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TED Ferrell

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Everything posted by TED Ferrell

  1. David She tells me everthing (and I mean EVERYTHING). By the way, who do you supposed helped with the dancing music. There's never a dull moment around here. :B)
  2. Doglover; What you need is A CD recorder either stand alone or use the one in your computer .Plug the red and white audio cable outs from you record player into the CD recorder ajust the levels and record away. Read manuals fiirst. If you use your computer to record from records to CD you will need a program or two to do that,There sre several inexpensive ones available like LP Ripper and etc. Since I don't know what you have to work with I can't help you very much. God Bless Ted F.
  3. Say there is one other thing I would like to add . A few months ago I posted that if any of you would like to have FREE the four CD'S I have recorded in my little home studio that I would send them to you free of charge.And I did send out a bunch. However I think I missed sending to some of you that requested me to do so..What happened was I lost a lot of address's I had in a file .So if any of you did not get your copies PLEASE resend me your mailing address by email and I will get them out to you soon after I get redialed in again in FL. The Cd's are not state of the art stuff but they will pass.......maybe email.........ferrellsplace@cs.com
  4. Yep David I caught it don't know why this dumb computer did that and kept copying the same reply over and over .Do you think it's possesed or ?
  5. . Woops what the hey is going on with this post the computer keeps posting my reply over and over
  6. Thomas most of the music you are asking about I have on records.Some I have already copied to CD'S After I get moved to FL.and get my studio dialed in again I will see what I can do to make you some CD copies Can't promise you when that will be but I will get to it sooner orl later. As for Stevie and Jamies daughter Jolie she is married has children and lives in Denver Co.Man oh man I recall the day she was born .Stevie and Jamie had a son also and his name is Chase and he is doing super too Later on send me your snail mail address but I think I have it anyway from when I mailed you Doug McMullans CD. Ted F.
  7. Thanks topoftheworld looks tasty to me.Better than what I had for dinner tonight Frozen microwave food all tastes the same after awhile. :blink:
  8. CHICKEN!! CHICKEN!! Kathy and Moony Think I'm on the wrong thread .How about some Wendy's Chili or something from Arby's or Bob Evans Kathy have you led my Moony astray :blink: She like you loves CHICKEN!!! :)
  9. TED Ferrell

    Moving Day

    Hey David; As the saying goes on The Price Is Right ....." Come On Down"
  10. TED Ferrell

    Moving Day

    Thanks everybody for your kind thoughts about helping us get moved in we Will Be Ok. I still have a weak mind and a strong back :) My friend Ken Sudduth from Sarasota is flying into Colunbus Oh. next Wed. we load on Apr 6 and head out the next day.Ken will drive the truck and I will follow in my car with my Mom.Ken also told me he has a friend that owes him a favor so we should have plenty of help. But if anyone is in the area you are most welcome to drop by for some beer.After a few six packs who cares about unloading anyway :blink: Our new home is in Pinellas Park Fl. LOL To You All Ted
  11. TED Ferrell

    Moving Day

    Hey Z Shot wanna' a job :)
  12. TED Ferrell

    Moving Day

    My oh my I have been packing for two weeks straight for the move from Ohio to FL. but there is light at the end of the tunnel cause I am just about finished . Now when I get down there and unpack and shortly there after when Moony and I get hitched we have to move her stuff but it's worth it all cause I love my sweet lady. Yeah I too moved a few times in and out of twi but I do not have so much junk then. Well back to it Packman Ted :)
  13. Hi Everybody; Sudo nice pics of you and family at disney land .Hope you all had a great time. Right now I'm busy packing for the move to Fl. to be with my beloved Moony And at present think I should post on the prayer thread.Whew what a job packing up all this stuff. I hear George Carlin's routine about Stuff :blink: So will not be on line much but of course the computer will be the last thing to get unplugged In the meatime you all keep on a truckin' Kathy keep the home fires burning. Love To You All Ted :)
  14. TED Ferrell


    Moon Pie; There is only one reason that I am moving to hurricane alley and that reason is YOU!!!!!
  15. Ok new title for band how about ...Ted and The AARP Harpers females included
  16. Moony and Kathy; Well if that looks anything like me I will take that as a compliment. Sure does make me want to shave of a few pounds or more 3 or so years ago Milford Bowen asked me "Ted when you are performing do you still get down on your knees' I told Milford yes I sure do get down on my knees but lately the problem I have is getting back up Oh by the way my new band is called Ted and The AARP Boys ALA you are the best and I sure love your posts and sense of humor :) TF
  17. TED Ferrell

    Guitar Talk

    Satori Boise speakers are good for some things commerical products the older 601 series that I have used for PA but when it comes to recording and using for near field monitors like forget it. So far the best studio monitors I have found and use are Behinger's Powered Trurh Monitors and they don't cost an arm and a leg either After the mix and I want to hear the full sound than the Cerwin Vega's get cranked Then when I have my jollys I take the so called final mix and play it on a squack box ( cheap cd player) and if it sounds halfway decent perhaps I just might have something going. Anyways Socks did not mean to derail your guitar thread eh! Satori
  18. TED Ferrell

    Guitar Talk

    Socks back on top where he deserves to be The cat has paid his dues
  19. TED Ferrell

    Guitar Talk

    Hey JR Nice to see you and the rest sharing about your guitars You six and twelve string pickers are a family you know. Was talking to Lepenski the other day and I thought about the time we talked about doing a rockin' down home blues band. Man we would have rocked the joint for sure . John.I have played all the cuts I have of you for my Moony and told her listen to that ain't that dude the best .He plays with heart from the depths of his soul and she agree's cause the gal knows talent Love you my dear friend say hello to Janet for me Your Friend Forever Ted
  20. Hi Shell and Kathy; Yep I still come by every once in a while to check up on you all to see what you are up to. Moon girl and me are working on our own nostalgia and we are making progress :) Shell that is a sweet pic of your beloved children. You all keep having fun Take care my friends TF
  21. Kathy and all you gs love bugs It ain't over til it's over so Happy ValentiNes Day to yA! :
  22. Rick; You got yourself in a jam now not knowing or forgetting about Chat Kat's sister Josie Meanwhile back at the ranch. Moony and I still looking for our Fl.home.Thought we had one nailed down but after having inspection done it turned out to be a dud. :blink:
  23. Sudo Well shoot if you gave Chat Kat a raise in pay at least admit Love Letters In The Sand was a super hit for Debbie Boone's Father Yepper you are right C K girl so send Sudo the bill for deception
  24. Hi Chat Kat; Good to see you back on this thread.When you go away this joint just ain't the same and everybody sure did miss you. But now all is OK cause the queen of this house is back in bizz. Sudo give Chatty K.a raise you hear me !!!! :) TLA
  25. Hey J R I don't need any puple pills but if you have a bag of salt peter to help slow me down some that sure might come in handy. OK you niners that think pot is the deviner here's lyrics from a song I do in my show from time to time. Wildwood Weeds Them there weeds use to grow wild in our yard back home Never did know what they was called just never gave it much thought Til one day I was out in the yard a talking to a bunch of friends mine I reached down for one of them weeds to chew on Next thing I knew I was on a trip and everybody was gone When I came to my brother Bill was standing over me A asking me what is the matter with you eyes Told him they got glassy from chewin? on them weeds : So he figured that he'd give them weeds a try We spent the rest of that day and night lookin' for my brother Bill Then we seen him up yonder singing Achkey Breaky Heart On top of the windmill Well sir weren't long before word got round about them cute little weeds I mean to tell ya! there was people coming from miles around When they got to our place they was all bent of a shape about life But when's they left every last one of em' Was a wearin?a big ole smile One day some old boys from Washington DC dropped by When they seen them weeds they turned white as a sheet They went out in our yard and dug up weeds and burned weeds Til they had killed ever last one of them happy go lucky weeds Then them boys gave us a lecture about how them weeds was against the law They got in their cars and went driving off we just stood their a waving Saying you alls welcome to come back you hear ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, While we was a setting .....ON A SACK OF SEEDS :
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