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Mark Sanguinetti

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Everything posted by Mark Sanguinetti

  1. I read some of your posts ChristAlone. We really think alike. You even quote some of the same scriptures that I have quoted previously on this matter. And you quote them with heart, enthusiasm and integrity. Very good. We must have the same master teacher and Lord. The only man worth truly following the Lord Jesus Christ. If you did not notice check out the Grease Spot web page below and read the letter that I (Mark S.) wrote to CES leadership back in 2000. You might find it very interesting as it gives some background as to where CES got their personal prophecy bug. It was from an organization out of Florida called Christian International with founding president Bill Hamon. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=12513 And one more thing of interest. I built a web site recently with some good biblical teachings. Check out the site below. http://www.christianherald.info Also here is a direct link to an article that I wrote that especially pertains to the subject matter of this thread. http://www.christianherald.info/lordship_o...s_christ_1.html Carry on and great posts all.
  2. I heard that in his 30s Barry's hat size increased by half a size and his shoe size increased by 3 sizes. Yes, definitely steroids or something similar. Major League Baseball was pretty lax on this until recently. For example, some of what Mark McGuire took to beef up was outlawed for the NFL, but up until recently was legal for Major League Baseball. Mark even confessed to what he was taking.
  3. Outstanding Minicorpse. Keep up the good work.
  4. Great thread Another Spot. Not only is it very insightful, but also great compassion is shown with you at the forefront.
  5. Minicorpse, I enjoyed reading your story. I am glad you kept up the struggle for your rights. Tell us about your education since your Waybrain days? What did you major in as a college student and where did you go to college? What are you studying now in Grad school?
  6. Where did you hear that Thomas? Are you saying that all the time George Lamsa was doing his bible version that he was a Muslim?
  7. Here is a study that suggests the gospel of Matthew was not even written by the disciple/apostle Matthew. This study suggests that the original language for this written work, like other books of the New Testament, may have been Greek. This study is from the Nelson Bible Dictionary. MATTHEW, GOSPEL OF Authorship and Date. Matthew is an anonymous gospel. Like other gospel titles, the title was added in the second century A.D. and reflects the tradition of a later time. How, then, did the gospel acquire its name? Writing about A.D. 130, Papias, bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), records, "Matthew collected the oracles in the Hebrew (that is, Aramaic) language, and each interpreted them as best he could." Until comparative studies of the gospels in modern times, the church understood "oracles" to refer to the first gospel and considered Matthew, the apostle and former tax collector (9:9; 10:3), to be the author. This conclusion, however, is full of problems. Our Gospel of Matthew is written in Greek, not Aramaic (as Papias records); and no copy of an Aramaic original of the gospel has ever been found. The Greek of the gospel cannot readily be translated back into Aramaic; and this strongly indicates that the gospel is not a Greek translation of an Aramaic original. Moreover, it is now generally agreed that Mark is the earliest of the four gospels and that the author of Matthew substantially used the Gospel of Mark in writing this gospel (also see GOSPELS). If the apostle Matthew wrote the gospel, one would wonder why he quoted so extensively from Mark (601 of Mark's 678 verses appear in Matthew), who was not a disciple of Jesus. Such observations virtually eliminate the possibility of the apostle Matthew being the author of the gospel. The most promising way out of this dead-end street is to understand the "oracles" mentioned by Papias, not as the Gospel of Matthew, but as a collection of Jesus' sayings collected by the apostle Matthew. Later these sayings were used by an unknown author as a source for the present Gospel. The actual author probably was a Palestinian Jew who used the Gospel of Mark, plus a Greek translation of Matthew's Aramaic "oracles," and composed the gospel in Greek. The name of the gospel, therefore, stems from the apostle Matthew on whom the author draws, in part, to compose his work. This interpretation has the benefit of paying Papias' testimony the respect it deserves, as well as honoring the problems mentioned above. (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright ©1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
  8. It is nice that you have an opinion What the Hey, but did you read the article? If you read it then why didn't you learn anything from it? Your thinking that Wierwille knows more about the original language of the New Testament than the man who wrote the linked article is insane. Here are some of the findings of actual textual experts. Try to think for yourself for a change What the Hey. Do you really think the epistles written by Paul, for example, Ephesians, Corinthians, Phillippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, etc., to Greek speaking people who did not know Aramaic would be written to them in a foreign language? What would be the point of that? Have you ever received a letter addressed to you in a foreign language? This really is a historical question for the most part. Going back to what Mark O'Malley wrote, a book by book analysis would be good. An interesting project to start with, who wrote each of the books of the bible? Here is a brief study for each of the books with a brief overview. http://blueletterbible.org/study/intros/es....html#esvchap58
  9. I had forgotten that Wierwille thought that Aramaic was the original language of the New Testament until you guys reminded me. A bible scholar he was not. The article that I posted says that all the oldest fragments of ancient biblical text are all in Greek. None are in Aramaic. Also since the Greek language was by far the language most recognized if the New Testament was to be understood by the most people it would need to have been written in Greek. Aramaic would have meant a very limited readership since this was only understood by the people of Israel. Hence they would not have been able to gain Gentile converts to Christianity. The aspostles and Jesus spoke Greek as a second language and certain New Testament records bear this out. On the other hand only the people of Israel spoke Aramaic. Hence this would not have been a good language for the spread of the Christian faith as its original language.
  10. An interesting and very scholarly article that I found tonight. The question is raised "Did Jesus and the Apostles speak Greek? The answer is overwhelmingly yes. They spoke Greek as a second language along with the rest of the civilized world at that time. The influence of Greek culture during the first century was great and dominant. Perhaps even more dominant than English is today. Jesus and the Apostles would have spoken Aramaic as their primary language, but also Greek and Hebrew as secondary languages. Check out the article with link below. It looks to me to be scholarly and factual. http://www.triumphpro.com/did_jesus_and_th...speak_greek.htm
  11. Thank you Eagle. It was very challenging. In fact, it was a real aggravation at times. I am glad I finally have something adequate, navigable and consistant in format. I am going to add a couple of more pages including a Coming Events page. The photo I have on all the page headers is one I took in Yosemite, my favorite place on earth.
  12. I got the site that I have been working on for the last couple of months up and running. Here is a link to the first Biblical Aids page. There is also a link to an additional biblical aids page which you can look at by clicking Next at the bottom of the page. I am open to adding more biblical aids sites. But for now this is adequate. The site is easily navigable. Just click on any of the dark green rectangular buttons on the left hand side of the page. http://www.christianherald.info/biblical_aids.html Here is a link to the splash page. Just click the dove to enter the site. http://www.christianherald.info/
  13. Thanks Listener. And may I add with good computer software. Biblical research can be very fast and efficient. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
  14. Bringing this to the top as I am ready to add some of your suggestions to my site. Thanks to all.
  15. Mark Sanguinetti


    Holly, we like you here on Grease Spot Cafe. We don't want you to go. And as far as stress goes here, just stay away from the political forum and you should be O.K. here. Also if you are having physical problems I recommend making this known on the prayer forum. We would love to pray for you Holly and want to see you in good health.
  16. Mark Sanguinetti


    Holly, I have been so busy I just noticed this thread and don't have time to read it all. However, I read something about you getting harrassed via PM. Are these Grease Spot Cafe PMs? If so that is very unusual and very cowardly. Normally the only PMs I get are nice ones from friends here. Even when I argue with someone here we can sometimes iron things out with a few PMs. If these are Grease Spot posters that are sending you nasty PMs I would like there Grease Spot names please. In this way I can keep my eyes open for their posts and make sure they behave. If they are especially nasty perhaps they can be encouraged to leave instead of you. Just a few thoughts. If you leave we will all miss you.
  17. Happy Birthday Oldtimer. If I was 50 I would never admit it. HeHeHeHe HoHoHoHo.
  18. Yep, 2 (3) unit classes at the local college for me also. These were in Internet technology. Mostly learning Dreamweaver 8 and Flash 8. Very challenging. Plus my full time distribution business. Plus I passed the real estate broker's test right before the semester started. This summer I will be taking commercial real estate appraisal. I figure one of these days I am going to be smart, but I sure aint there yet. And hopefully I will be using my real estate license in the near future while representing clients. And anyone that has not already answered this. What classes are you other students taking? And NotInKansas, what classes do you teach?
  19. Thank you and good suggestions. I will add some of these to my biblical aids page.
  20. Thanks WordWolf. I have never used it, but I checked Peter Wade's site earlier today and he recommends this program also. Anything else? It is nice to give people a few options. Of course, since I am going to provide a link to E-Sword's site and I have not used it. Does anyone have a recommendation for this program that I could include with the link?
  21. I am in the process of building a new Christian educational web site. One of the pages will have links to some bible study aids. I only use a program called biblesoft for my biblical study which I paid about $350 for. It works great, but I have also heard of free bible study software on the web. Does anyone here use any sites they can recommend? Is there any other bible study software that you would like to recommend for my site?
  22. Son of, I never knew you were such a good shot. Good shootin pardner.
  23. Mark Sanguinetti


    Happy Birthday FreeAtLast. I hope I did not miss the party.
  24. Jonny Lingo, is that really you? I thought you had sworn off of Grease Spot since making at least a gajillion dollars on oil profits and that you did not have any more time for us slobs? Wha happened?
  25. Hi Son of: I have Pam's phone number some where, but forgot where I put it. I should have written it in my address book. Pam is and was always a good hearted lady. I will send you an instant message so that we can communicate with names and numbers. I am not sure why she stayed at TWI so long either. Maybe she thought she could clean up the mess. But I knew beginning in about 1987 that with their hierarchy and religious power structure that this was not going to happen. Jesus would have tossed them all out of the temple.
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