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Everything posted by kimberly

  1. Aaahhh, so true, Rascal, each a gift to be appreciated and cherished.
  2. Mrs.notinKansasanymore, I just noticed you are in Norman, Okla. My daddy lives in Carney, my baby sister lives in Perkins and my baby brother lives in Stillwater. Oooohhhh, sister honey girlfriend, I am living with you when it comes to being stubborn about our dreams. I am jealous. You have been to France. When the baby graduates highschool in 2011 it is my dream to go to France for a year and study Couture. I will be 55 years young. True, oh, so true, will never stop dreaming and setting new dreams. There is so much in life to grab and learn and experience.
  3. To those who discount the responsibility of leadership leading folks astray.... What is that verse that states Paul gave over so and so to Satan because they preached the Resurrection had already come and gone and believers were carried with their doctrine?
  4. I am honing in on Oaks "mess with." I have never encountered that usage outside of southern vernacular. Are you sure you don't have roots in grits, although it may be distant. We go out to the garden and pick a mess of beans. I think in one form or another we all sometimes mess with one another in these forums, threads....
  5. Thank you.....eternal has no beginning or end. Everlasting has a starting point but no end. No human being has or has ever been given, granted or guaranteed anything eternal.
  6. Mc...the guy on the left is wearing a strapless dress...see him pull it up. It looks like he is singing into a test tube.
  7. I have often wondered the logic in ordering a triple cheese el-deluxo cheesy cheese three quarter pound burger with extra mayo, the super duper sized fries and a diet soda pop.
  8. Sorry, dojable, I can't stop laughing. That was a good one. My parents were divorced when I was 18 months old. Mom took us away. I was told in the third grade when told about my real dad. Since then I dreamed of meeting him. I did when I was 49 years old. Not only do I have a wonderful loving dad but also two other brothers and a sister and two of the most loving doting aunts. My Aunt Betty, daddy's baby sister is the one who named me. My baby sister is only two and a half years older than my first born child. I have a whole new life. I am sorry doojable for misspelling your name...doofie me.
  9. Naaahhh, we never rose out of bed early to read our Bibles or pray. We did go back to sleep the couple of times we tried. Different strokes for different folks. The Lord did not have electricity back then.
  10. Hey, I can breeze in if I wanna....jus depends on what innersts me at the moment. Happy love to everybody...
  11. When my then husband and I decided to go wow we were so excited.....young, wild and free. We had the world by the tail. I remember praying and praying to go out west. I wanted to go to Arizona. I laugh now as I remember that time. Literally, I am laughing as I remember how young and thinking whatever may come. I don't care. I just wanna go somewhere. But let it be out west, o. k. God. Gosh, it is still so vivid. Heck, we were going somewhere and I knew it was going to be out west. Then we opened the envelope and it was Iowa....what the screw, IOWA!!! Where is Iowa? Even the spelling of the state is weird!&^$!? Too many vowels. That was the year we spent 6 months in one town then moved to another in the same state. First it was Davenport then Des Moines. Wayne Clapp was our Limb Coordinator. We met our wow family. Two girls and one had a two year old son. Then we met the other family and the Corps leader was in that family. I do have to say that Dennis was a very loving guy. There were some sticky times. Our wow sister got pregnant and had an abortion. God Almighty, we had fun!!! My husband must have taken care of the money part because I don't remember too much of that. We worked by day and played pool by night. We made some money from that, too. I remember Wayne coming to visit us and we took him to one of the pool halls we played at and some guy walked in and cranked up a chainsaw. You should have seen the look on Wayne's face. We said, oh, he is just one of the locals. I think we ran two classes that year. I skated on a frozen pond for the first time in my life. Our first born was conceived on the wow field. I personally am still close friends with two from the other family to this day. As a matter of fact we will take our yearly trek to Myrtle Beach next weekend to another ex-way friends house for Super Bowl.
  12. Aaawww, this is too precious. I love stories like this. Thanks, Linda, for sharing.
  13. Leafy, do you have Type A blood? I tried the Atkins several years ago. Most miserable I have ever been in my life. I was bloated, constipated, lethargic, swollen and down right sick. After two weeks and gaining 14 pounds my trainer took me off. He asked me if I had Type A blood. I said yes. He said that a lot of times, not always, folks with Type A do not respond well on Atkins. Less than one week I had lost the weight. There is a book and I forget the title that addresses the different blood types and how they respond to diets and foods My body can not handle protein in the form of meat particularly beef. I eat beef and I am miserable for a few days. But, holy moly, a juicy burger cooked on the grill is out of this world!!! In the summer I treat myself to about two. I pay for it for about 2 days. My insides is not happy. I find it hard to believe that the fruits and veggies that God made is not good for us. There is another book, Sugar Busters. It deals with eliminating white foods. They are usually highly processed foods. I guess we all need the routine of Michael Phelps or marathon runners to enjoy lots of carbs. But you know my grandparents were corn, tobacco, pig and chicken farmers. They worked long hard hours. Grandpa never had power tools. When he built something it was all done by hand tools. Grandma washed clothes on a scrub board. We walked many places. The fruit garden was 1/2 mile from the house and the vegetable garden was 1/4 mile. There were no tillers for the family garden. It was all done by hand and hoe. The family garden fed us until the crop came in next year. They ate many fried foods, lard, biscuits made from white flour, there was always a homemade cake, sweet southern tea and they never had health problems. They died of old age. I think the key is that they were never idle. They always got plenty of fresh air and exercise.
  14. I saw a program on Discovery, I think it was, back around the holidays about the privately owned breweries and how they are making an impact on the industry. It mentioned that Bud Light is the #1 beer sold in the world. I never realized that getting all the different tastes was so scientific. Barley, hops and yeast...contained in the food pyramid.
  15. A Good God does not "SEND," the operative word for me, to hell or anywhere else. What about a bad god? Where does a bad god "SEND" anybody? That usage of the word "send" seems to dictate absolute rule and control of the sender without freedom of will or thought or choice of the sendee. Send me to the moon, let me dance among the stars....ya'll know that song. Tiptoe Through The Tulips is another good one.
  16. Watered Garden, we call those yellow and black spiders writing spiders. They make humongous kind of feathery webs. If they write your name in their web you will be dead the next day!!! That is the folk lore. Funny. I think that is the kind of spider Charlotte was. I have been bitten by a wolf spider. My hand swelled, was quite painful and I was nauseous for several hours. They are quite the little boogers.
  17. kimberly


    Lovin' on you brother. Don't you let me catch you dancing on the table tops without me!!!!
  18. Remember Payne Stewart. Correct me if I am wrong but I think it was a bird that flew into the windshield of his lear jet.
  19. I may be blasted for this one but here goes. This thread has been on my mind. I can't let it go. It has bothered me. Was it MOI? that said some months back about this is not real stuff, just computer stuff? RainbowsGirl refresh me here. You replied to me. But when I read the hurt expressed by some on this thread I realized it is real. Yet, I wasn't wanting to hurt Geisha's feelings. You see, that is a very sensitive issue for me because I know her husband. I know Geisha a little bit from years ago. He and my ex were the best of friends. We lived life together for many years. Geisha's husband is the most loving sweetheart you would ever want to know. So, because I love him so much I didn't want to say anything against Geisha's post. I didn't want to say anything that he might take as hurtful. And because I know Geisha loves this one of a kind man I didn't want to say anything on account of that. I promise I am not starting a new soap opera. I was reading the posts in this thread and understanding where Geisha is coming from when she says she is praying for someone. I was saying that folks are misunderstanding because they must not realize that Geisha means no harm (up to that point I still believe that) only good.....folks are taking Geisha the wrong way, etc., etc....conversation with myself. Then as I read along, I kept waiting for Geisha to apologize. Geisha, I said to myself, just say you are sorry, honey, and you respect their requests and thoughts and drop it. It was dropped alright, like a bomb... the pearls before swine verse. At that point I knew harm and hurt was intended. I bet I have read the couple of posts before that, that post and the couple of posts after that at least a dozen times to make sure I was reading it correctly. Well, I am still at a loss for words. Heckaroonie, I expect to get beat up, picked on, humiliated, called names and subjected to torture in the Politics and Tacks forum because I am a conservative. Bramble and others I owe you an apology. I should have come to your defense sooner. I should have backed you up. It is not ok with the Lord Jesus Christ to beat up people. I put it that way because biblical scripture was used to hurt you. It is not ok to be mean and beat on folks because they don't agree with you, biblically.
  20. Sowee, to take so long to get back to you. I typed a reply last night then got involved in an e-mail. An error was returned and the post did not go through. One sentence you posted said it all, "For any Christian leader who thinks that they can call a brother a child of the devil........" Well, if you are my brother, and we are born of God then how can you or I be a child of the devil? Believe me, when I say, I know your heartache and anger concerning your marriage and family and wanting to make those responsible pay for their hurtful, evil ways. Religion is the most evil force on the face of the earth. Although, mine was 20 years ago and my 3 oldest children from that twi marriage are now grown I still have pangs in my heart sometime when I think about it. Folks that I would have given my life for, nursed their babies, had all things common with, vacationed with, etc., etc., bore false witness against me in court. They said I was in a cult (duh, them too) and that meant harm to my children. I can not begin to find the words to express how that betrayal ripped out and shredded my heart. Somehow my soon to be ex (his decision not mine) found out I went to talk to Wayne Clapp and assumed I was still in twi. TWI even sent out a message that I was posessed and to be avoided. And I wasn't even associated with them anymore. So since you asked I am going to share this. About 9 years after the divorce (I was in my present marriage and the baby was 5 years old) I was walking down the front sidewalk grumbling under my breath about the most recent mean, nasty something my ex had done in an attempt to further torment me. The Lord said to me in an audible voice, I swear it, "Kimberly, how about spending as much time praying for this situation as you do complaining about it." I was away from the Lord for a while and had started talking to Him about life and stuff and I really wanted some serious answers and guidance. I was ready for some relief. Even if for just a little while I was so caught up in wanting pay back for him (and others from twi) I was working against myself. Wasn't too long after that he met a girl 14 years younger than him and married. She is a fiesty whipper snapper and keeps him on his toes. She has been a wonderful step-mother and loves my children. She loves my children. And I love theirs. She and I get along great. But I know he will have to answer one day for destroying our family. And it won't be to me. Our oldest married this past March. He was having some difficulty with his dad concerning finances and the wedding. He asked, "Mom, how do you deal with dad?" I said, "Son, I know he is my brother in Christ and we will spend eternity together and that is about as far as I go with your dad." Have I forgiven my ex for destroying our family? H-e-doublehockeysticks, no. It is not my responsibility to forgive him for a sin he committed against God. Jeff, you take care of the things of you and your son and let Father take care and mind of His business. And you do be His Business. Believe me, baby, He knows, He knows. I know that is not the answer to your life but it was to mine. I hope you don't think my answer is flippant or that I think you are complaining. You are hurting, sweetheart, and my heart knows that grief. Gosh, right now I can literally feel what you are living! Your son is still a baby. That does make it more raw. Start a re-focus of your thoughts and energy. I am in there with you, Jeff. always much love
  21. Awww, geez, What The Hey, before we call someone out let it be something life altering. Anyway, dunt ya thimk there are more pressing issues other than terminalology? Father God nor the Lord gives a crap about synonymous or interchangable. Heart and love, baby, is what it is all about.
  22. Alright, lovies....PFAL.....sounds like the About The Way forum to me.
  23. Well, Jeff, honey, I am kind of having a hard time following you here. I have read and re-read but not quite sure what you are asking.
  24. Whutevvvuuhhh.....hallelujah, the name Jesus Christ is spoken on the airwaves.
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