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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Now he's got some other stuff he's trying to peddle on other suckers. Sorry Mike, but you gave me a clear opening.
  2. Raf

    The grifters

    Oh, and I think he knew about the plagiarism but, except possibly for the Leonard material, didn't think it was a big deal: Bullinger was dead, after all. Plus, he probably was not thinking of his books as "scholarship" so much as tracts.
  3. The moment you do, it is no longer a pizza. Oops. Wrong thread.
  4. Raf

    The grifters

    Call me gullible, but I give VPW the benefit of the doubt on anything that can't be reasonably proven false. I believe he knew the snow on the gas pumps to be a lie. I believe he knew the Tulsa snowstorm to be a lie. I suspect he was outright lying about the 1942 promise. On doctrine, I think he really believed it.
  5. Not at all. Krys, Dave: I apologize if I insulted your intelligence. I seriously, seriously question the product, not you.
  6. I feel like the cab driver in Superman II: Man, this is gonna be good.
  7. Why does the fact that you misjudged us surprise you? The rest of us are used to it by now. :)-->
  8. Raf

    the Penguin Game

    Jesus. The second geekfocus site is the popfly version. 1781.4, first try. 1869.3, top
  9. Raf

    the Penguin Game

    Wow. 1200.3 It's like cheating, but legit. 1215!
  10. Raf

    the Penguin Game

    492.7 is as far as I can go. 1052.1 on the Geekfocus site. :)-->
  11. Raf

    the Penguin Game

    AH! I see. I missed a page of this thread.
  12. HCW, Please understand that we've had this discussion here before, and your comment probably reopened a wound or two. Also, I suggest you need to understand that no matter how clear it may be to you, to an impressionable person learning that so many things she THOUGHT she knew about God were wrong, to have someone acting as God's man on earth tell you that it's God's will to satisfy his lust might carry on a tad more weight than warranted, especially today, with the benefit of more than 20 years of hindsight. How DeLIGHTful for you to remind these women that "adultery" is wrong, as if they haven't tortured themselves with that thought these many years. How WONDerful that you should use gutter street language to describe what they went through. How convenient that you ignore (whether intentionally or not) that on more than one occasion, the actions of which we speak were not consensual. Why do people ignore the first half of what you said? Simple. Because the second half was so ignorant and detestable that it obliterated any olive branch you were trying to hold out. I didn't know Wierwille. You obviously did. Bravo that he never hurt either of us. But there are those he did hurt. And they post here. They're your sisters. I suggest you treat them with at least as much respect as you treat your memory of VPW.
  13. Ah, you are correct on the "ashamed" line. I would rephrase, but why? :)--> And please, don't go away from the thread. I'll leave if you do. :(-->
  14. Raf

    the Penguin Game

    How are you guys getting 580 and 590? you counting inches or feet?
  15. Raf

    the Penguin Game

    323.5 is that a tie?
  16. Raf

    Wine score!

    Littlehawk's got one mason jar with a par in it that's probably worth the whole case you bought there, Evan.
  17. I had a cat named Moses who died. A few weeks later, I got another cat. Since he succeeded Moses, I named him Joshua. I was married once. I've performed two weddings. WordWolf and I have known each other since 1986. I once owned the world's only nice Chihuahua. I've won or placed in five karaoke contests. I own about 60 karaoke CD's. I've seen Les Miserables on stage at least 11 times. I have never taken an illegal drug. And I have a big heart. But you knew that about me already.
  18. Same way soda doesn't go flat when you open it, even though you hear the fizz. Not all of it leaves. A lot does. But not all. By the way, why would you be ashamed to discuss the quality of a burp but not the clarity of someone else's urine? I don't know if anyone's done a study on the comparative effect of superoxygenated water on urine color. Unless such a study has been done, claims that "it cleared mine" are purely anecdotal and prove nothing. By the way, lest I lose my posting credentials on this thread, the name's Olmeda. Rafael. I haven't published a book, but I have published well over 2,000 articles in two top 20 circulation newspapers across the country. Oh, and I'm listed. David, If you would, could you provide me with one scientific study that establishes the benefits of this stuff, conducted by someone who is not selling it?
  19. LOL!! Source: http://www.yorku.ca/ycom/gazette/past/arch...81600/issue.htm
  20. Krys, I apologize for my bluntness, but as far as I'm concerned (and I'm being dead serious about this) the quality of one's burp is the only thing about superoxygenated water worth discussing. All else is a waste of perfectly useful vocabulary.
  21. Bump. Something, I'm not saying what, but something told me Steve L is not quite done with this topic. Perhaps it's because he's still breathing. I don't know. Steve?
  22. Ah, Belle. It's not nice to fool mother nature. Only you will know what I mean.
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