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Everything posted by cheranne

  1. and that INCLUDES BAD IDEAS!
  2. I didn't know that ,never took the advanced class(thank God)
  3. ..and the golden turd award goes too............(drum roll pleeze) TWI not a religon but a cult
  4. cheranne

    Pigs in a parlor

    anyone read this book?
  5. i agree with that except incases of child abuse and neglect or types of other abuses. Be true to yourself.
  6. Jesus Christ Superstar was during that time too,lots of hippie jesus movement stuff...i liked them both.
  7. thank you for sharing that AJern,it will help others reading this to understand,children of the way and the trail it leaves not just for cult members but for children and grandparents and hopefully therapist working with these issues that they have NO idea except in the books they may have seen. thank you!
  8. Dog doing the dishes and Cat giving the caged animal ANXIETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. No not the adults who were involved in twi,but the children of the people,not only in family corp but in twigs and so forth all over the place. As a child it was not my choice to be catholic or go to catholic school,but being apart of that "tribe" if you will was not a choice. I think my parents did the best they could and thats all they knew but ,as i got older it just didn't fit with me,with who i was and what led me to take pfal, was a series of events that led me too look for answers, God etc...
  11. I was thinking about all the children of the way who really had no choice but to tag along with their parent or parents decision to be a part of twi ,i remember you could take the class if you were 12yrs old. I only knew a few people with children and i would like to hear from growing up under those guidelines and not being able to just leave it.
  12. who is ck and what are you talking about? All the new people are curious,i know i am?
  13. Yes,i'd like to have shoved that wooden spoon through their skull if anyone ever told me how to discipline my child. I woke up one day and realized i was 21 and going nowhere fast,and for what? It was one of those ah ha moments thinks were real clear like when your really AWAKE. I wanted to work in criminal justice and i was that age when i could go to the police academy finally. So i left but 6 months later went back in...just could not shake the whole serving God vow thing i was torn between what and who to serve so i went back in....recommitted myself and became a military wow,kda serving both of my desires career and moving the word(working retail selling vpws snake oil) Got out in 82 because of the whole marriage thing didn't set well with me on how twi thought i should be. Sound like i got out just before the dung hit the fan!
  14. meant to be asked as a positive question! What are you doing or into now?
  15. Did you leave Twi on your own or were you pushed out? Have you picked up the pieces.
  16. RASCAL RIGHT ON!!! everyone should read this book,we should pass this book out like the phone book
  18. mark,there a lot of people that listen to what you write,and never post. I know how you feel ,i also feel personally attacked when ever i mention catholic anything,by some dove that thinks its white! see you on the other side brother.
  19. the yada yada prayer group series i liked alot.also sheila walsh and joni earkeson tada are very inspirational, the present darkness,piercing the darkness are a few i liked and the srewtape letters by c.s. lewis.
  20. I still like catholics(i don't like the abuse in the past, no!) I still like people (well most of them)from The Way International.(i don't like the abuse in the past and even now and future)Baptist, i like them...except not jerry falwell because i like purple teletubbies and have gay friends and relatives. I like penteostal believers but not jimmy swaggert or jim baker these people that intentionaly HURT people.These so called leader are accountable for these actions and will be judged by GOD,BUT I STILL DO NOT LIKE THEM. i DON'T BELONG TO ANY GROUPS BUT A CULT IS WORSE THAN ANY RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION I'VE EVER SEEN. Look at the heart of the person and not at the organization you were once involved in,we are FREE from that.
  21. TWI is worse than the Army. They make you feel like your in Gods army or Gods team but their are no benefits,just listen to the master ..you slave and don't question leadership....do this..do that and if your sick..must be the adversary..snap out of it s.i.t. that 'll occupy your complaining and keep you sharp and alert,with the four hours of sleep you may get. The Army may send you too war but they DO TAKE CARE OF THEIR PEOPLE AND THE DEPENDANTS.
  22. it's not a command,i just like large print! we are all at differant levels of healing coming out of this cult,some people will never look back and that is their healing and some people may write a book,but how you live your life now is ofcourse your decision. But you better believe i am going to warn people from this cult . No i am not out to save the world . If the conversation comes up and it does a lot more than you might think. Their are people still in twi,people still going in and coming out like a sick train depot,not only people of twi were affected but families,friends.
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