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$21 million dollars


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Was just looking at the TWI financial statement on another thread. TWI in 2007 had $21.5 million in "Money Market" investments. Now that's all very nice and if you happen to have $21 million it has to be somewhere, not stuffed under the floorboards.

But what do you do with it? Because I recall ((though I cannot recall where from exactly) that TWI taught it was "unethical" to invest in things that you didn't have an interest in. I think that's a Wierwillism, can't remember now. (Was it the Advanced Class?) It was a real no-no to invest in stuff where you didn't know who owned what.

Coupled with that, investment in the stockmarket was seen as a form of gambling.

This is looking to me very much like another form of TWI hypocrisy - you can't do this - but we will.

So if you have a not insignificant sum of money - where do you invest it?

Does anyone know where TWI actually invested surplus cash? It's not in land or buildings; they show separately. And it's not just "cash at bank" either.

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But what do you do with it? Because I recall ((though I cannot recall where from exactly) that TWI taught it was "unethical" to invest in things that you didn't have an interest in. I think that's a Wierwillism, can't remember now. (Was it the Advanced Class?) It was a real no-no to invest in stuff where you didn't know who owned what.

Coupled with that, investment in the stockmarket was seen as a form of gambling.

These ideas were pounded on by LCM, though he might have gotten the idea from VPW. Actually, Loy had no problem with investing in a company, it was just the random, "buy this-sell this-buy this-sell this" speculation that he considered gambling. I'm not so sure I disagree.


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what to do with 21 million.. depends on what one considers an investment.

what I'd do..

invest about a couple million in renewable energy.. In Michigan, you'd need a combination of wind and solar. Solar doesn't work very well here in the dead of winter..

then if the market doesn't look so good.. gold is always a fairly good choice..

but then... if I had that much money to throw to the wind.. I'd buy up about a million dollars worth of gm stock about now.. it's pretty obvious that the government is going to prop them up.. it can only go up..


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George, I don't know which one of 'em it came from, cannot remember now. But I do know there was a dead set against it, not just the quick speculative buy/sell just to make a profit. It was, no shares. Invest in something you know about (good advice) - with a sort of pointer (though without demand) about moving the word (ie, give it to us). The "give it to us" wasn't some heavy thing, though, inasmuch as they didn't keep banging on about it like they did with some other things.

Anybody know what they actually did or do invest it/buy shares in?

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