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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. I'm still thinking about criminals. If the connection with Thor is the Bifrost, perhaps the show was "OZ."
  2. Ok, next question. Here's a list of first names/nicknames. What do they have in common? (That is, why do I find them noteworthy, what's this a list OF?) Otis, Lefty, Charlie Truscott Jr, Lucky, Nelson, Spike, Clayton, Muddy and Boo.
  3. So many colonies of Great Britain existed that they said "the sun never sets on the British Empire", meaning that, no matter where the Sun is, it's daytime for one or more colonies.
  4. How about all those countries celebrating their breakaway and independence from the UK?
  5. It's likely about the criminals. So, it might be "ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK."
  6. There's Something About Mary Ben Stiller Meet the Parents
  7. So, an event that matters to a lot of countries. And is spread all over the calendar. That's either a day nobody can agree on, or a day that varies all over the world. Given how many countries have a history of a country in Europe conquering "colonizing" them, I'm going with "INDEPENDENCE DAY." BTW, the US and Argentina celebrate those 5 days apart, on July 4th and July 9th, respectively. Curiously enough, Argentina declared independence in 2 stages. When France took over Spain, Argentina announced it wouldn't accept France as in charge, and allegedly remained loyal to the Spanish monarch- then set about being independent. Later, after nobody sent an armed fleet in response, they declared formal independence.
  8. CORRECT, just to make it official. Thanks for not making me post Harold Hill. That last set of names was all his other "obvious" roles (in "Victor Victoris", "SOB", "the Last Starfighter", etc.)
  9. Mrs Wolf was curious if "Law and Order" counted as a legal show rather than a detective show.
  10. Robert MacArthur Charles Bent Martin Bradley Kent Dick Allen Digby Geste Johnny Potter Ronnie Logan Chuck Lane Steve Lewis Donald Morse Paul Bryson Jr Steve Van Ruyle Robert Draper Dan Cutler Michael Crane Pvt Joe Doyle Captain Nick Stanton Francis Macomber Jim Davis Rev. Philip Y. Andrews Tate Riling Murray Sinclair Brad Brady David Boothe Pat Barnett James Cloud Kid Wichita John Graham Matthew Fowler Joe Waldner Sheriff Jack Potter Jack Roberts Ben Wagner Phil Baxter Isaac Eaton Jed Kennedy Jim Tweedy Professor Richard Wanley Jeff Frazer Col. Frank Marston Capt. Bob Wainer Thomas Howard Jesse James Zachary Meredith Doug Hallock Tom Waycroff Tom Collier Doug Hallock Cleve Gordon William Struthers Father Chuck O'Malley Clinton Jones Rubin Flood Roger Morgan Steve Blair Jay Follett Ace Bonner Joseph Dobbs Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside Tom Lindholm Sr. Hadley Chisholm Ben Sunday Mike Finnegan Dennis Riordan Dr. Irving Finegarten Carole "Toddy" Todd "Big" Ed Bookman Centauri
  11. While I am confident that anyone at the top of twi would WANT to hack people's profiles anywhere, as well as invade ANY privacy they had, neither they nor their top stooges have had the wits to be able to pull it off. twi, until fairly recently, had a policy of telling its followers to avoid the internet, to avoid going online, to avoid all online interaction categorically. If someone had to go online, they were to go specifically where they needed to go, then to go offline immediately, and avoid everything else. In case one wonders why twi had such a policy, twi's best defense against people leaving twi or even QUESTIONING twi has been the mushroom method- keep the followers in the dark and feed them swill. The internet makes it EASY to find alternate points of view, to find people who can tell the truth about twi, who can spill the beans about their unlawful and immoral activities- not to mention unBiblical activities. So, keep people from even KNOWING there's options, to keep them mindlessly returning weekly to twi and handing over 10/15/20% of their income. (lcm's attempts to have people hand over almost all their money- the "plurality giving"- was never particularly effective. Ever heard of any other religious group that said to calculate what you needed to live on, then send them the rest? Only twi had the nerve to pull that. I'm not even sure the Moonies tried to go that far.) twi's fond of spying on people, but their methods are crude. If you live on-grounds, you have no privacy. People listen in on conversations (even if you're just visiting), and will read anything they are able to, even if it's immoral or illegal to do so. (BTW, I once spoke to someone on-grounds and warned him all conversations were monitored. He disagreed, and we discussed something else. About a minute later, someone broke in and contradicted what I'd just said- and I'd said it quietly. He missed the look that passed the 2 people he interrupted. He'd just PROVED conversations were monitored, which, at that moment, was the worst thing he could do for the other guy.) So, expect them to focus more on low-tech, but expect them to spy on people on-grounds using every method at their disposal, limited largely by their competency.
  12. Dick Tracy Mandy Patinkin the Princess Bride
  13. "Paradise was closed so they headed for the coast in a blissful manner. They took a two-room apartment that was jumping every night of the week. Happiness was found in each other's arms as expected, yeah. Billy pierced his ears, drove a pickup like a lunatic, ooh!" "Billy wrote a letter back home to Patti's parents trying to explain. He said: "We're both real sorry that it had to turn out this way. But there ain't no point in talking when there's nobody listening, so we just ran away. Patti gave birth to a ten-pound baby boy, yeah." "
  14. Robert MacArthur Charles Bent Martin Bradley Kent Dick Allen Digby Geste Johnny Potter Ronnie Logan Chuck Lane Steve Lewis Donald Morse Paul Bryson Jr Steve Van Ruyle Robert Draper Dan Cutler Michael Crane Pvt Joe Doyle Captain Nick Stanton Francis Macomber Jim Davis Rev. Philip Y. Andrews Tate Riling Murray Sinclair Brad Brady David Boothe Pat Barnett James Cloud Kid Wichita John Graham Matthew Fowler Joe Waldner Sheriff Jack Potter Jack Roberts Ben Wagner Phil Baxter Isaac Eaton Jed Kennedy Jim Tweedy Professor Richard Wanley Jeff Frazer Col. Frank Marston Capt. Bob Wainer Thomas Howard Jesse James Zachary Meredith Doug Hallock Tom Waycroff Tom Collier Doug Hallock Cleve Gordon William Struthers Father Chuck O'Malley Clinton Jones Rubin Flood Roger Morgan Steve Blair Jay Follett Ace Bonner Joseph Dobbs Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside Tom Lindholm Sr. "Big" Ed Bookman Hadley Chisholm Ben Sunday Mike Finnegan Dennis Riordan
  15. Let's see. Setting between Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3 (IM2 ends with Thor's hammer as a teaser.) It was a JOKE that it was part of the MCU, so it wasn't an MCU show- which makes sense because MAoS was the only one I remember for then and Fury would be conspicuous there. If I wanted a cameo as a fast food restaurant patron, I'd expect the show either had a fast food restaurant as a regular setting and set, or have something like SNL where they set up anything whenever they feel like it. It was a TV show, not a movie. This show either had to be run by geeks, or by people with a fantastic sense of humor, otherwise, why think they'd slip Nick Fury into a background? So, based on all that, I'm going with "THE BIG BANG THEORY." We have the rough time-frame, we have geeks, we have comedy, AND multiple sets with places to eat (primarily The Cheesecake Factory, but sometimes a Chinese restaurant or somewhere else.)
  16. This movie was restored (with all scenes) in 1999. Plans to remake it completely in 2009 fell through, and the chosen director said in 2012 that it was probably better it not be remade. In 2012 and 2018, there were limited theatrical re-releases of this movie. (The 2018 one was chosen for its timing.) In 2016, Lego released a set of the movie. This was another movie whose soundtrack was very successful in addition to the movie's success. English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, English, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Arabic, Spanish, Farsi, Swahili, Sanskrit, French, Hebrew, Swedish, Chinese, German, Japanese, English- that's the order at the end of the movie. Fred Astaire and Joan Crawford were the originals for the couple that ballroom-danced. They did that in "Dancing Lady"(1933).
  17. Robert MacArthur Charles Bent Martin Bradley Kent Dick Allen Digby Geste Johnny Potter Ronnie Logan Chuck Lane Steve Lewis Donald Morse Paul Bryson Jr Steve Van Ruyle Robert Draper Dan Cutler Michael Crane Pvt Joe Doyle Captain Nick Stanton Francis Macomber Jim Davis Rev. Philip Y. Andrews Tate Riling Murray Sinclair Brad Brady David Boothe Pat Barnett James Cloud Kid Wichita John Graham Matthew Fowler Joe Waldner Sheriff Jack Potter Jack Roberts Ben Wagner Phil Baxter Isaac Eaton Jed Kennedy Jim Tweedy Professor Richard Wanley Jeff Frazer Col. Frank Marston Capt. Bob Wainer Thomas Howard Jesse James Zachary Meredith Doug Hallock Tom Waycroff Tom Collier Doug Hallock
  18. "Paradise was closed so they headed for the coast in a blissful manner. They took a two-room apartment that was jumping every night of the week. Happiness was found in each other's arms as expected, yeah. Billy pierced his ears, drove a pickup like a lunatic, ooh!"
  19. "Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for HIS country."
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