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Everything posted by AdiosMiCorazon

  1. Thank you so much Zshot!!!!! "and for the pain inflicted on people for having none, one, or too many, i wish people could mind their own business" Amen sister! I guess both camps have their busybodies who are not happy unless others are made miserable. No one can decide your course, except you. There will always be those who want to put you down. Don't let them. We all have a story to tell.
  2. “I think that being without children gives some an opportunity to develop their own identity.” I must respectfully disagree with you. Parenting does not come in a handbook. When you have children, you are challenged in ways you would not be if you did not have children. You learn things about yourself sometimes bad things sometimes good that you might not have had to face otherwise. For me it is a constant challenge not to raise her like I was raised. This has helped me heal those wounds that were inflicted on me by my parents. I am proud of myself for breaking the cycle and this has been the most rewarding challenge of my life. “This may sound very selfish, and perhaps it is…Being without children give you the opportunity to expand your own horizons, develop your own interests, pursue your own goals, and do things that you enjoy.” I don’t know what kind of parents you are around but most moms I know (including me) have a career and interests outside of the home that have nothing to do with their children. They might take a yoga class, pilates, gardening, etc. All parents need some “alone” time. This helps us be better parents. It is possible to juggle a career and children. As far as doing things I enjoy, I do that too. We just do it as a family. Also, children usually spread their wings around 18. I must say that the way you described it ….it sounded like we would always be burdened by these pesky children. I understand that some do not need or want to procreate. That is fine. I have plenty of friends who are childless and they do not want a child. I have never asked them why they don’t have children and I don’t think I ever will. We talk about lots of things politics, movies, stupid criminals stories, men/women trouble, etc. Just because I have a child, doesn’t mean I can’t speak and have relationships with people who do not.
  3. Wacky, When the above incident happened, I was at a dear friends house. Her little girl had her first communion and I was trying to help her entertain all her guest One lady just found out she was with child and she already had two. There was a lady with her second baby and then they ganged up on me. I have a ten (going on eleven) daughter who does not need me to change her diapers. Anyway, later that month my dear friend invited my husband and I over for some vino, cheese and conversation. I found out that the preggos lady was very upset and did not want another child and that the one with the baby was in the same boat. Well! said I ....I guess they were taking their frustrations out on me. Be happy with where you are. Garth, Condesend? I hope you did not mean me. I must admit that when I first read Wacky posts, I was offended. I know she did not mean people like me and Ginger but, it still stung a little. (I do know that she did not intend to that) If I hadn't experienced the above, I probably would not have understood her frustration. Bottom line the "haves" have one lifestyle that is rewarding and makes them happy. the "have nots" have a lifestyle that is rewarding and makes them happy. There are those in the "haves" and the "have nots" that are f*ked and are overall a pain in da b*tt! Timing for unparents day? How about some time in July? The third Sunday? Is that good? This is Dad's day. May they find a new grill or tools under the shade tree.
  4. Dear Wacky, I understand the whole being judged because you are childless thing. I know your frustration. Believe it or not, you are not spared because you have a child. I have a little girl. I have been berated by ignorant women that have three or more children because I do not want another child. As I sat there letting them get to me and feeling less of a woman, I wondered Gosh if they do this to me....I wonder what they do women who do not want any children. I cried on my husband's shoulder when I got home. It was very painful and til this day,I do not know why I let them get to me. Not all parents expect others to care for their children. I have seen some parents act the way you described, but most of us are not that way. The reason why parents talk about their kids when asked how are you? Is because they are our lives. Its a 24 hour 7 day a week gig. That I would not trade for the world. I know it is hard for those without kids to understand. Most of us can't imagine what our lives were like before we had kids. I applaud you for working with kids. When I was motherless, I ran away from children. They gave me the creeps. . Boy has my life changed!
  5. In a black and white world you can come up with clear cut yes and no; rights and wrong. The world is full of gray (I saw at least three of those pesky hairs today-time for L'oreal ) fushia, mango, purple and lime green. There are times that people need to edit for whatever reason. Does that change me? Does it really change anything? Nope! I don't own anything in this life except me (and maybe some property - Ocean front in Arizona ). Ah, smell the fresh air
  6. "I noticed a while back one vocal proponent of limiting edits actually edited her own old post not long after criticizing someone else for doing the same thing. Now is she a big, fat hypocrite? You decide" Amen give me five. I saw someone (male) who is totally against editing - ever! Delete his entire response from a thread with no explanation. I laughed when I saw it. Did it make him a bad person in my eyes? Nah! But, then don't stand up in your soap box and preach against the evils of editing. Lighten up people this is not a court of law. Words like subpoena and evidence make me wanna run for cover Thanks for the Cafe con Leche Ginger!
  7. I have not had enough coffee to compose my thoughts yet. I think people should be able to edit whenever they want. More coffee please.
  8. Happy Birthday George! I hope you gets lots of presents!
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