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Posts posted by RottieGrrrl

  1. (twi was hardly alone in this- crackpot religious fringes tend to add that

    sort of thing. If their leader isn't the Messiah, then the Messiah will

    show up and shake his hand or something.)

    I'm sorry. I just read this and I think it's flipping hilarious. I read an interview with Oprah once, and she actually said when she dies, she wants the angels to all line up and be saying, "You go girl!" No kidding. I was amazed at the ego of some of these people. Like it's all about them. It is quite funny though. biglaugh.gif/>

    OH PS: Happy belated birthday johniam!

  2. lol you guys. biglaugh.gif/> Broken Arrow I was thinking about one of those books, about how to answer them. I'll have to take a look at them. I certainly don't want to convert them to "my way of thinking" I don't even know what "my way of thinking is" and whatever it is, it's probably pretty stupid anyway, lol. Thank God for His mercy on us, seriously. But I'd be curious to see what they say, so I may do some digging on Amazon and see what's out there. smile.gif

  3. In essence, what I mean is that I don't engage in lengthy dialogue.

    Oh. Okay. I gotcha. I'm still gonna hide in the hallway. One time I did that and my dog ate my sandwich on the table while I was hiding. Anyway...Yours is the best way to handle it waysider. But I'd still rather hide in the hallway.

  4. Speaking only for myself, I prefer to politely tell them I'm not at all interested, thank them for their concern and end the conversation at that.

    Yeah but I'm a goil, and I don't like opening my door to anybody. They could be serial killers in disguise. I watch too many crime shows, I know. And my rottweiler is a joke. Love her, but she's a joke as a guard dog. Btw, I'm at my puter sort of house hunting, that's why I'm replying right away. It's not like I don't have a life you know. Well, I don't....but that's beside the point.

  5. People like that, besides being clueless,


    They rarely know the entire Bible.

    They know a specific technique with specific verses,


    That's where the fun begins-if you know more Bible.

    Well that's the problem. I DON'T know scripture well. I mean, not to the point where I'm able to hold my own with anybody who really knows scripture. Digressing here just for a moment, one of the things I tell people is that don't let somebody who knows a lot of scripture fool you into thinking they know what they are talking about. I know a lady who is quite astute at memorizing verses but she twists things so ludicrously you have to put about 90% of what she says through the BS filter.

    Anyway, I totally agree your part about knowing a specific technique with specific verses. You put that well. Because that is exactly what I felt with the guy. I ALSO was thinking of you, WordWolf, and at least a dozen other greasespotters here that would have nailed this guy in no time. But me trying to argue back would have been useless. I would have lost. lol. He still thinks he had the upper hand in that "conversation" I'm sure.

    Lesson learned for me is don't engage with these type of people. I even told him I just watched a crime documentary the night before (one of these ID Discovery shows) where a family from Allentown Pa. got massacred, they were JW's. Their own sons massacred the family, mom, dad, and younger brother, and the parents were so terrified of these kids (shortly before this happened) they went to their church "elders" for help, and got no help, they were told it was a test from God and to deal with it on their own.

    This young guy, Nayr (that's his name spelled backward, lol) told me, "Well, different elders deal with situations different ways." THAT's his freaking answer? Sheesh. Anyway, I digress.

    But yeah, I'll leave the scripture battles for those who are better at it than me. I would just end up with egg on my face. But it was an eye opener. I'm not going to feel guilty about hiding in my hallway when they come to my door. That's for sure.

  6. I work for a small property management company that manages two buildings for small businesses. And by small, I mean it's just me and my boss and my dog. lol. Anywhoos, the mortgage company was doing their annual property inspection where I walk the guy around and he takes pictures of various tenant's offices and makes his notes, it's a young guy who has been here before, nice fellow.

    WELL, while I'm walking with him I get a call from the radio station that's hosting the Israel tour I'm going on, because they had changed hosts and I had a couple of questions, and they were getting back to a v/m I had left. So the young guy, I'll call him Nayr, because that's his name backwards, started asking me why I was going to Israel, then he asked me what my beliefs were on the Lord, da da da, and then I asked him if he was a Jehovah Witness. Because honestly, they are really one of the few people who are so freaking in your face about your beliefs that roam our area.

    Anyway, I actually tried to tell him I belonged to a CULT group when I was younger, very much like the Jehovah's and he should look up the Way International, which he had never heard of. He actually asked me don't I want to know the truth. Oh my gosh. I just looked at him and said something like, NO. lol. Because at this point I knew he was just past reasoning. He was so freaking indoctrinated in his beliefs, there was nothing I could do to change him.

    I actually told him I resent when people come knocking on my door, that I just hide from them. He said I should talk to them, that Jesus said we were supposed to be disciples. I told him that was back before there was radio and tv and a church on every corner, and if people want to hear the Word it's all over America, unless you are hiding under a rock. I look back now and I decided I'm going to memorize Matthew 25: 34-36 and quote that back the next time somebody knocks on my door and annoys me.

    I have a hard enough time keeping my pot smoking neighbor from coming over here and thinking it's okay to use my yard as her pot den because she doesn't want her husband to see her smoking pot... but I digress...

    Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is, the Way is not at all the only annoying freaking religious goofy cult group that think they are the only ones with the truth.

    I also told my boss that next year, if the same young guy comes here, HE's going to walk the kid around, NOT ME. My neighbor across the corridor told me that I should have asked him, "EXCUSE ME, do you work for the mortgage company? Or for Jehovah? Because I don't want to hear your S&%*" lol.

    They can't see anybody else as being Christians, although these people who they think are NOT Christians, are the people who are DOING REAL THINGS. Sigh.

    I guess I just needed to vent. Freaking annoying people. Ha! I used to be one of them, the only one with the truth! :wacko:/>

  7. ok another clue-the host was and is into controlling the pet population-and the show in question is not the last game show he hosted, but one he did for many years beforehand.

    Alan Ladd (betty white's husband? If that's his name?) and Password. I know Betty was a big animal activist.

  8. That's what I was saying WW: :) Thank you, lol.


    You pretend your high

    You pretend your bored

    You pretend your anything

    Just to be adored

    And what you need

    Is what you get

    Don't believe in fear

    Don't believe in faith

    Don't believe in anything

    That you can't break

    I know these lyrics, I think I do, I wish we could play part of the tune, lol.

  9. Interesting. I don't remember Dick Clark on "Where the Action Is," at all. I only remember it for Paul Revere and the Raiders.


    Everyone knows that "Frasier" spun off from "Cheers." What other, not NEARLY so successful show was also a spin-off from "Cheers"?


    Geez, I'm wishing my mother were here, she would know. I was thinking it had to be with Ted Dansen, but no, he had Becker, but that wasn't a spin off, and it was fairly successful. Doesn't come to me yet.

  10. Thanks RottieGrrrl. It sounds like I should know this. The lyrics are kinda familiar to me. I can't hear the tune in my head.

    Is this the electric or water or gas company we are talking about? I know it's not the Five man Electrical Band.


    YES! It's Pacific Gas and Electric, "Are you Ready?" Damn, why don't they do songs like this in the Christian song world anymore?

    Thanks for working it through, Human without Bean. LOL.

  11. I'm basing my Mary Hartman guess on the clue that the star had a meltdown, and another character was a country singer. I just don't recall a hit song from the show, or if Louise Lasser ever melted down on national TV-she melted everywhere else

    LOL hiway! You got it! The hit song was "Baby Boy" by Mary Kay Place, who played Loretta Haggers on the show. Loretta had her hit the same time Mary Kay Place had her hit on the radio, same song. It was being played all over the radio, lol.

    And Louise Lasser melted down in the opening of SNL, which she was hosting. You can still see it on YouTube, but it's rather hard to watch.


  12. This is NOT a Novelty song! I'm not a huge rock fan, and if I know this song, it was being played on the radio a lot back then, and it is still is played occasionally. This was a hit back in 1970 on secular radio and considered one of the Jesus songs. In 1971, the band changed their name following pressure from the utility company of the same name. So one last clue . :)

    There's rumors of war

    Men dying and women crying

    If you breathe air, you'll die

    Perhaps you wonder the reason why

    But wait! Don't you worry

    A new day is dawning

    We'll catch the sun, and away we'll fly...

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