  23. Bluzeman


    I actually can not stand possum. But then, I don't like rabbit or squirrel either most of the time, cause most of the time they are not cooked right and are greasy as heck. Somthing that annoys me...there are signs down there now that say "Possom Hollow Road". It ain't hollow, it's holler. :) Rick
  24. Bluzeman


    I'll take you all down to Possum Holler and show you where I grew up. I am not kidding by the way. I grew up in Possum Holler. Rick
  25. Sudo, I"m a little behind on EVERYTHING right now, and just heard the voice message you left me. Hey, even with YOUR singing, I could tell you were humming the theme to "Gone With the Wind". :) It's a short week for me and I have a meeting tommorrow that is going to take up more of my time than I would like on a 3 day work week, but I'm reading and listening and watching.....ya'll keep posting and after I get past Wednesday, I'll post some things too! Rick
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