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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. Hmmmmmmm let's see............... a new pair of cowboy boots, a pair of chaps, a pair of spurs and a lasso for when I head down to visit my sweetheart Goey !!! Cowgirl
  2. Abigail, I don't know how much this will help, the reason being is one of my daughters just skipped a grade this year but it was from grade 5 to grade 7. I had home-schooled her prior to that, so I wasn't surprised when I was approached by the teachers and principle that she could handle the change academically. The big adjustment would be the social aspect of it, she would end up being the youngest in her class. Well I decided to wait the school year out and see how she matured over the summer. Like your Joshua, she was very bored being in grade 5 and very unhappy about it. Well she started grade 7 this fall and she is doing absolutely terrific academically and socially! I must say she loves it and I myself have absolutely no regrets skipping her a grade! It wasn't a hasty decision I made, I had part of the school year and the summer to think about it and prepare her for it. All in all it was the best decision for her life!! Cowgirl
  3. Oh my god, that is absolutely hilarious!!!! ROTFLMAO!!! I can laugh cause I have been there with my twins, maybe not as extreme!! Cowgirl
  4. I just love "Let it Be Christmas" by Alan Jackson, I'm learning this one on my mandolin! Let it be Christmas everywhere In the hearts of all people both near and afar Christmas everywhere Feel the love of the season wherever you are On the small country roads lined with green mistletoe Big city streets where a thousand lights glow Let it be Christmas everywhere Let heavenly music fill the air Let every heart sing let every bell ring The story of hope and joy and peace And let it be Christmas everywhere Let heavenly music fill the air Let anger and fear and hate disappear Let there be love that lasts through the year And let it be Christmas Christmas everywhere Let it be Christmas everywhere With the gold and the silver, the green and the red Christmas everywhere In the smiles of all children asleep in their beds In the eyes of young babies their first fallen snow Elderlys' memories that never grow old Let it be Christmas everywhere Let heavenly music fill the air Let every heart sing let every bell ring The story of hope and joy and peace And let it be Christmas everywhere Let heavenly music fill the air Let anger and fear and hate disappear Let there be love that lasts through the year And let it be Christmas Christmas everywhere Let it be Christmas everywhere In the songs that we sing and the gifts that we bring Christmas everywhere In what this day means and what we believe From the sandy white beaches where blue water rolls Snow covered mountains and valleys below Let it be Christmas everywhere Let heavenly music fill the air Let every heart sing let every bell ring The story of hope and joy and peace And let it be Christmas everywhere Let heavenly music fill the air Let anger and fear and hate disappear Let there be love that lasts through the year And let it be Christmas Christmas everywhere Christmas everywhere Christmas everywhere Cowgirl
  5. HAPe4me, Because I know you're going to take a peek at this thread and I do it just to BUG you!! :P--> By the way, thanks DMiller, Sudo and Cindy!!!
  6. I wanted to share some winter and Christmas pictures with you all of my favorite artist and a bit of festive music!! I will keep adding more every few days as we draw closer to Christmas............... Cowgirl
  7. Cowgirl

    Need some advice!

    One more question, actually two more, what do I look up on google to find these pieces of music and if they are just samples will they play continously or stop once the sample is over? Cowgirl
  8. Cowgirl

    Need some advice!

    Mark, that's exactly it!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Cayeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Thankyou!!! Cowgirl
  9. Cowgirl

    Need some advice!

    I've noticed a few threads here on Gs, that as soon as you click on them there is music that starts up and I don't mean the "click here" thing, but as soon as you go on that particular thread the music starts, I don't know how to describe it any better than that. Can someone please tell me how to do that? Thanks Cowgirl
  10. Catcup........1st of all, I do have a life secondly- I don't have a fat arse, thankyou. and thirdly- you're the one being abusive!! Cowgirl
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