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Everything posted by cheranne

  1. I often refer to it as the hot zone too!
  2. their should be WARNING LABELS on all products of THE WAY INTERNATIONAL!!
  3. I think so....who joins a cult (or what twi said it was) and drop everything else to serve god?
  4. when i die .....i may not go to heaven....just let me go to TEXAS.
  5. This reminds me of a bumper sticker i saw a long time ago I FOUND IT. I LOST IT!
  6. It took about this long for me to recover, and i always wondered how other people in twi did? I also feel like we went through a war and got out and the war was still goiing on..and I feel their are a lot of people missing in action and need to find help and to hear it from us Why are you here...........to say i survived
  7. True stories are pretty scary,this could be a psychogical thriller.
  8. I feel we should WARN society of this is not what they go in thinking it is,at all.
  9. cheranne


    In oklahoma there is 2 religons mainly southern baptist and OU FOOTBALL! It's a friendly city and people are pretty GOD fearing. How I got snapped in the bible belt i will never understand. It is like trying not to get contagious around flu season and everyone has it! and for someone that never had a bible how do you know what is TRUE? I NEVER did care for that door to door witnessing,I didn't want to feel or act like a jehovah witness or a freaking mormon (which are also cults) So...my favorite place to witness was at a bar at happy hour! but,....you don't get too much of a follow up when you ask "what do you think about GOD"(nooo not in okc!!!!!!) But,..I guess we got enough for that year,hook line and SINKING. If i only knew what I know now.....sorry if I witnessed to you, it is not anything like the OKC bombing but we did hit that city. we (you and I "THE WAY OF OKLAHOMA")......and if you would put all the people at the ROA in a building and imagine vpw driving a truck full of deadly weapons that is what the effect would feel like (if you are visiting this site,that is how the after effects of cult life feel.
  10. IT would be intresting to ask micheal moore to do a movie on twi,any ideas?
  11. cheranne


    You are lucky. Love should be unconditionna. UNCONDITIONAL.((I THINK I HAVE A VIRUS))
  12. okay...all you hiding xcatholics,come out and tell us why you got into twi ?
  13. MY what a small world! We were going to NBA GAME at verizon center,what a greaat place! Ever see the homeless guy playing drums(he is good) he made lots of money last night. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.
  14. Thanks for showing me that,what a good writer,poor kid....that place did give the creeps even now,sheeeeshhhhhhh
  15. i was in china town last night and i loved the place,so many multicultural people..the human race! I saw a people of all walks of life with ashes on their forehead(i had forgotten it was ash wednesday. Ashes to ashes ....dust to dust . The body of christ was alive and well,the FAMILY of God, like the human race is composed of all differant types of people and personalitys,but in the end of the NBA game. THE SAN ANTONIO SPURS BEAT THE WIZARDS!
  16. I think twi decided where to send wows this way. As soon as someone would sign up to go wow, they would go play COW PLOP BINGO WITH OUR CARDS!
  17. cheranne


    Its gotta be difficult for family to try to understand what happened to us,and here we were just working ourselves into the ground trying to move the word of god,may as well been a hamster on a hamster wheel!
  18. we should have just joined THE PEACE CORP. What a waste of our time,money and effort to try to serve "God.
  19. You don't have a clue what you are talking about! Change your little sign from white dove to jack foot.
  20. were YOU there! Did you here it or just the tape? Why are you so mean!
  21. You just don't get it do you. TWI is a CULT , THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS NOT A CULT.
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