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Everything posted by Cowgirl

  1. Cowgirl

    Just Awesome !!!

    Just got in my house a few minutes ago from observing the aurora borealis or better known as the "northern lights." Talk about spectacular!!!! Cowgirl
  2. By the way Catcup, you sure seem to have ample time on your hands right now !! Cowgirl
  3. Sorry Catcup, but I think YOU'VE already attributed some of those characteristics of the almighty to yourselves. No one else needs to! Cowgirl
  4. Catcup....so if you're that busy, what was your and Research Geek's point in coming on GS and starting this thread in the first place?!! Surely you knew there was going to be some controversy! Cowgirl
  5. Another way to look at it.........Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Paul demonstrated this when he was talking to Timothy about Alexander the coppersmith. How Alexander had done him a great deal of harm and that the Lord would repay him for what he had done. He even warned Timothy to be on his guard against him. Not only had Paul NOT forgiven Alexander because Alexander had not repented, he also did not whitewash the matter by offering an easy forgiveness to Alexander, instead he did the responsible thing by turning Alexander over to God.
  6. Oldiesman, you said "Here's another biblical account of forgiveness of sin without a requirement of confession or repentance first. Mark 2:2-12" Ok................please explain 1 John 1:9 IF we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Cowgirl
  7. Oldiesman, Let me ask you a question, if you had a daughter that was raped or sexually abused, how willing would you be to forgive that person without them showing any godly repentance to their sin? Could you honestly live with yourself and face your daughter with out that person making some kind of godly restitution or would you just simply walk away and forgive him while the creep continues his abuse over and over again. Maybe Jesus received revelation in each of those situations on whether to ask for repentance first, I believe God sure knew what was in the heart of those men and let his son know where they were at before he did the forgiveness thing. Cowgirl
  8. Catcup, I'm NOT cheering for the Way Corps, I was simply pointing out that you sound like Way Corps !
  9. Catcup...........Why don't you calm down, and go listen to yourself!!!! Cowgirl
  10. Oakspear...............I think you've been smokin' er I mean eating too many of them brownies !! Cowgirl
  11. Just my 2 cents worth...... Repent- 1. to feel sorry for (a past error, sin, omission, etc.) 2. to feel such regret over (some past act, intention etc.) as to change one's mind. Luke 17:1 Then said he unto his disciples, It is impossible but that offenses will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! 2. It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3. Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; AND IF HE REPENT, forgive him. 4. And if he trepass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I REPENT; thou shalt forgive him. Also check out Luke 13:1-5 and 2 Corinthians 7:10-13 And as far as I know, I never heard of any godly repentance coming from the top leadership's mouths, in fact they just went on practising their crap to their heart's content.
  12. What about Wierwille's invitation or visit to some ball for some inauguration for some president, I don't recall all the details but he went on and on about it for months ! Anyone remember that? Cowgirl
  13. Cowgirl

    YES !!!!!!!

    Waterbuffalo, please check your private topics! Cowgirl
  14. I have one, that I'm still working on to get rid of, dang it!! If I'm at an assembly at the school which my kids attend and both parents and kids have been invited, I still think my kids have to be mute and perfectly still or someone is going to walk over and "reprove" me. I remember quite awhile back when I was attending church and I had my twins down in the nursery, I would go down stairs and check every 15 minutes to see if they were making too much noise and if I had to remove them. Someone did take me aside and said "you don't need to keep coming down here, that's why we're here so you can go upstairs and enjoy the service, without any interruptions and your twins can make as much noise as they want, not to worry! Cowgirl
  15. Cowgirl

    YES !!!!!!!

    All I can say right now is COWABUNGA!!! Yes there is a God!!! Cowgirl
  16. That reminds me of when the "horn of plenty" was being passed around, if you didn't have any money to give and you needed money, you could take some out of the basket, that's what we were told, but I wonder if anybody really took that to heart................ Cowgirl
  17. I took the class in March of 79 and it cost me a whole $200 bucks !! Cowgirl
  18. This one is sooo Cool !!
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