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congratulations you had the backbone to get out


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When I enrolled in the four year university here, I had a little meeting with one of their guidance counsellors. He asked me.. "how come you didn't get your degree like.. twenty some years ago?"

I told one guy.. "well, I whizzed away all that time thinking I was making some kind of difference in a second rate *religious organization*. ever hear of The Way International?"

"Ah.. yes I have.."


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1. Do something really useful rather than complaining about poor life choices you made.

2. Take required Meds ( they are not the enemy Either)

what rock did you crawl out from under shallow hal...it sure was not JESUS!

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I personally dont feel the need to tell everyone that I was in a cult. I just try to live my life for God. And I dont think that going into some church and talking about twi is helping anyone, especially me. First off being heard in that church you would have to become a part of it...not me brother...not again, at least not now. They arent my enemy? How do you know?

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Hello, OCW

I think I understand how you feel.

I wouldn't be too concerned about saving the World from TWI, though.

Even at their peak, TWI wasn't even a blip on the radar.

Yeah, we talked all lofty about moving "The Word Over The World" and all that.

But in the end, all we really did was recruit a few hapless souls to be a part of our little corner of the World.

We were salesmen. We sold a class that made promises it couldn't keep.

I don't think anyone is going to beat a path to your door looking for a way to get involved with TWI.

And if they do, pretend there's no one home.

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I personally dont feel the need to tell everyone that I was in a cult.

my meeting with the counsellor guy.. I just couldn't come up with something else believable at the spur of the moment.

Next time I get a question like that, I'll say "how much time do I have for the answer?"


I wouldn't rate the twi experience a total loss. I did end up with two kids I wouldn't trade the world for.

And they are somewhat smarter than the old man..

1. Do something really useful rather than complaining about poor life choices you made.

2. Take required Meds ( they are not the enemy Either)

what do you think people are doing here, just sitting on their thumbs?


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what do you think people are doing here, just sitting on their thumbs?


No not most, but the context of the thread was remember


All caps even, like we have some compelling civic duty to save the world (as others have said) from a group that hardly matters in the larger scheme of things. To get all worked up with some battle cry to save the world seems to me at least somewhat strange at the least, perhaps even a indicater of a deeper problem..

Edited by WhiteDove
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I don't think we got out due to our backbone, it was more due to desperation to get away from the bullying and control. It was not a clear, thought through process, more like a running away. We were not at all positive we were doing the right thing. No standing up for the Word etc, since the Word for us was what we were told it was, by that point.

Now--I think GSC is a better vehicle for letting people know about TWI than what I could do, say, door to door or in a church. Most of the churches I've visited were full of folks older than I am, and not like to through away all their friendships and connections for a group like TWI, especially one that would tell them to get out of their mortgages and car loans. Also, I don't think there are any Way fellowships in my area, and perhaps only a handful of TWi believers in my whole state. Not a growing thriving group--it is not the seventies anymore.

I also think that the new people--if there are any--would be young, perhaps a friend or romantic relationship with a way kid. They are computer savvy, and might pay attention to a message board more than they would pay attention to the real life fifty year old mom that is me.

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i consider twi an illness to our society, so IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD WRITE A BOOK ,DO A MOVIE,WHATEVER....


WHO CARES!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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i consider twi an illness to our society, so IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD WRITE A BOOK ,DO A MOVIE,WHATEVER....


WHO CARES!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I agree, not that it matters if I did one way or another, if you feel inspired to do such, do it. But your thread was directed at others that we somehow should share your passion for the need to do something, not yourself doing it. As such I offered my view. Here is your title note the command NOW DO.

Congratulations you had the backbone to get out now do something about it

Me personally I don't feel the need, but if I did I would simply do it ,I might share what I did when it was done ,but most likely I would not start a thread telling others they should do the same as myself.

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I agree, not that it matters if I did one way or another, if you feel inspired to do such, do it. But your thread was directed at others that we somehow should share your passion for the need to do something, not yourself doing it. As such I offered my view. Here is your title note the command NOW DO.

Me personally I don't feel the need, but if I did I would simply do it ,I might share what I did when it was done ,but most likely I would not start a thread telling others they should do the same as myself.

it's not a command,i just like large print! we are all at differant levels of healing coming out of this cult,some people will

never look back and that is their healing and some people may write a book,but how you live your life now is ofcourse

your decision.

But you better believe i am going to warn people from this cult . No i am not out to save the world . If the conversation

comes up and it does a lot more than you might think.

Their are people still in twi,people still going in and coming out like a sick train depot,not only people of twi were affected

but families,friends.

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