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Everything posted by fellowshipper

  1. Well the commonwealth games are right here in Melbourne Australia and tomorrow me misses and I are going to the swimming meet yippee. We will have to take the commuter train as there is no parking or driving is impossible." Aussie,Aussie,Aussie, oi,oi,oi"
  2. Interesting enough, up in Bartlesville where LCM is from is where they monitered and released the bald eagle to repopulate them in Okie boogy land when I first went summer outreach back in 1974. It has history.
  3. Tom Tuttle of course it is Corps night. This is always family night here. Brothers don't shake hands we brothers gotta hug. Hi Johnny Lingo, all's well in Aussie land. I can not believe the summers here as they are quite different from the summers you and I did roof work on in Okie boogie land. I never in my youth realized how hot it was until I got older of the relentless heat I was exposed. I reckon Alaska sure has it's unique coldness. Niki I haven't had a good bowl of Borsch since the Corps with the Sour Cream and all. I miss my childhood.
  4. Niki, here I sit on a summer day of the garden state of Victoria Australia with my jumper (sweater). It is chilly to day I have had my jumper on four times today and this is summer. Wow I love this climate. I saw the weather in Okie boogie land and is below freezing. Thinking of you Okies.
  5. Niki yes we have palm trees in fact I am thinking about putting one in my front yard. The rain forest of fern trees is only 1/2 an hour drive with the port of Phillip bay the same distant and the ocean 3/4 of an hour from here in the suburbs. Yes it is heavon and my wife is my Eve.Geez I luv Aussie land Mr. Niki has been here once. I likee.
  6. Excie I thinkl you need to move to Australia where the beer runs like water "no worries and no dramas"
  7. Niki that is because Texans are tough as boots
  8. Mstar 1 where is stockbridge anyway. Woody Guthrie is from Okemah, Oklahoma where I drilled with the Army for 12 years and that is where they came from. I am just curious.
  9. MSTAR1, that is good. Can you also provide a hair follicle for DNA confirmation along with a fingerprint and blood type?
  10. Wow Niki I have often heard about that song but never read the lyrics although I can hear the tune in my head. Man was I a later teenager that had never heard the lyrics. Bench W I reckon I should have been on.
  11. Excie and Niki I don't me to stupid here but what is the W bench. I am totally clueless. Maybe it's the fog years I have been delivered from, maybe it is something I forgot, maybe it is my age but I have to say it is too much cold beer. Throw me a bone here I do not remember the w bench.
  12. Excie why are you in the know. Where does gerber live now a days?
  13. Yeah, I would like to know where Dee is these days too and how shared faired in life as she was my elder Corpse and we were once engaged. I just want to know what went wrong. I need therapy. throw me a bone.
  14. who are all of these new people that have crept into this 9th corps thread unawares?
  15. NIKI on this site we share hearts.
  16. All you need Niki is a little bit of Vegimite on toast for all of your B-complex daily vitamins.
  17. I saw a bumper sticker last year when I was in the states going to Pensacola beach for holiday. It read, "SMILE YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ABORTED" I had to get my composure whilst driving as I almost lost control.
  18. Niki, I remember when I was in the Corps how easily I accepted the idea of abortion and being older I realize how wrongly we were brainwashed. My wife is a psycho, not. She is a Psychotherpist. One problem she counsels girls about is allowing their unborn child to be aborted. Although it may be a convenient way of not having the responsibility of raising an unwanted pregancy, it is paramount to understand the underlying emotional dispair a woman endures for many years after an abortion. A girls basic instinct is to provide life and when they do this it is something they carry around for life. I feel for the girls that took part of this action unknowing the long time consequences. As I get older I am learning wrong idealogy we were exposed to. I do disregard the Verd we were taught. The other crap just crept in unbeknowst to me at my tender age. On the last sentence I meant to say I do not disregard the Verd we learned it has sustained me and given me a base in the uncertain rivers of life I have crossed. A stepping stone if you will. And when the water meets a rock it builds up and boop it goes over.
  19. Screw tjhe expectation of the lotto. Just smoke the left handed cigarette and be content for crying out loud.
  20. I once smoked some wacky tobacky and saw some beatles does that count?
  21. exie have you forgotten one run, two zoo, three tree, four door, five hive, six sick, seven heavan, eight gate, nine wine ten den. Basically memory pegs. You were sleeping in residence.
  22. TOO GRAY NOW. lWhat the freak. I looked up that sight you quoted on the last post on this thread and couldn't find ilt. Mate, can you put up here so I don't get frustrated researching . I don't need the dramas.
  23. Niki, with all of the greeks here in Aussie land we have an abundance of olives like I have never experienced. yummie
  24. I didn't have a thanksgiving here as it isnt recognized but everyone knew about it.boohoo need turkey got to have turkey
  25. Niki, thank you for the comment of our 11th Corps brother Mark Reilly that has past from the memorial thread you mentioned on. I will miss him, as he was my friend and all the weekend long I have been disturbed to hear about it all. Why does death come so quick to those we love and admire. I will drink a glass of beer and or wine to my Corps brother later. I am so saddened to hear about this as I always wanted to go see him again. I did not mean to stop the thought of the thread you guys were talking about but it must be mentioned I reckon. ... We only have each other in life. I could so kick myself in the bum for not making more of an effort.
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