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Everything posted by Steve!

  1. The 4th guy's last name was Washington, wasn't it?
  2. "Non!" and that is the entirety of the spoken words in this movie!
  3. Well, krys, I do apologize if you are offended, but if a certain poster that causes people to be reminded of parts of male anatomy persists in his less-than-respectable actions, I will continue to remind him that he is being extremely offensive, but I won't say it as nicely as I just did. I don't have any problem at all with his wanting to discuss Penta water. I have a huge problem with his calling the rest of us brain-oxygen-deprived and other things. The (*) is not meant to be associated with Penta water but rather with said proponent of Penta water.
  4. Twilight Zone The Movie The tie-in is that in the epilog of "Animal House", Niedermeyer gets sent to Viet Nam and ends up getting fragged by his own men.
  5. Well, the earlier movie would be Animal House, but I can't quite place this one.
  6. That's a tricky one. You might try going online to places like http://www.microcenter.com and CompUSA's website and look at peripherals and hard drives and accessories. If anyone makes an adapter for a PC to accommodate a laptop hard drive, you would see it on one of those sites. I can't imagine that you could do it without an adapter.
  7. That reminds me of when they were constructing the docvic(praise be his name) WOW Auditorium. The ministry gods decided that the ministry should abundantly share, since that was the principle. So who did they give to? They gave money so as to finance the docvic(praise be his name) WOW Auditorium, that's who they gave to!
  8. Oh, if brains were dynamite, Tommy couldn't blow his nose.
  9. Nope, TGN, GstG got it, it's GalaxyQuest.
  10. That's pretty darned wild! Nowhere near right!
  11. If no one guesses correctly within a reasonable timeframe, I will add clues, just like everyone else does!
  12. 4 nuns crucified vs. 2 nuns crucified, what difference does it make? Who cares if 2 of the nuns were malefactors, and 2 of the nuns were thieves? Or if it was duo nuns enteuthen kai enteuthen, with Jesus in the midst?
  13. I've liked a LOT of crappy movies, that doesn't mean they're not crappy! ;)-->
  14. A big part of it is that the couple's lives is their children, they don't work on their relationship together. So when the children are all out, then all of a sudden the couple has nothing in common - they are strangers.
  15. Gary Sinise Forrest Gump Haley Joel Osment
  16. "In the show, it always stops on 1!"
  17. Steve!

    Non-PC Truths

    African-Americans and Hispanics know these truths, but White people refuse to admit it: 1. Elvis is dead. 2. Jesus was not white. 3. Rap music is here to stay. 4. Kissing your pet is not cute or clean. 5. Skinny does not equal sexy. 6. Thomas Jefferson had black children. 7. A 5 year old child is too big for a stroller. 8. N' SYNC will never hold a candle to the Temptations. 9. An occasional butt whooping helps a child stay in line. 10. Having your children curse you out in public is not normal. African-Americans and Whites know these truths, but Hispanics people refuse to admit it: 1. Hickeys are not attractive. 2. Chicken is food, not a roommate. 3. Jesus is not a name for your son. 4. Your country's flag is not a car decoration. 5. Maria is a name, but not for every daughter. 6. 'Jump out and run' is not in any auto insurance policies. 7. 10 people to a car is considered too many. 8. Buttoning just the top button of your shirt is a bad fashion statement. 9. Mami and Papi can't possibly be the nickname of every adult person in your family. 10. Letting your children run wildly through the store is not normal. Whites and Hispanics know these truths, but African-Americans people refuse to admit it: 1. O.J. did it. 2. Tupac is dead. 3. Teeth should not be decorated. 4. Weddings should start on time. 5. Your pastor doesn't know everything. 6. Jesse Jackson will never be President. 7. RED is not a Kool Aid flavor, it's a color. 8. Church does not require expensive clothes. 9. Crown Royal bags are meant to be thrown away, they're not small pieces of luggage. 10. Your rims and sound system should not be worth more than your car.
  18. That's all well and good, STL, but what has he done for me lately? ;)-->
  19. Thanks, Belle! Oh, and I can just hear some waybrained person saying, "They're not 'leaders'! They're called 'coordinators'!" So what?
  20. Cigarettes actually DO help control some chronic bowel ailments, and they DO help control sypmtoms of Parkinson's, and a couple of those other things. There's no way I would ever take up smoking, even if I *did* suffer from all of those ailments. The cure is worse than the disease, in my opinion. Oh, but one thing you've got to keep in mind - when you inhale cigarette smoke, you inhale more deeply than you normally would when breathing, thereby taking in more oxygen. So for this reason alone david anderson should start smoking.
  21. So is there a list anywhere of the current legion leaders? limb leaders? stump leader? etc? You know, there are so few people left in TWItland (some say less than 3000), that I bet between all of us greasespotters we could probably name almost all of them. So does anyone know who the leaders are? Any innies that post here that would like to pass along the info but anonymously, feel free to start a private topic with me.
  22. "Bad News Bears Go To Japan" is pretty horrific. I'd have to say "Batman and Robin" is pretty bad, too. I didn't see "The Ring 2", but it died pretty quickly, didn't it? "Smokey and the Bandit: 2" was a craptacular crapfest of crappy crap.
  23. Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde Reese Witherspoon Sweet Home Alabama
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