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a dream that worries me.


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Out of TWI for some time now. Since 2002 i think.

I had a dream day before last that my dad came to my work. I was showing him how we do stuff, and letting him try stuff out. It was cool, i was teaching him new things with the intent that it was going to help him.

He then started to kinda scoff at my workplace. Not in a mean way. But he was saying stuff like, not bad for a place that has such outdated ....ty equipment.

Then i would try to show him something else, and he was taking it like it was a joke, mocking me, not in a mean way. He had a snide smile on his face.

He saw that it irritated me and he just kept doing it more, and more, and I kept trying to show him it kept getting more and more irritating... the whole time he just had that snide little smile on his face...

I then woke myself up because i was shaking my head back and forth like a dog does with a toy, more violent like a wolf does with its prey after it bites its neck...

it was not a deep sleep, it afternoon, after work, and it was warm in my house. So i was half in half out. I knew i was shaking my head violently for about 10 seconds before i stopped myself.

I got a headache from it.

My father and i have a good relationship. He's a solid person/husband/father. The only thing i can think of is that I have changed so much in the past few years and my belief system is so different that he would probably think im an idiot now.

Wierd stuff.

I was raised in TWI, Parents were way corpse for over 20 years, forme twig, branch and limb coordinators.

so i was heavily indoctrinated in TWI theology.

what should i think of this?

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Nandon- Im definitely not one for analyzing dreams but I do think its linked to the subconcious. I noticedwhen I dream its because I have unresolved issues in my life. I have never been realy plagued with burdensome dreams, in fact I rarely dream. But when I do I take special interest it was it is about. I have more dreams in the last 4 yrs. than in my whole life.Because of my own resolve in my belief systems.I do know that it talks about having a sweet sleep in Psalms or Prov. and it is covered pretty clearly.

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Someone once told me that it says in Ecclesiastes that dreams are the unfinished business of the day. I'm not precisely sure of this - but I am certain that dreams are how our minds "come to neutral" on points that trouble us.

Since you have a good realationship with your dad - consider that even though he was the antagonist in the dream, that the dream isn't about him.

He is also someone you respect. Someone you love.

What confilcts are you facing in your life? How is work? This doesn't even have to be about TWI (not everything is, you know) Don't give the cult more power in your life than they have already tried to wield over you in the past.

Just some thoughts - no answers - just questions and thoughts..


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Nandon, when was the last time that you talked to your Dad? Is he still in TWI? Does he have a leadership position in TWI now or is he just a twig attender? Also was he ever critical of you growing up? If you want to understand the meaning of your dream, if there is one and if it does concern your father, you should address these questions.

Also if you have not talked to your Dad in some time you should consider talking to him on the phone or in person. And if he is heavily involved in TWI and in their doctrine and if you need some doctrinal assistance to combat his religion send me a private message. I have some previously written biblical material that will be able to cut through his religiosity if this is the case and give you the biblical doctrinal confidence that you might need.

Edited by Mark Sanguinetti
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You might feel strong outwardly, but I don't think any of us with someone we love "in" can escape the idea that we are most likely held in contempt at some level by those we love. AND that is a rotten thing, its normal not to like to be pigeon holed like that (when we can't buy in to any of the reasoning)...who knows if it is really your Dad subconsciously, what I can see is you want to be respected without the leverage of TWI's little rule book.

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When I first left TWI and got divorced, I had awful dream after awful dream. Some of them I had repeatedly and it was extremely disturbing. I started looking into dream analysis and found that they are higly symbolic and not necessarily indicative of that particular person or situation.

Just one example: I constantly had dreams about going to the bathroom and/or TRYING to be alone in a bathroom, trying to find a bathroom, all kinds of those things.... Supposedly that is symbolic of dumping beliefs, thoughts, something from our lives. I'd say I was dumping quite a bit of garbage from my life at that time. :biglaugh: Once I started getting comfortable with that and having fun with all the analysis and learning I was doing in my overcoming TWIt brain and dealing with the divorce, those dreams went away.

I have a friend who does dream interpretation and has been very good and very helpful to me. If you want more information, please feel free to contact me via pms or e-mail, I think you have my e-mail. :)

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I once dreamed I robbed a bank with Walter Brennan.

Uh, I don't know what to make of THAT.

When it comes to dream analysis, I think we may be inclined to read waaaay too much into it.

It's hardly a science, after all. I think there's just lots of bits and pieces laying around and our brain is working overtime trying to assemble them all into a coherent unit. Often, it doesn't succeed real well.

I wouldn't pay it a lot of mind...

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And then there is docvic's version of dreams ---

Heard him claim/ *teach* one time (and this is NOT an exact quote),

that the more you were into the Word, the less you dreamed.

Guess he never dreamed at all (being the MOG) --

at least in his sleep. <_<

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Dreams are most often symbolic and not literal.

Meaning that this dream was probably not about you and your dad.

Most psychologists/psychiatrists agree that dream symbolism is you in your different roles in life. For example, in this dream you have posted, your father represents the parental side of you, and you (in your dream) represent the child side of you.

I would say (and I'm no licensed anything...just have had a whole lot of dreams of my own that were odd...to say the least) that this dream you've posted is symbolic of the struggle you have had...and may still be having...reconciling what you believe. I mean, seriously, the dream you've posted pretty much describes the coming out of twi and finding GSC experience.

As others have said, dreams are your mind's way of working things out so that your active mind can cope.

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Kids, or at least boys, all their lives want the approval of their dads. Fathers are the arbiters of all that is worthy - at least in the eyes of their sons.

You've changed your belief system; it comes into play in everything you do. It is different than the belief system approved of by your dad in your upbringing. It worries you that he might not approve. Not only that, but, as an adult, it bothers you that you still have this need to stand approved before him; although, this need is more or less supressed and acknowledged. You haven't had this kind of disparity with your dad since you were an adolescent deciding what, if anything whatever, of your dad's beliefs you were going to make your own.

The strong, necessary, and inevitable association of any possible present disparity between your beliefs and your dad's opinion of them with the similar disparity of your youth threatens your adulthood. The threat is all the more irritating because the perceived disparity is, for the most part, your own imagination's production of an unknown quantity (your dad's opinion of your beliefs) in a relationship that is very important to you. The irritation is further exacerbated the longer resolution is not forthcoming.

That is the dream. Respect it and act on it, for putting it off will make your heart sick.

Just because in your dream your father reacted the way he did to your inner beliefs doesn't mean that is the way he will react; his reaction in the dream reflects your apprehension. As cool pointed out, this dream is really about you - but I still think you need to talk with your dad.

Is there any reason to believe that he will react that way if you share your beliefs other than the fact that your belief system is so different and so much has changed in the past few years? Has his belief system changed? Do you know? Is there some possibility in your own mind that whispers doubts to you that you might have the belief system of an idiot (remember the dream is mostly about you)? If so, that's not necessarily bad, but it would be a mistake to share those beliefs with a false face of conviction with your dad - the arbiter of worth knows the hearts conviction. Whatever degree of conviction you truly hold, honestly shared, is the wise path because the sharing you seek can only be a 2-way sharing which comes only over an honest pathway doubt and all. He is your father. He will receive your honest communication with all the love that he has in his heart for you, and his sharing in return will be new to you - and you'll grow.

For many of us extwi, the belief systems we held early on were like large rooms in which we played freely with our children, the loving presence of God nurturing their growth. Later, sometimes barely or not noticed, authoritarian leaven subtly spread into those belief systems exasperating our children.

Has your father also left twi? If not, I'd be highly selective in what I shared, but, if so, talk with him. Since 2002? That's not a very long time to unlearn so much & relearn.

But hopefully both you & your father are moving past & beyond the blinders of twi. And, if so, moving past that, your father hasn't stopped changing any more than you have. And growing - growing in the grace of life. Your desire to share your life more fully with your father is a good desire. Its coming will be a tree of life.

Proverbs 13:12  ¶Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

Best I can do with what you've shared, nandon. As always, you judge the words.

Same price as always for wisdom dispenced from the peanuts lemonade stand - 5 cents.


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Tom and I are in agreement on this. See my previous post. Of course, Tom's response went into greater detail than mine. I definitely think you should talk to your father Nandon. However, if the conversation lends itself to a discussion of ones scriptural beliefs and what role the Way Denomination should have now. You should be prepared to give an answer of your own faith if you are so inclined. The link below may help you with this.


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I also think people read way to much into dreams. I have found that most dreams are from my thoughts during the day all scrambled like what George said. Nothing drastic.

I have some pretty bad dreams but if I look back to that day and what my thoughts were sure enough its all there.

Could be that you were thinking about your dad and at a different point you were thinking about your place of employment and at another time thinking your sink is outdated. It can be kind of spooky at times but our minds can be spooky.

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imo, our dreaming life is a very vital and natural part of human experience

and always has been since the dawn of time, in all traditions and cultures

the arts and sciences of dreaming are vast and varied

(as well as a lot of pop-fluff)

dreams are made of real "stuff," and have real causes, and real effects on our bodies and minds (and relationships)

and lucid and pellucid dreaming are like having a private movie theater to view the deeper aspects of self

there are things we can observe about our self that we cannot observe any other way

on the flip side...to ignore or avoid dreams, is to miss out on a vital gift of inward knowing

just as there are consequences to not eating, there are consequences to not dreaming

like lack of sleep, lack of healthy relationship with our dreams is to ignore a lot of important things going on inside of us

they play very important roles in times of transition, in childhood, in pregnancy, and especially in illness and dying

also, the way our modern society has removed effective rites of passage work for young men keeps those unresolved "father-wound" dreams going and going for men until old age, where they will most likely intensify, if they are not suppressed altogether

i havent been able to find a good strictly Christian oriented site on dreaming that doesnt involve a lot of fear, but there are some good books that have been written on the subject

here is a link to The Bible and Psychology

also, "Dreams and Healing" by John A Sanford has got to be one of the best books on the subject

and here is one link on Dreamwork

just my 2 cents

hope it helps, Nandon



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