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Posts posted by Shellon

  1. Another six month checkup and the tests came back clean. Yeah ! Dad's doing fine too. 84 years old and he's out riding his motorcycle.

    Excellent news Tommy ! Gives me great and new hope

  2. Remember the Psych 101 question 'do you think like a psychopath?'

    A woman's mama died and at the funeral, she met the most amazing man and they talked. She fell in love with him right then and there.

    He failed to get her number or she his.

    A few months later, she killed her own sister. Do you know why?

    For the sake of time and interest, the answer, of course, is that she assumed the man she loved would show up at her sisters funeral.

    And, that is, in fact, how a psychopath's brain works.

  3. I'd be very concerned, as well, about this diet. I get that it works for you at this time, but the long term consequences might be brutal.

    I never paid much attention to balance and how the body works until my youngest daughter became very ill with a metabolism illness and she and I have done extensive research on proteins, carbs, fats, how the blood carry's this and that, what the muscles do to and with our foods, even how the skin needs this or that to maintain doing it's job. She's seen the lack of metabolism of foods deprive her bones and teeth of calcium, for instance and has had to have one tooth pulled and 4 fillings in 3 months where she never had so much as a teensy cavity before. This is an illness for her, not as a direct result of purposely cutting out foods, so I get that hers is unique. She consumes things that give her body calcium, but her body doesn't use it, basically.

    That's another story, however.

    I just never thought about that stuff before. It's perhaps a matter of life/death for now though and I'm a mama so of course if it's my kids life we're talking about, I'm gonna listen.

    I understand you added the supplements, etc and I'm glad you're adding at least those, but I'd suspect that when you do, your body hollars "huh?" right?

    I remember my 20's when I'd do starvation stuff and lose the required 10 lbs I needed for the party on friday night; I didn't know the damage I might be doing to my body and I think maybe my ignorance was good at the time.

    I assume you're an adult, do whatcha want, but please be careful. Depriving your body of the necessary stuff it has to have over an extended period of time is dangerous, indeed.

    Caution please!

  4. I'm so sorry ! ! to hear of this. sad.gifsad.gifsad.gif

    You know I understand what's going on in your families right not; do contact me if there is anything I might do or even if it's 3 am and you need to talk, really, anything.

    Prayers will continue!

  5. Speechless as in "how?", Shellon... as in "can't believe John's still telling the same old jokes?"... as in "when was the last time he actually thought about the words coming out of his mouth?"... as in "didn't he get fed up with this stuff about two cults ago?"

    How, Shellon?

    Inquiring minds want to know!



    Yes, Yes and again Yes Steve wacko.gif

    I know John and I think he's trying to do something, I've always felt he was trying to do ........something.

    I don't know that this is the something he ought be doing; maybe something else?

    My grandma told me I have to say "God Bless 'em" if I say anything not so nice about someone.

    God Bless Him


  6. I bought a web domain through godaddy.com to facilitate my photo stuff...promotion and maybe to show proofs to clients.

    So far, all I've been able to do with it is to stare blankly at my monitor. I know how to write a little html and have done some <A HREF="http://webspace.webring.com/people/du/um_4338/">free sites on the old geocities</A>, but this ain't geocities.

    If anyone might have a little extra time on their hands and could help out, PM me.

    This whole concept of "going digital" has it's upsides, but it sure has it's downsides...and sliding down the learning curve can be a bumpy ride.

    When I gave you a couple of suggestions didja try them yet?


  7. Just the word EVIL is creepy and bad bringing, isn't it?

    I don't know that I always fear it, but certainly try to avoid it where and when possible.

    EVIL patooey, ick, blech.

    I get more concerned with evil people than evil itself. Liars, buzzards and such like that.

    It's not the dark I fear but what's IN that dark that makes my uhoh meter scream.

  8. smile.gif Jeff

    You already know how I feel about yerself. I'm proud of you finding your voice!

    Go, use it, do good and better things that fit you, your purpose, your need, your vision, your son's needs, your tomorrow.

    I've been blessed to get to share a few things with you here at greasespot cafe and for that I'm thankful ! !

    God Speed, my friend


    • Upvote 1
  9. Thank you, Ron and Andrew

    ummmmmm was that picture supposed to be part of your condolences? Or just a part of your posts in general.

    I'm having.......how do I say this and be polite.....a weird and crazy phhhucquing day, so it doesn't seem not to fit, somehow, just curious.


    • Upvote 1
  10. Thanks Billy, for your faithful kindness to me.

    Things are going..........hmm, ok, I guess.

    She's got alot of firsts she's facing, decisions that are most difficult and painful some times. Tonight is the first time of my Kelly spending the night without grandpa there; that will be odd, I'm sure, for both of them.

    And insurance and property stuff; while they had already taken care of most of that long ago. Not having the added strength of a man in the house is a transition for any woman, even one as scrappy and tough as my mama.

    My brothers have been rallying around her, insisting on locking up things that Lloyd never did, helping her change combo on gun safe, all that "man stuff" that she never thought about til now.

    Grief is for the living and it's definately happening, but it's ok and it's a process for her, through which she'll be ok, I think.

    Kelly is doing mostly ok, as well. Her health issues have increased with new symptoms, so she's been busy with that and end of freshman year stuff. She misses Grandpa; they had a good relationship. And her other grandpa is leaving for a year on May 31.

    Life continues to unfold eh?

    • Upvote 1
  11. GIS Course Presentation.pptOK here is the first session of the class, please keep your questions till the end of the class chuckle snort snicker ;)I'm also attaching my graduate project that sorta set the stage for this whole project, viewed by county commissioners and other local officials is sets in stark reality the thinking behind the Sustainable Growers School and other efforts statewide.

    Well the soils session didn't upload properly, pesky debbil spurts...


    Looking forward to my tour!

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