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Everything posted by AdiosMiCorazon

  1. Waygone and Seth I was born February 2, 1967. That makes me your elder and superior in every way. While you guys were spitting out breastmilk, I was walking and getting into trouble by getting into everything I could walk or creep to. So now, you have to listen to me and do all I tell you to do. Okay, maybe not but I figure I would give it a try.
  2. Oh Seth, I know what you mean. The meds will kick in and you will look at things in a different way. Hang in there. It really isn't as bad as it looks to you right now. (((((Seth)))))
  3. Happy Birthday I would sing you a song, but I can't carry a tune. I am sure you will be grateful, if I don't sing. Have a great birthday!
  4. Seth, Things are not as bad as that, are they? I have battled with depression too and when the spell is over, you can think more clearly. Please do not do anything to yourself. Believe me when I say that every problem has a solution. There are other agencies that can help and if you are homeless for a short spell, that is okay, things will and do get better. I have been through some really hard times so I know whereof I speak. So don't give up. Please! Life does get better.
  5. aaaaw Suzy you gave me the warm fuzzies. I am glad you and Geo are still together and going strong after all these years. I wish you many happy years to come.
  6. Happy Birthday Highway. I hope that it is a great one!
  7. I don't break the law. I do try to follow rules. I am very boring. I stop at stop signs. I drive the speed limit. Mostly cause I don't like paying for speeding tickets. I have never had tickets for anything! I am a by the book kind of person. I have loosened up some in my old age. I cuss, I drink wine, I don't go to church, I even flipped someone off the other day. My husband on the other hand is a rule breaker. He loves to see what he can get away with and I don't want to know about the speeding tickets. I am sure he gets many of them.
  8. I know what you mean about conflict resolution. It is a must in my job and also at home . It seemed that all TWI taught me was how to argue and react to those reacting to me. phhhew how exhausting that was. It requires much more brain power to stay calm and look for solutions. I always tell my little one "It's not what you say, it is how you say it"
  9. Napkinlady, are you talking to me? are you calling my opinion vicious gossip? BTW, The men were the ones that brought up the WOW Burgers and it was all a joke. Are you offended that we joked about WOW Burgers? Have you no sense of humor? Or are you offended that I don't care to give CFF a try? You are wrong if CFF is a model of TWI then I do know a thing or two about it. At least their beliefs of the Bible being perfect, Jesus Christ not God anyone that doesn't believe this has no freedom of will, blah, blah, blah. I don't believe any of these things, therefore, I will not be signing up for their classes. I especially don't believe anything that VP said. I do like RG because when he is confronted with questions, he is a true gentleman and gives us honest answers without getting all hot under the collar. Grace under pressure. I respect him for that. If you think that is vicious gossip then you need to get out more often. Zixar, I am not ignoring you BTW. I am glad to hear that you did not mean to slight Excathedra with your comment thank you for your explanation. However, I still think your comment to Ginger was over the top and I was surprised at your reaction. It is not like you to bash a lady.
  10. Thank you for your response Napkinlady. You are entitled to your opinion about CFF and I am entitled to mine. We are in different places in our lives so, you might see it one way and I another. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't want anything to do with TWI and anything related to it. So I can express my opinion about CFF freely here at GS. Like you can express yours. Something that could not be done in TWI,"Keep that mouth shut and agree." policy. That is why I was curious about you calling GS TWI 3, 4, or 5. So if CFF is not like TWI, then they should be able to take some remarks from a bunch of reprobates.
  11. Dear Napkinlady, I am glad you had a good time at the reunion. So what is it about this thread that makes you think we are in TWI 3 ,4 or 5?
  12. Oh no Exxie you are on post 666. Quick say five ave marias and two I love adios then spin real quick and drink some tea from Ginger. Get behind me Exxie!
  13. I agree with you 100%. Ginger has a great wit. There is a lot of wisdom in her words. I too love Gingers noise.
  14. At first you said to Excathedra: Then in your response to Ginger you said: Zixar, to me these words mean that you want Exxie to just get over it. Can you imagine how hard it is to get over such a thing. Yes, he is dead but like I said before so is Hitler. Am I comparing VP to Hitler, maybe I am. The point is I am trying to get to a point where you can understand what it is like to be a victim. I think you can have compassion for someone who was victimized by Hitler and the anger they might feel even though he has been dead for many many years. How insensitive you would seem to them if you told them "The length of time you allow dead people to abuse you is entirely up to you" Displacing the blame on whom Zixar?
  15. What color is the sky in your world Zixar? You have said some bizarre stuff but hey you are entitled to believe what you want. As far as Gingie being willfully ignorant and a scatterbrain, you obviously do not know her! I do and she is a very smart person. I have more to say, but first I have to go count to a billion!
  16. Go hand in hand. You are right no one deserved what VP did to those women. I am glad that as a man, you can understand that this is not an easy thing to deal with. Everyone is so ready to jump on LCM, but if you mention VP's sins, it gets some folks jumping on you! Where do you think LCM learned his craft? ummmm lets see....was it in the wurd?...nope that is not it.....was it revelation?....nope that is not it either.....Ah yes I got it, from VP? Yes that is it! You win the grand prize.
  17. Yes Ginger there are a lot of evil people who are now dead and I say thank God for that! Just because they are dead does not mean their evil deeds died with them. Hitler is very dead and maybe his victims should just get over it. Oh you see but VP is not dead. No sir he is very much alive through his teachings. Yes our father in the word, Dr. VPW, step right up and worship him. What's the harm he is dead? So he sinned a little, who cares? He was righteous and therefore God forgave all his sins. Shouldn't we? I will never ever ever forgive that man for what he did to Excathedra and others. He is not my father and neither was he "the man of God." so get over it! [This message was edited by AdiosMiCorazon on August 06, 2002 at 10:01.]
  18. Well I hope they are having fun. Laptops at the meeting, isn't that a sin? Have they all "missed" it? Oh no, shall we SIT for them mucho? Keeping TWI alive...ah ah ah ah staying alive ...staying alive. P.S. Don't drink the bath water. It might stink to high heaven!
  19. LOL! What a great way to manage your stress. a$$hole$ beware!
  20. from FrankWlovejoy Ouch what a picture!
  21. Wow Vicki I am sorry you and your baby had to go through that. I am also interested in what you think about the dream.
  22. Well said Dot! I am glad you found your voice. I like the sound of it! Like I said before, you are a real gem. I mean that.
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