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Everything posted by jetc57

  1. Word Wolf, Yeah count on those being Will Roger's sayings. Got them from a most reliable source. DMiller: As to having to be TWI sayings, WHO SAID they had to be? Is Greasespots limited to just TWI stuff? I think, tho, I may have started the Post in the WRONG Topic Center? If so, I don't know how to move it to JUST PLAIN SILLY. But me thinks it ought to be in JPS instead., cause I never intended for it to be ONLY TWI sayings... So, Thanks for the one from RR. ;)
  2. Ok then, Ever hear of Ogden Nash? Or how about Will Rogers? Here are some of Will Rogers. Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post in 1935, was probably the greatest political sage this country has ever known. Enjoy some of his humorous wisdom: 1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco. 2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. 3. There are two theories to arguing with a woman...neither works. 4. Never miss a good chance to shut up. 5. Always drink upstream from the herd. 6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. 7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your pocket. 8. There are three kinds of men; o The ones that learn by reading. o The few who learn by observation. o The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence. 9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment! 10. If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now 'n then to make sure it's still there. 11. Lettin' the cat outta' the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back in. 12. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him... The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut. Here is something else to Hopefully help one laugh and forget about TWI? The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are a few of this year's winners: 1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly. 3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 4. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 5. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. 6. Glibido: All talk and no action. 7. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 8. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web. 9. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating. And the pick of the literature: 10. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and a pain in the rear.
  3. Geesh, apparantely I've miscommunicated this post? I'm hoping for Fun Phrases, not phrases that TWI have left you BITTER about!!! This is not meant for VENTING any lines given by TWI to lure you or get you to conform to them. Lets try and FORGET about that and concentrate on Fun tidbit phrases, even cliches that Merit Truth, or Logic, or Profound thought? PLEASE!!!! :D
  4. Yes, it use to be "Believing = Receiving" but at the Live Advanced Class in Ohio VP said "Believing Appropriates Receiving". :D
  5. :D It doesn't have to have come from TWI. Infact, truth be known, and I'm stepping out on a 'limb' to suggest this, but I don't think TWI had too many ORIGINALS. I love Ogden Nash and his 'words of wisdom'. One such favorite is: "Candy is Dandy, but Liquor is Quicker" :blink: (I have never experienced this to know it for sure tho.) ;) Put on your 'thinking caps', I know there are more out there...... "Sincerity is no guarantee for Truth"
  6. I was born in San Antonio Texas. Probably raised on this very food. Gerber baby food has quite a variety?
  7. This is why us Texans are so Tough, I'm convinced.
  8. "Receive, Retain, Release" "If it isn't the Word, it should of never occurred" "God said it, that settles it." "The Word of God is the Will of God" "Believing appropriates Receiving" "Walk down the street like you own it and are planning to buy the other side" "God first, others second, yourself last." "Fear is sand in the machinery of life" and others if ya'll care to share..
  9. I call it Paranoia! Perhaps they have heightened security due to ex-wayfer terriorism? (in their minds) ;)
  10. jetc57

    DFW Area

    Anyone in the DFW area know of a guy named John Maple?
  11. OH GOOD GRIEF WOLF. You have NO idea anything about me. Spare me your satire and righteous BS. OK. I give up this POST is all Yours. You are LOVED Unconditionally!!! And I, personally, do not care WHAT you think of ME.
  12. Wolf : Excuse me for ASKING questions. I obviously DO NOT KNOW Raf like you do. I merely asked, I DID NOT ACCUSE nor did I CONDEMN. It just seemed he got pretty defensive when I pointed out that The JWs also had their own translation of the Bible. I will certainly think TWICE before making any further POSTS.....
  13. Your right, To qualify my statement I should of said "Dangerous to those who Believe that non-sense.". My first father-in-law, who is Greek use to always tell me "I'm the Jesus". but I assure you, he was only kidding. Its amazing to me how people will just blindly believe some of the stuff they hear. The moonies are still very active, but if you looked at the size of organizations out there, The Family has quite a following itself. They are in other countries besides the USA. While the group founded by "Jim Jones" seemed to have lost many followers including the leader, to the 'koolaid incident', they still exist (not all of the committed suicide). The Harry Chrishnas (sp) they still exist today, too. You can find them promoting their religion at colleges even now. Not too many years ago there was this group that thought Space Ships were coming for them. (A mass suicide in CA, I believe from that organization.) Waco had its Cult, too, and not all of them Died, either. That group reformed into 'splinters' too.
  14. The Evan: I was baffled by the notion that the United Pentecostal Church didn't believe in the Trinity! Because for years growing up that's all I heard my Aunt and Uncle fuss about was how my Dad's religion were Anti-christ. BUT, hey I located a web site, which I have inserted the link to below. I am very amazed, and I apologize for doubting your word, Evan. Perhaps through the years they have changed their teachings? At any case, here is a link as to what they now believe. http://www.upci.org/doctrine/#60%20Questio...20the%20Godhead Very interesting.. I thank you for pointing this out to me. As I mentioned in a post way before todays, the Cult book I was introduced to, well it was written in the Early 70s.. and by the way, it did include TWI in its list of dangerous organizations. Regarding what organizations have added or taken away from the original Scriptures, I simply found it interesting how the JWs had to re-write the Bible, and when they did, it had massave boo boos, typos if you will, and to this day they will write articles that try to explain and or correct the mistakes. Since Christ has promised a 'Second Return' I think our focus ought to be on "How do we identify the Anti-Christ" so we are not fooled into Following after the Wrong one? I think the most Dangerous of Cults are those whose leaders CLAIM to be GOD or the Messiah!! We have to be on guard and our spiritual discernment in tact,, and the only way that can happen (in my opinion) is prayer and an individual walk with God....
  15. RAF, are you affiliated with the JWs? I could get out previous notes I made while I was in the organization and show you all the places where they put in the word Jehovah, or Jesus inplace of the word 'lord' where it WAS NOT appropriate. One thing comes to mind is where it was talking about a woman and her husband, and it was said her husband was her 'lord' in the Bible, in the NWT is said Jehovah (I believe). You are protective of the JWs, is this because you are among them? If so, I caution you against this group. They are fear motivated., among other things, but hey, you and others should follow your hearts. I personally have found many of their doctrine full of mis-truths. For instance, do you REALLY believe Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel? There would be more. I've made it my passion to try and FORGET about the indoctrination I went through within that Group..... At any rate, I didn't intend for my comments to 'offend' but perhaps if you want to start a post in support of the JW's so many TRUTHS, I'd be glad to dig up my notes. I'D ALSO be happy to share with you years of Horror that occurred all in the name of that Organization. How a man disowned his family because they did not become JWs. OH, I could write a book. Have you ANY idea what takes place in their Headquarters? Russel and Rutherford were in no way Biblical Scholars.... Blessings Jeannette
  16. Concening a group of people who felt it necessary to re-write scripture - is the JWs. They have their own bible called "The New World Translation of the Scriptures". The only problem witih their 'translation', is they made several boo boos. For instance, their Bible changes were suppose to suport their doctrine and instead it confuses things. They went through and changed the word 'lord', and other things. In this case, the JWs felt it necessary to have a Bible that supported their lies. Reader's Digest created a Condensed Version of the Bible. (in order to condense, one must take out stuff). There is another group besides the Morman church who have additional material other than the "King James Bible". The Seventh Day Adventists. The Mormons and the Adventists have 'prophets' one male (Joseph Smith ?), and one female (name escapes me). Both prophets wrote books on things they felt God wanted them to tell the masses. Well, as I recall, VPW also wrote books in addition to the Bible. The book of Mormon does NOT replace the Bible for Mormons, its only a 'supplemental' piece of Literature for study and doctrine. Most all religions have their 'books of doctrine'. Hey what about the "Dead Sea Scrolls"? Weren't they written way before the "King James"? Has anyone read any of the books written by a "Bishop Spong"? Anyone seen the studies of the "Jesus Seminar'? These are theories, studies and suggestions all coming from Leaders in Mainstream Christianity. Scholars if you please. What about Mythology? Or the stories that were created by Indians years ago? Is Mythology older than "Christianity"? (curious, not expressing an opinion here.) Every organization out there has their Reasons for their 'additional literature'. Its to further indoctrinate their followers to 'trust or believe' them. Oh, to the powers of 'believing' whatever they be! What the mind of man can believe, he can achieve! People will always 'see things differently'. This is true of colors, events, and philosophy. (to name only a few). I'm compiling a list of questions I plan to ask God, or Christ when after "the Return" provided they aren't too busy destroying all 'evil'. I just hope that the list is with me and makes it to the "Bema".
  17. In the 1970s while I was in TWI, I was shown a book by my Brother, who at that time was going to Christ for the Nations Bible College in Dallas Texas. That book on cults Defined a Cult, this way: A Cult is any organization, or person who believes that "Jesus is NOT God". That was first on the list, and then it discussed "brainwashing", "people selling all their possessions to fund the Cult", "Living communally", and 'people following the teachings of One man/woman blindly without using their own thought processes, and without questioning its Leader'. They sited the following groups at that time as being: TWI, JWs Moonies Children of God (now known as the Family) Mormans World Wide Church of God (Garner Ted Armstrong - who by the way use to be part of the JW organization and was one of its contributing leaders., his son now has an offshoot organization.) The David Carresh (sp) - group Jim Jones' group (their name escapes me) Someone in a previous note mentioned 'Unity', but that church IS Trinitarian, so therefore I doubt someone would consider them a 'cult'.... Incidentally, the organization my brother was a part of, one of the Big time "Faith Healers' Kara Koffman (sp) she was suied for Fraud. This individual at one of her 'gatherings' sat in an empty wheelchair simply because there was no where else to sit and they came in late. Well, Kara had her ushers - usher the wheelchair (person and all) up to the stage and told them to STAND, you are HEALED, (well course they stood up, and the audience rejoiced). Imagine if you were in this situation? What would you have done? Taken the mic and told the audience the truth? Well this person simply walked off the stage.. and later filed the lawsuit. Anyway --- It was a bunch of people who obviously were Strick Trinitatians that wrote that CULT BOOK I saw in the 70s. Still, I never defined TWI or any of them as Cults. I would say, however that many Groups have proven themselves Deceptive (cult or otherwise). Many were motivated by greed, money, and power. Various leaders of these organizations let the power go to their heads. Dr. Phil recently opened the public's eyes to a few who were abusing young children as part of their Cause for God. That was a good thing to get the public aware of what was happening to innocent children. There are so many 'messed up minds' out there from these dangerous groups. I bet, Catholic included, you could find People in leadership positions "taking advantage of their power, and molesting children, or using their position to commit adultery", AND they get to STAY in their POWERFUL POSITIONS. The All powerful Assemblies of God had a guy like that, An Evangelist for crying out loud. He was hiring prostitutes and having 'god knows what' going on to pleasure himself in motel rooms. His name escapes me. There was a Baptist Evangelist who traded in his position (He was known as the Chaplain of Burbon Street) He was big in the 70s, then he 'couldn't beat them, so he joined them', and dissappeared out of the Fold. Oh, there are SO MANY OTHERS who have used their power to 'control, manipulate, and deceive'. There are offshoots of Mormonism that have gone into communities where they aren' t controlled by 'county or city' jurisdictions and take on many wives. I lived in a town called Arlington WA - there was a group called "The Israel Family", they lived communally, on a farm where they raised Garlic, and Hemp. Big Drug sales occurred there, AND the leader "Love Israel", he and his 'wives and children' lived off the wealth of others, had a NICE place, and the rest had huts with no electricity. They changed all their names, like to "Charish Israel, "Grace Israel, and so forth". They schooled their children til High School and then brought their kids 'pot and drugs', and then those kids influenced others in the school. No one could stop them. They had a garlic festival every year (kinda reminded me of ROA, only old hippies). People from all over the USA and the World attended their festivals. I have had Mormons (LDS) in my family and many friends who were. If there is one organization out there that is doing right by their families, I have to say they impress me by their lives and the standards and morals they live by. (I bet you'll find someone in that group that has been a poor example too.) I would not become a Mormon, cause I do not agree with some of their doctrine, but I Will not Judge them. Even tho JWs have a messed up way of thinking (in my opinion) you don't hear too many things about them and 'sexual misconduct', although I do know a personal case in my family when my Sister was in the group in CA. One of the gals in her congregation was babysitting her kids, and was inappropriate with them. This was the wake up call for my sister to leave that group. The bible says we will "Know them by their fruit", and attest to their works. Still I won't judge any one person based on the Organization or the example their Leaders are providing., at the same time I will Not participate in a Ministry that has caused so much pain and misery, has been so judgemental of others (based on their ability to abundantly share). I look at groups like the Moonies with 'sadness in my heart'. Because I see so many people being CONTROLLED, MANIPULATED, and Deceived... There is good vs evil in every nationality, and in every religion, and certainly in Politics! I seriously doubt there is ONE and only ONE true RELIGION. I think its an individual walk. I think people who love and want to serve God need to find fellowship with others whom 'lift them, help them grow spiritually, and accept their uniqueness, and love them unconditionally", and wherever led to serve God that they maintain their FREEDOM of WILL and will take a stand for what is Righteous.
  18. AMEN I totally agree, as I said "I use to think" that way when I FIRST got into TWI, and I talked to him one on one, His excuse for 'smoking' was Grace and God's divine protection for him. I expressed my dismay and disagreed with him in that his 'smoking' also effected others lives too. See I grew up in a home full of SMOKERS, my sister and I both had asthma, her worse than mine. Now she is battling cancer. Anyway....... I will post MY Story on that in the proper place., But, see back then, I was young -- and I had NEVER heard of anyone harming children. I led a pretty sheltered life. I was raised going to the local Baptist Church, had my first "born again experience" There, Then, my Dad decided to become a Jehovah's witness, and that EVERYONE in the house would go that route, OR THEY WOULD HAVE TO LEAVE HOME. I was forced (like most Cult children) to STUDY their Dogma. While I did learn to agree with some similar teachings (the Way has), I was told that if I ever entered a Pagan Church, I would not get to live one day in Perfect Paradise. I had the better sense after just three years of the BS in the JW organization to know that I did NOT want to be motivated by FEAR and ANGER, as my father was venomous all the time trying to FORCE his opinions and will on others. (One irony for me in TWI, was VPW looked almost just like MY DAD). It was at a live Advanced Class in Ohio where I got to speak with VPW up on a balcony. But it wasn't until GREASESPOTS that I learned of those Horrible things he did to others, and how he not only polluted but he (sinned against many). I SEE IT NOW, and I can't help but BELIEVE that if I had of asked him about This other stuff -- He would probably have given me the same Answers. (All about how we are forgiven for all the things we have done in the past, and WILL do in the future., how by Christ's stripes we are healed, and that his smoking wouldn't kill him, cause God promised.) Even Then I believed "Grace is no license to Sin". Anyway, what I said before in no way LIGHTENS the fact VPW used his authority to Consciously and with Malice and forethough -- Harm innocent people who put their Trust in HIM. I did not have respect for VPW from that 'smoking' discussion, and I sure respect him EVEN LESS after knowing about all the other horrific things he accomplished - in the name of TWI. Still people loved HIM, and looked to HIM rather than God and their own thinking. So many who still remain I'm convinced are Not capable of 'trusting their own Godly wisdom and discernment'. It wasn't long for me after that Live Class, and so many others I know as well. He grew more and more paranoid of the 'threat others posed to him and TWI'. I now know why. It wasn't any enemy that lurked outside of TWI, but the very Founder and his Thought Life. Anyway, I know, and I agree -- I didn't mean to make light of any greater evil he got away with ---- He did reap what he sowed...... I'm sure he will be held accountable for it ALL... For me, I was first a "Baptist", then forced to get involved with the JW cult, so to me TWI was a breath of fresh air, the Freedom I needed. I could learn about the Bible, Serve God, love others, and a Building from Pagandom wouldn't fall on my head. To this day, I have trouble visiting churches, and have had some pretty uncomfortable moments. Like how do you not stand up and protest - when some preacher is saying that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega? It took both my husband and son to keep me from Standing up and Voicing my Opinion..... I might have gone to a Unitarian church but there doesn't seem to be any of those around these parts.... For me, I'm probably one like you describe Belle, someone uncomfortable with the 'Church, Denomination Scene'. TWI was never my FIRST LOVE, tho., it was a stepping stone, a safe place to Grow up. I learned a wonderful trade, met some awesome people who were genuine, and I also learned not to look to Others as my example, but to be an example. I learned that being Human meant many imperfections. I am more accepting of others and myself because of what I learned from the People of TWI.. Oh, and through the years the second main book on my bookshelf is "Life is Tremendous". Still read it whenever I get depressed.
  19. People would include you, me and others. I am NOT selfish, lazy, covetous, OR Violent! Sure some people in this world ARE, but that is because the world is full of many kinds of people. We all have 'sin nature'. We ALL have 'freedom of will'. We are responsible for our own actions. Not ALL people are 'born of God'. Not ALL people have a conscious, and their mind runs wild with 'evil intentions'. Some People are influenced by drugs, etc. BUT, to say ALL people are selfish, lazy, etc is NOT TRUE. I've personally made for myself long-life decisions. Moral and Spiritual. I have been a victim by certain kinds of "Mean People". Wolves in Sheeps clothing. I know they exist, and no longer have blinders on to them, but I am not in the same Catagory. I have a "God conscious". I have a desire to 'please God and others'. I am both loyal to God and others of the Household. So, when you say People, You can't include ME or ANYONE ELSE who Lives to Glorify God. (well you could say it, or even write it, but it doesn't make you RIGHT) Anyone, really (Christian or otherwise) with half a brain, and a kind heart, would know that Violence and Crime have their consequences. Again and Finally "We all possess Freedom of Will"..
  20. Excuse my ignorance, but are 'splinter groups' something to be shunned? If they are fashioning their 'fellowships n teaching' after the great points from what they learned in TWI, but without all the 'BS' , 'Disgraceful Behavior', and are truly ministering to the needs of others, then I would think that could be a wonderful thing? I don't really know much about these 'splinter' groups. I've looked at a few that were links from Peter Wade's sight. I was thrilled to have found that Peter Wade was still serving God. (I have long admired his genuine Christ-likeness.) He, his wife and family are 'Down to earth' and don't think of themselves 'higher than others'.. I really have grown to love them, and hey, they actually write me wonderful letters., and they've never asked for money. Anyway, I know some people who are still serving God outside of TWI. Like Houk Hitchcock and George St.G, and Ray Skotak. I'm still lookin for others who are taking a stand and serving God, and doing it outside the 'confines' of TWI. I never thought of TWI as being Legalistic - although I know now they must of been for some. It always baffled me how VPW could teach 'God's rightly divided Word' - and not Realize that his 'smoking' would destroy the 'temple'. I thought he was a bad example with that one. If he had been really legalistic, I suppose he would have banned 'smoking'. After all it is toxic poison to the temple of God? I think he wanted to send the message that 'grace is a license to do whatever we want', without any cause n effect. Its a shame his 'freedom' cost him his life in the end. Anyway, I am to the conclusion in my life now, I need to fellowship with other 'Saints', however I do refuse to return to serve a ministry that has destroyed others lives, is in denial, and continues to 'think more highly of themselves than they ought to'. They look down upon others. The very people whom are running that shell of an organization now are the ones that Should be 'sent packing'. I serve a loving God, who is no respector of persons. I am craving some quality fellowship of like-minded believers. Splinter group or otherwise, I bet it would be spiritually rewarding? Thanks for letting me know.
  21. jetc57

    Goodbye Greasespot

    I am sad to hear this news CM, I've read several of your posts and many of your words have touched my heart and life. Too bad your presence has hendered YOU, it certainly hasn't hindered ME. It's Christ in you, that makes your life so beautiful, all that is within come alive. You are God's son, a masterpiece of greatest art, you shine aglow and we know. That its the Good in You, that's all we see, Its Christ in You, Its Christ in Me. God Richly bless your heart, soul, mind and give strength to your body. You are LOVED. Hugs Jeannette
  22. I think it is COOL that folks are getting together. AND ya'll are doing it on my daughter's 23rd birthday. When you gather around the campfire, say alittle prayer for my daughter? Her name is Alethea. Have a blast everyone! Wish I were able to join ya. I love campouts. Jeannette
  23. Hey I was a WOW in Holyoke, MA - 1977-78, then returned again in 1979-80.. Anyone out there recognize any of the following names? Shelley Green (maiden name) Jody Demerol (?maide name) Pam Vachon Wayne Vachon Roy Resovick Rob Fontaine Randy Spaulding Debbie Jobert (now Debbie Spaulding) Peter Newey Rob Gant Jack Pendergast Foster and Teesh Smith
  24. Please don't loose Hope. There is a time and place for everything, as it is written in the Word of God. Perhaps that 'time' hasn't happened yet, but surely we will have 'answers' to this and other questions one day. Keep 'hope' alive? All those who caused harm to 'God's Children', will be certainly Held Accountable!!
  25. Twi isn't the only group to have 'sexual preditors'. I saw a shocking story on the Dr Phil show just today, there is actually a group out there with thousands of children being molested by their own parents and it gets worse. The group formed around the same time as TWI, only this one was called "The Children of God", it later changed its name to "THE Family". My goodness this poor excuse for a human even wrote literature describing how these young girls should lure members into the group by being "hookers for jesus". OMG can you imagine escaping from a place like that? Horrific stories with that CULT., and to think they STILL have a huge following. Our childen are suppose to be the future leaders of our nation. God protect them ALL.
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