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Everything posted by wyteduv58

  1. Mike, Would you like to get away from those books for awhile and just talk about something else? How about baseball, I love baseball and will talk about it with anyone interested. Its not a sin to enjoy other things in life and keeping God at the head right? Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
  2. Mike, You didn't answer Dan's question. Have you or have you not met VPW outside of his frockly duties. I have and thiers definatley two, may be more sides to him. Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!!!!!!!YYYAAAAAAAYY FIREWORKS FOR GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!! Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
  4. I just got two Doxie's and they are fearless for such small dogs. We took them to the vet for check-ups and on the way out a guy was there with this hugh boxer greatdane type dog and my Fritz and Tasha went after this dog as tho the dog was as small as they were and the big dog backed off. I couldn't beleive my eyes thatthose two little dogs could be so feroseous, but the vet said Doxie's are fiercely protective of their owners. Yet with us and other people they are the sweetest little dogs ever. Dovey
  5. If I hadn't met Vickles I wouldn't be able to do THIS thanks Vickles, love ya girlfriend Dovey
  6. Hey Mikey look what I can do thanks Vickles love ya girl Dovey
  7. Gee, Mike I'm an OLG. WOW I didn't mean to blow up twi, really I didn't. I paid someone else to do it!!!!!HEE HEE Dovey
  8. I still don't know what OLG means. And still can't do a paragraph or even double space. MJ I read your threads and enjoy them, whether you puctuate or not. So until I learn how to do this I will continue doing what I know how and Mike can just skim my posts. I love all your gs'ers and hope you forgive my ignorance. Dovey
  9. Gee Mike, I guess no one reads my post either. Because I don't yet know how to puntuate and do paragraphs, and my spelling sometimes isn't too great either, but I do try. TO ALL MY FRIENDS IN G.S.CAFE....I'm so sorry that my spelling and puctuation is so atrocious (i'm sure i spelled atrocious wrong), Please forgive me. I will try to learn. .......by the way what does OLG stand for, i'm so stupid i don't even know that. Another thought came to me.....if pfal is God breathed, then God didn't give it to VPW, he gave it to B G Leonard, Bullinger, Stiles and all the others that VPW stole from. Victor just had the audacity to credit himself with "the God breathed word" that wasn't his to begin with. But I'm sure you will have an answer to this one too, as you seem to have all the answers. Post on Mike Dovey
  10. Mike, I think God has something spectacular up his sleeve too, but I doubt that twi is gonna like it much. You don't treat people the way they did and not have to account for it someday. Either here and now or when Christ retuns they will be held accountable. I don't see tht Rosie relented on anything according to my innie sources. She is a female LCM as far as I can see. By the way don't you live in californai too. Well post on Mike I'm enjoying talking to you more and more. I beleive you are sincere in what you are doing, but also think your wrong about twi and thier classes, esp. pfal. With your intellegence you could study on your own you don't need VPW or anyone else in that group. Dovey
  11. Mike, Things got a lot worse after you left, we were told what to do and when to do it without question. If you did question leadership they always had a semi-reasonable explanation as in LCM was the man of God and God won't spit in your direction if he wasn't obeyed and plenty of people beleived that including me , at least for a while. I started to wise up when they started telling us to sell our homes, cars, etc. Also we were to keep a journal of everything we did in 15 minute intervals 24-7 days a week. We had to attend every class and every meeting and had no time for ourselves. Count yourself lucky that you left when you did, I guess your smarter than I was. I really don't see you getting thru to anyone in twi unless they are on thier way out. I especially don't think you will ever have any kind of a discussion with Rosie. They don't want to hear what anyone outside of twi has to say. As for new people they will lie like a rug just to cover thier butts. Here in California we were usually the last ones to hear about changes and or scandals involving twi. We didn't even know what VPW died from for years cuz they tried to cover that up too. I'm so glad to be rid of them that pfal or anything connected with them is a no no to me. I keep the good things I learned from them and trash the rest and God has blessed us more than abundantly without them sticking thier noses in everything we do. I do hope however that you do get your dream of talking to Rosie, maybe you can convince her that twi isn't the only place to hear Gods word. I found many preachers that know the word as well or better than they do. Some are offshoots and some our just wonderful Christian men of God who love God and all his people not just those in thier churches. Well enough of ratteling on and on. I know I won't convince you against your will that pfal isn't the revealed will and word of God. Good luck in your indevers Dovey
  12. Mike, I was in twi from 1974-1995 so I'm not ignorant of the way things were done and to whom it was done. I'm a survivor of twi and pfal. Many in here left way after I did and probably went thru worse things than me. Your posts amuse me when I have nothing better do. Do you hurt me? NO but if yu did I got a bottle of aspirin that works quite well for pain between the ears, by the way when did you get in and out, I'm surprised that you're not still in, they need zealous people like you. Dovey
  13. Mike your life outide posting wouldn't be studying pfal would it? Which take more time posting or kissing pfal's dead foot? Dovey
  14. everytime I click on the bluzman web site I can't get thru is it down or just busy? Dovey
  15. I got THE uncensored version of the Ozbournes and it is THE funniest. Dovey
  16. MIke, the only person who appears to agree with you is seaspray. Me thinks that maybe you are seaspray. It seems to me that you are just spinning your wheels in here but you do have the right to do that. Dovey
  17. Mike, I don't agree with you, but you do have the right to your opinions as the rest of us do. But what I would like to know is Do You Have a Life beyond pfal and posting here?I think I did learn a lot from VPW in pfal, if nothing else I learned to read the bible and to some extent understand what it says, but and a big BUT, I also beleive that one way or another God would have lead me to him without pfal and without VPW. You remind me of the Momons that added the book of mormon to the bible. Have you added pfal to the bible yet? Victor was a man not a God, he also had the morals of an alley cat. so what? so do a lot of people but alot of people don't claim to be so righteous. As a supposed man of God he should have had the decencey to conduct himself like one. Well Mike I had my little say here so post away and I'll skim it from time to time. You are amusing to say the least. Have a great 4th of July. Dovey
  18. what happened to my weiner dog avatar and lady liberty? I posted in open thread and they disappeard!!!!!do they only work in here or what? Dovey
  19. tank vickles,,some of my save mail say the e-mail cannot be sentwhy is that, do you know LOVEY DOVEY Dovey
  20. Hey anyone, We are switching from aol to to vorizon dsl. What I need to know is when we cancell aol will we lose everything in our aol mail box's or the stuff we've saved on folders. If we lose every thing can it be saved before cancelling aol? Dovey
  21. Hey Steve, Not dangerouse yet but trying real hard to get there lol. Now if I can just figure out where I left my mind, I know I saw it somewhere. Dovey
  22. Thanks JSN I will try this while your gone. Have a great time ok? Dovey
  23. wasway thats cute an I love your Alf Dovey
  24. here goes. By the way I put liberty as my wall paper, but it woun't do the fireworks Why? Dovey
  25. justsayno, I'm not sure thet I can do another picture w/o help, but will try in your absence. Thank you and have a nice trip. Dovey
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