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Have you noticed Customer Service is gone?

Dot Matrix

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customer service is alive and well in rumford maine!

i had to have the electric service changed in my house on tue.

the electrican unknowingly screwed up my dish tv

i called the radio shack and the were here today to correct the eletricans error for no charge shop radio shack!!!

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In today's mail I received an offer for an extended warranty from Dealer Services. I've seen their name on my caller ID, but have never returned their calls.

There's a name of a vice president at the bottom of this letter, plus what appears to be my personal Registered Owner ID #. I called the number and asked to get a message to the vice president requesting a call back at his convenience. I was told no, I can't get a message to him and that my Registered Owner ID isn't in their system. I ask to speak with his supervisor. A very unpleasant and sassy woman got on the phone, asked my Registered Owner ID # and told me I'm not in their system. I asked how they got my personal information.

She said they get it from the credit bureau. I didn't use credit when I bought my car - I paid cash. No credit involved. This woman was very rude and spoke in a condescending manner. I asked for her supervisor. That supervisor said they got my info from the credit bureau because obviously, I own a newer model car. I asked how that could be when I paid cash for the car. She had no idea. She did take me off their list, but insisted that it must be some other company that called me last week, as they only take inbound calls where they are.

It appears that Ford has sold my personal info to whomever would buy it. I was planning on trading in the Taurus on a Saturn VUE anyway, but now I'm going to do it sooner than later. I imagine they all do it, but I sure don't like it. Maybe I'll give Saturn a fake phone # and address. How dare any of them make money off of their customers' personal info.

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dot i don't think its a black vs white thing,

my thought here is the clerk was young

and its that simple

Hell cs went out in the late 80's

now everything seems to be linked to an I pod

whatever its worth, i can't stand the "computer cs voices that give"

foot isstance

Hey, the clerk was about 50 years old.

I did go to the manager about it as I was NOT going to shop there again. He said he got many similar complaints and when they spoke with her she quit.

So, to her -

Don't let the door hit you in the a zz...

So, great she is gone

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I swear we should be able to charge these people with a form of stalking. I cannot tell you how many times Bell so*th and the Atlanta Jorn*l Constitution calls here. Sometimes it is 5 and 6 times a day.

WE have asked to be placed on the DO NOT CALL list etc. Then, one of the Bell people came into the office to personally sell it to us. I asked him to leave and he went crazy on me. I told he'd look I have asked you to leave several times, I will report you. He told me HE was the SOUTH east director!

I called the executive offices to report him as he had me backed against a wall and his finger in my face SCREAMING. I told them I was threatened ans would call the police on his company.

They said they hired a 3rd party to do the solicitation. I told them I worked in a LAW office long enough to know that 3rd party represented them and I would go after them. I was threatened and shaking by their representative.

They told me they would not come back and if they did to call the police.

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"My mom felt very bad one night. It turned out it was only indigestion, but she thought she was having a heart attack. We called our family doctor at his house in the middle of the night."

Funny, but when you wrote this it reminded me of when I was 17 nad found my mother dead in bed. I was freaked out. I called her "heart specialist"

He got on the phone.

I said, "Doctor my mother is dead." I was hysterical and not thinking clearly.

He said, "Call the morgue, Why in the hell did you call me?"

And that was in the 70's. He was a real horses butt.

But it seems like there is more of them now.

Shazdancer - SOOO GOOOD to SEEE you!!!!!

Krys I hate those automatic voice caller things -

"Hello, this is Bob I have an important message...."

Cowgirl - that was a storong commercial for Midas... You may want to call them, seriously and see it they will put you on with your story of kindness.... Unless it gets the guy in trouble

Brother Speed are they in Georgia? I'll go there...

Chas - WOW.

You know, one day my parents came for a visit about 4 years ago. My paycheck had been put in my account and I was taking them out to dinner.

Well, my account said I had NO MONEY in my account. Turns out they made a mistake and paid some guy's carpayment with MY money. Then, he quickly closed his account.


I was told EACH DAY IT HAD BEEN FIXED and is wasn't. I went to the bank and told the woman who handled these things was on vacation, come back next week.

I told them I would sit there and tell everyone they stole my money if it was not IMMEDIATELY fixed.

Well, my parents entire stay I had NO money. They ruined "our time" together.

So, I feel you.

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Racism is alive and well in the good old U.S.A. and it moves in both directions.

And now it seems to have taken on a new dimension with the involvement of Muslims in current events.

We owe it to our kids and grandkids to see past it and help them usher in a new era of tolerance even if we ourselves are too imbedded in our thinking to change.

OK. I'm climbing down from this soapbox now 'cause I just realized what an open target I've become.

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There was a short time I worked for a mortgage company as a telemarketer.

We were given lists of names, numbers, addresses, and mortgage information pertaining to their current loans. I don't know how many times I reached people who were on the do not call list.

I asked my boss why we were getting these names of people who requested to be on the "do not call list".

These people were angry and rightfully so. His explanation left me groping in the dark. So I called the agency we got our lists from and found out it was our company's responsibility to filter out these names by connecting with a federal database. I brought this to my boss's attention, and he flat-out refused to take these steps even though people would have a right to sue.

Needless to say, I quit shortly after!

Edited by Lori
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I work in the Tech Support department for a large (6 million+ subscribers) cable company. We do only the internet connection, email, and nothing else. We don't even troubleshoot your router. Liability issues there.

You have no idea...

How many times I hear "Thank God you speak English" every day.

How many times I hear "I but I don't want to call (computer manufacturer name). They don't speak English there!" every day.

How many time I hear "where are you located?' "shelton, CT" "really? so you're not outsourced to india?" "no, sir/ma'am, its company policy to never do that" "that's wonderful!" every day.

That and the "Do you speak Spanish" calls I get 10 times a day.

Customer Service IS alive and well. You just have to know where to find it. We have certain federal regulations we have to follow, and we go well beyond that. CS is half of the ratings they use on me. If I had lousy CS scores, I'd get fired.

So it does still exist. You just have to look for it.

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Cool chief

I am with you. My life has been flooded by illegals and people who do not speak English. I am so depressed about it.

I am the only non-Doctor who has English as a first language.

When the other girl answered the phone she could not even write "The bug people will be out on Monday."

I had to write it. I am doing a lot of their work because of things like this. It is a nightmare.

I wrote to the Govenor about the illegals living in the woods. The two men having sex at the front of the Doctors' car, the guy pulling his pants down and starts crapping in our parking lot...

The govenor said we CAN use the laws in place to force our government to take action. But when we called the police over them crapping in our lot, the police laughed at us.

A dog brought in who was injured probably hit with a bat. Why? The guy has 13 acres and the illeagals are living on his land. His dog went out on HIS OWN property and it appears he was hit. Mindyou, the yard is fenced in. The man found his blanket from his porch stolen and put on an old mattress ON HIS LAND etc. Georgia is just a mess anymore.

Joniam -

Wow, I am really proud you went back and did that. GOOD FOR YOU!

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Lori, good for you! Quitting that is.

Attack Gypsy-

We now have a sign that reads SE HABLA ESPANOL. As we have all kinds of illegal Latinos. (They never have ID, their paperwork does not match their license, etc) Anyway, an American client called up and said, "Who owns the hospital now?"

"The same Doctors." I replied.

"No, it says there are three new Doctors: Se, Habla and Espanol!"

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Attack Gypsy-

We now have a sign that reads SE HABLA ESPANOL. As we have all kinds of illegal Latinos. (They never have ID, their paperwork does not match their license, etc) Anyway, an American client called up and said, "Who owns the hospital now?"

"The same Doctors." I replied.

"No, it says there are three new Doctors: Se, Habla and Espanol!"

Ok, have to remember that. :biglaugh:

We have 2 calls centers. The big one on Long Island, which has about 1k techs and its own Spanish queue. And Russian queue. And Mandarin queue. Then we have our brand spanking new center, with about 100 techs, and no Spanish queue. Its coming though. They just asked for volunteers.

Hey, I'm not complaining. They're building us a rec room, and they just ordered the pool table, fooze-ball table, air hockey table, and video games. Should have them all around Nov. 15th.

Techs can get burned out REALLY FAST if you don't take care of them.

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I've been on the other side of that customer service situation and I can tell you for a fact that dealing with the general public every day can be an absolute nightmare.

For 10 years I was customer service manager for a furniture retailer here in North Carolina. A large part of our business was from people in other states who ordered furniture from us and had it shipped to their homes because the prices in NC were so much lower. We special-ordered everything from the factory which could take up to 3 months and then the delivery process could take 2-3 weeks, and we had people who would .... and moan through every step of the process.

"It's taking too long to get here." "The truck is too slow." "They won't deliver at the time I demand it." "This doesn't look exactly like what I saw in the catalog in Phoenix or on the floor at the store in Buffalo." "This pine furniture has too many knots in it. Why didn't they use a piece of pine with no knots?" "The wood grain in my oak dresser looks different than the wood grain in my oak headboard."

It was absolutely unbelievable. I was screamed at, cursed at, threatened, reported to the BBB and various tv consumer help lines, and even had one person try to intimidate me by suggesting that they were connected to a well-known group of Italian businessmen. All this for things that I had no control over. No amount of screaming would make the guys at Thomasville work one bit harder or the truck driver go any faster.

The absolute worst group of people that I ever had to deal with, no question, was:

Housewives from New Jersey

Nothing personal, just my own experience and observations. I had ladies from the Garden State call me every single name in the book, including a couple who called me a m***erf***er, which was a bit of a shock. There were several times that I just laid the phone down my desk while a member of the fairer sex ranted on and on. I'd pick up the phone a few times to throw in a "Yes, ma'am," here and there and put it back down until they blew themselves. I had women who even after I had solved their problem insist that I listen while they blasted me as an ignorant rube from the South who didn't understand how things were done in the big city. Several women got mad when I called them "ma'am," saying, "I'm not a ma'am!!" Whatever.

I was personally served papers to appear in court in Bergen County, NJ over a problem that a one hour visit from Furniture Doctor resolved. It was wacky.

I took pride in what I did and worked hard to try to satisfy people in what truly was a thankless job. Through all that, I managed never to yell back at anybody, though it was very difficult and I did engage in several episodes of telephone receiver abuse after another fine person hung up on me. There's never any excuse for rudeness, but that experience did help me not to get too upset with things that are clearly out of an employee's control. If somebody acts like they just don't care, that's a whole different story.

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Yeah, I hear ya... I worked retail for nearly 10 years and women can be the worst customers in the world - they are also the messiest... you wanna see some real slobs? Go into the clothing or shoes section of a store around Easter time - YIKES!

Anyhow, I think that my working with the public raised my expectations for service. I never raise my voice or threaten anyone or even tell someone who's crossed me what I'm going to do. I just start quietly going up the chain of management.

By the way, it's been several days now - no call from Key Bank! :biglaugh:

And if you wanna hear some real doozies of complaints, you should do what I do now - work in healthcare as a patient advocate. YIKES and DOUBLE YIKES!

Today, on my desk, was a complaint that looked something like this:

Anne Brown* called to report that her mother's cardiologist, Dr. Xyz was very rude and inconsiderate. The family opted not to send the mother to Portland, and Dr. Xyz walked in the patient's room and said, "Lady, you're family won't send you to Portland, so you're going to die." The woman died four hours later. Ms. Brown reports she haunted by this incident.

*Facts are changed - for obvious reasons

Honestly - I wanted to shut down my 'puter and walk out the door - FOR GOOD. :(

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again customer service is alive and well in rumford maine

upon returnig home early from a halloween party last night my bride and i discoverd about 2 feel of water on our street

a culvert was backed up

we had an indoor pool in the cellar

i called our furnace people and they were here in20 mins to remove the motor from the furnace with a smile!!! this was at 10 pm

the the fire co came in another 10 mins to pump out the cellar

they were here for almost 3 hours and so very frindly

the bride and i had to vacate the house for about 2 hours because of the danger of carbon minoxide build up from the pumps

we spent til about midnight in the garage drinking wine

my how romantic!! the fire co and the furnace guy came back today to make sure every thing was ok

yes customer service is alive and well in rumford maine

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I also work in customer service any time you have more than one person involved it is consumer service.

the worse is when they lie and the boss believes them.

I had a customer tell my manager I said we had three of an item on the phone..(never answered the phone that day!) yep she KNEW it was me

then of course she had to drive hundreds of miles for this common item (yeah sure)

and i again told her we had them but I couldnt get to them right now!!

all a lie all of it.

My boss went nuts so I asked her to tell ya what color shirt I had on since she remembered every detail and my voice so well surely she would know that!!

she couldnt describe me at all.

people lie . and people drink to much in Retail it seemed many came in after the office party or hoe down at the saloon to shop ESP at christmas time when the stores are open much later due to the holidays.. I cant tell you how many times I had to deal with drunk jerks not even knowing what the heck they are doing.

I enjoy helping others but sometimes the others are beyond help and just plain idiots or mean looking for someone to take it out on.

today if i deal with a situation out fo control I just KNOW it isnt about me they probably just found out their spouse is cheating or soemthing bad happened to them today so i do not take it personal and do the best I can.

that hospital story is a reall piece of work, man , I believe it tho.

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