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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. Human, read down all the posts in the page, it wasn't exactly a typo.
  2. "You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history."
  3. "4 census takers once tried to test me. I ate their livers with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." Ok, seriously, I'll post something else.
  4. "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
  5. "Take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip and see. Take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip with me."
  6. "It's amusing that the roast beef is the same price as an Oldsmobile." "I love you too... Rosenthal." "A man should be treated better than his luggage." "Yeah, well, my luggage was sucked out the door. Luckily my radio is frozen to my wrist." "You're a phony. You're a phony. Yes, you are! And you know what, you can't even sing. Your voice was dubbed." "What are you doing here?" "A very brief cameo." "Me too." "Maybe we could jump PARTWAY."
  7. Meat Loaf. "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)."
  8. DG is a LOT more famous for that line, but I agree Warren Oates said that line slipping out of the vehicle. He kind-of muttered it to himself, which means a lot of people may not remember it. Is the current one "A FEW GOOD MEN"?
  9. Hm. Used to watch "Yellow Submarine" on Thanksgiving when I was younger. I've since shifted that to a different day. Maybe we should consider adding this one to the mix, although I have enough trouble squeezing in "Alice's Restaurant Massacree" every year as it is.
  10. Raf clears the table! (Been practicing billiards lately?) A) 1605 was the last time- before JP1- that there were 3 different Popes in the same calendar year. It has to coincide with the conclaves agreeing in a few months on the next pope, and a pope dying after a short term in office. So, one pope dies, the conclave selects the next pope quickly, who also dies, and the conclave picks his successor quickly. So, in one calendar year, that happened with JP1 but hadn't happened for the previous 450 or so years. B) JP1 picked two names- John and Paul, which was unique in papal history. First time ever. C) JP1 called himself "the First" rather than simply "Pope John Paul", and that also was a first. D) 3 previous popes had officially been poped and had died shorter into their terms than he did, but since those weren't recent, a lot of conspiracy theories popped up.
  11. "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" (later known as "Parker Lewis") was pretty funny, and it was largely self-referential humor. A number of times we saw Parker and his friends planning. "Synchronize Swatches!" *everybody brings their wrists in with watches showing and a swoosh sound* One episode, we saw their Dads planning. "Synchronize Bulovas!" *same action, same sound effect, different watches* I thought the best joke was an in-house ad for the show that had the cast dancing around to music, until one interrupted, shouted that this wasn't 90210, and to get on with their business (or whatever.) As the cast dispersed, Luke Perry (90210) was easily spotted in the group leaving, complete with being given a dirty look, and him looking exasperated as he walked out.
  12. Still holding off on posting mine. I'd like to mention a few things, in the meantime. 1) I also put Eric Clapton as a lead guitarist. 2) 3 different people put Paul McCartney as bassist. Not me, as I never remember him PLAYING the bass. Apparently, everyone else does. 3) In the interest of having lots of musicians sit in for a song or 2, I added a violinist, harmonica player, and floutist. Wordpup beat me to suggesting the violinist. I also added someone on sitar. 4) There's still no such thing as a wrong answer, although I'd question a few. Someone asked me about a band they didn't know- so I questioned whether they thought the musicians they didn't know could keep up with this list, and they admitted THEY didn't think so. I'm still reconsidering one of my lead vocalists, because I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
  13. "Let me guess- you're from outer space?" "No, I'm from Iowa. I only WORK in outer space."
  14. Matthew Broderick was having "Ferris Buehler's Day Off". It was his 9th sick day, so he figured he'd better make it count as he wasn't going to get a 10th one. "We saw everything. We saw the whole city. We ate pancreas." (Not even counting the parade or catching a fly ball at Wrigley Field.) They went for lunch in a spiffy upscale restaurant where he claimed to be Abe Frohman, Sausage King of Chicago. (Good thing the real Abe didn't show up while they were still eating.) That's where they "ate pancreas." In "Risky Business", Tom Cruise and Rebecca DeMornay did a whole lot of other things. One of the more famous moments was Tom Cruise having the house to himself and singing karaoke or lip-synching in the living room. *slides out*
  15. Somebody from before my time, obviously..... Tony Curtis????????
  16. Taking a swing at it.... was this "Malcolm 10" or something?
  17. Raf's right. I confused Oasis with Radiohead (it can happen), and I got stuck on the title because "I'm a loser" and "I'm a creep" sort-of blend together in my head as song lyrics go. I'd have the same problem if there were lines like "I'm a cretin" or "I'm a nincompoop" and so on. So, Raf's turn, fair and square.
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