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What in the name of God were we in?

Dot Matrix

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"come to that knid of power and wealth that fast , unless you're Abraham, Bill Gates, or demonicly assisted

The way I heard it was that you don't get to the top of your class ( boxing, music, art, etc) without spirit.

It was on a teaching tape and I remember where I was in the car when I heard it. I was on the Fairlawn Ave Bridge between rt 20 and FairLawn ave. And that heredity plays a part.

Holy spirit can bring out the best in you too.

more and more I see that nothing...no thing...nada...zip...zilch....is what it seems to be. took me long enough doncha think?

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I think it was much more commonplace for those "in the know" to be promiscuous than us peons could possibley imagine, or recognize when it was under our noses. Here's something I remembered just the other day:

I was a WOW in 1974-75 in Ft. Worth, TX. my roommate was SB a 4th WC on her interim year who of course was outraged that she had to live with a humble peon who wasn't even an Advanced Class grad, and in fact tried to get me to leave the field simply because she couldn't stand to look at me.

in the middle of the year, we got word we were getting two lightbearers. One was a 5th WC guy. Ch***** H**** R**, and the other was an author who had written a book about TWI a couple years back.

My roommate got all excited. The guy was a favorite of hers. In the past, we had sent the guys to stay in the apartment of the two guys who were in our WOW family, B**** and Em****. Now, all of a sudden, both the lightbearers are staying in our apartment, a two bedroom one bath job, furnished, and certainly not very big, with a full size bed in each bedroom. "E**** is sleeping with you in your bed, and "B****" is sleeping with me in mine." I was informed.

Righteous little thing that I was, I threw a fit. "You know that's wrong, Dr. Wierwille said not to have sex on the field at training. And I am not sharing my bed with a stranger, I'll sleep on the sofa or the floor and she can have my bed all to herself. Or I'll get a motel room for a night, I can afford it.!" I couldn't believe she was engineering this, and I couldn't believe she thought I was so stupid I didn't catch on. Sounds from her bedroom would have been much more audible from the sofa in the living room.

However, by dint of many threats and curses, she prevailed, and came out at night all bundled up in flannel jammies to round up her bedmate and drag him off to bed.

I could not believe that (a) she thought I was stupid enough to believe her when she said they were just friends and no sex would be involved, (b) she had enough gall to do that in the first place, and © the woman with whom I had to share my bed snored like a f-ing HARLEY!

I will give her credit, she did not try to drag me into the crap she was involved in, and when I was invited to apply for WC 6 by VP himself, she discouraged me. I like to think she knew what would happen if I went in to the WC as I had already caught his eye while I was a WOW.



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"passed around like a bong at a hippie fest" ???!!!

my how descriptive you can be! :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Oh yeah, and I guess I wasn't spiritual enough.

"Spiritual enough" my a$$! that woman couldn't even pray for someone to be healed of a freakin' headache, I had to do it. No WC, no Adv Class, just loving God and loving people. How heavy duty is THAT?


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Krys--------How very well I remember those teachings to which you refer.At the time I got into the Word, I was trying to make my way into the music industry. I didn't have a lot of talent but I had some very strong ties to people who did. I was given an ultimatum and told no one makes it to the top unless they "sell out" and so I did but not to music. :asdf:

The "spirits run in families" thing : Yes, I remember that one too. "If you sell out, the consequenses will fall on your children". The whole thing was aload of whooey to get us to submit completely. What did they care if we threw our dreams out the window? I'm sure there must be tens of thousands of others who could change a few details and make this their own post.

Watered Garden ---------When I read about how your husband laughed it was like a flashback. Though I only spent 1 yr. FL with him,I will never forget that laugh of his . Please give him my warm regards. Now get that garden weeded so we can all get to fellowship on time before "lights out".( and a quick trip to The Wayside Truckstop)

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I remember the "sell-out" teachings too... wasn't that part of AOTS? at least that planted the seed (haha, I made a joke) for me right at my introduction to TWI to distrust successful people and eventually to avoid excelling at anything myself lest I be overtaken by pride.

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For what it is worth -- Dot has it right (IMO).

We (faithful followers of twi -- versus followers of Jesus Christ)

were told to get rid of ALL MUSIC -- throw out those records!!

Toss out anything meaningful to you -- cause it didn't come from us (twi).

Art, Books, Music, yer grandma's antique pink tea set, etc.

You didn't get it from us -- Therefore it is of THE DEVIL.

Devil Spirits -- dont'cha know?? What a wunnerful catch-phrase for them to spout.

And then for THIS SCENARIO to take place -- practical joke or not ---

totally negates everydamnthingtheysaidtousearlier!!!

What the heck was Uncle Harry Day about -- if top brass couldn't do the same??

They gave us the *shoes*, but they couldn't fill them themselves.

Flies in the face of what we were told, and

what was expected of us -- the *mere believers*.

One more example -- of the *Talk* not meeting up with the *Walk*.

Yea -- TWI = Talk/Walk/Incompatible. Finally making sense to me. :doh:

My WoW sister, on her interm Corps year, once told me "Didn't they tell you that you couldn't bring that stuff with you?" when I was listening to a demo tape a very close friend of mine made and had sent to me just before I went WoW.

"No, they didn't."

"Well, you're not supposed to."

"Who said that?"

"Just renew your mind and obey."

Followed by me swearing at her for the next 10 minutes.

Almost left the field that day. My Dad convinced me not to. I got my pin though. Its sitting in the jewelry box. I won't wear it, I'll be damned if I won't keep it. I earned it. A year of unmittigated hell where I went from someone who was teaching twig in some capacity every week, if not the featured teacher, to only being allowed to wash the dishes. I wasn't even allowed to cook for the family. Teach in twig? You have got to be kidding...

The rest of the family could barely boil water. My mother made sure BOTH her sons could cook well. And the worst thing of it was that it was MY FAMILY that was sending us "care packages" every week. Some small food staples, the government cheese my grandmother got, some treats, like cookies, and usually a tape telling me how much they loved me. Until my family co-ordinator (same interm Corps) started confiscating the tapes, saying that "I didn't need to think about them" that they were "holding me back from doing the job I was sent there to do". Until I got fed up, walked in her bedroom, and grabbed them. I was so mad, it the the first, and last, time I ever put my hands on a woman in anger. Didn't hurt her. Just picked her up and moved her out of my way. That's when I changed my hours at work, got home before evryone else, got the care package, and locked it in my bedroom.

That, and I had Corps rammed down my throat every day. I didn't even have the Advanced Class at that point, and she kept pushing Corps at me. I asked her about my fiancee, and she said that she would have to be a Corps grad for the wedding to be approved. That was the day I told her to take the Corps and shove it.

Sorry, I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant, but this still bothers me, even though its now more than 20 years ago. To this day, I can't stand at the sink and wash dishes. My wife has to do it. She understands though. And I adore her for it.

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I was wow with another woman and two guys. Guess what--the guys did not have to do a lick of housework. Our corps co ord thought it was good practice for my wow sis and I, since we were going to get married. My wow sis cleaned houses for her jobs and wiggled out of most of the cleaning,so guess who got to clean house for three other adults(all were much older than I, also.) It was a great deal for them.

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Welcome Attack Gypsy!

What Bizarre behavior... not allowing you to do dishes or cook?!?!?!

Yet another example of the self-serving idiot trying to 'play' leader. No truth, no premise beyond some 'other man's' words, pouring out their 'un-worked' knowledge, demanding control...

Look at the damage this brought to you and so many others...

My parents do the dishes together, almost every night. It's a time they talk together. Sometimes my Dad will do them for my Mom, to give her a break. It's funny to hear him speak about 'getting on his job'... with his Southern Accent & all... they're in their 80's :love3:

Thanks for posting A Gypsy :wave:

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attack gypsy, I went wow in the early 90's and it was pretty much like that. c@rm3n br0w^ shoved way corps down my (now ex) husband's throat so often he decided we should go into the corps. my WOW family got yelled at and dictated too constantly by a lazy WOW branch coordinator (corps) who couldn't get himself a job.

to top it off, I almost didn't get pinned because my husband broke a rule on the way to the RoA. he screwed up and I was going to share the consequences because, you know, it wouldn't be fair for a wife to be recognized for her year if the husband blew it for them.

my husband's decision to go in the corps was the beginning of the worst years of my life, even though he got us kicked out pretty quickly. you were smart to reject the "opportunity" to go in the corps.

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