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soul searcher

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Everything posted by soul searcher

  1. Another Beatles song I can't put my finger on..."For No One"?
  2. I hear the song in my head but I don't know the title. It's a Beatles song from either Revolver or Rubber Soul.
  3. Tim Burton's "The Nighmare Before Christmas" is a great movie.
  4. Regarding pot and nausea, I learned first-hand in high school how well pot works in alleviating it. One day I was sick as a dog -- it must have been a stomach virus or something. All morning long I thought I was going to have to get up in the middle of class and run to the bathroom to vomit. At lunchtime a friend said, "Let's smoke a joint." I was hesitant because I felt so lousy but after a few tokes the nausea disappeared completely. It was a beautiful thing.
  5. I thought it was to alleviate nausea. Was everybody stoned? :B)
  6. I don't like black people? I am Mister black people!
  7. Good points. They should provide the option of taking THC in pill form. I've been curious -- how good is that medical marijuana? Is it better than the stuff I smoke (which is pretty damn good)?
  8. I think it's great. I also think we should abandon the facade of "medical marijuana" and just legalize it outright.
  9. Right. You go. P.S. So did the Grateful Dead.
  10. That's Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride". I recognized it immediately (on Nov. 2nd) but I figured I'd let someone else have a shot. Here's one: Boys and things that come by the dozen That ain't nothin' but drug store lovin'
  11. I know it's Clint Eastwood...I'm gonna guess "The Dead Pool".
  12. I should mention also that, while I can take or leave the 1974 original, the 2003 remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is one of the creepiest, sickest and most disturbing movies I've ever seen. (That's a positive review, BTW.) If you like horror check it out but be warned: it's not for everybody.
  13. The other movies mentioned are all great but NOTLD is a definite. To that I'll add: -- The Excorcist -- The Blair Witch Project -- Rocky Horror Picture Show -- almost any black and white gothic horror movie released between say 1950 and 1965.
  14. Yanks failed again. Maybe if we paid Texiera and A-Rod a few more million they'd show up for the playoffs.
  15. Are you rooting for the Yanks tonight?
  16. Interestingly, I say "thank God" all the time. And when things are tough I do pray. But I'm not convinced that all my prayers don't amount to much more than me talking to myself.
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