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The average age of twi staffers


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I wonder what the average age of those on staff is.. does anyone know?

Considering they devoted a lot of a way rag to try to suck in new blood.. my guess would be the age of current staffers must be above the fifties..

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I wonder what the average age of those on staff is.. does anyone know?

Considering they devoted a lot of a way rag to try to suck in new blood.. my guess would be the age of current staffers must be above the fifties..

I do not know. the way international does their best to hide SPECIFICS.

However, here is what we do know.

1) The TOTAL number of members has dwindled to within a few thousand.

(I'd say 3000 for all the adults would be a GENEROUS number, it's

probably about 2000 adults.)

2) The ages of the members ("followers"), as measured by mean, median and mode,

have climbed consistently every year. (The people they retain are almost always

people who've been around for a number of years, and they have been unable to

replace even their leaving members since 1989, in terms of overall numbers.)

So, they essentially have 3 types of people.

A) Aging people who have stayed around. They're in their late 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s.

B) A few teenagers, their children, who haven't learned yet that they won't be

able to reform the corrupt organization.

C) A few young folk who know that,and are trying to leave with their families

D) A few young folk who know that and want to be the ones barking the orders

E) a tiny handful of new folk

Considering that the current members are not replacing their numbers by recruitment,

by childbirth, or both (especially since twi used to condemn them for having kids),

the members overall are decreasing in numbers, and increasing in age.

Eventually, the twi membership will just die out of old age. It won't happen all at

once, but it HAS already started.


How does this address the initial question?

I'd say the talent pool is almost completely empty. the way international has an average

of less than 100 people per US state. Nearly all the members are in their 50s or older.

Among them are a handful of people who would jump off a cliff if instructed to do so-

but can their blind loyalty make up for an absence of skills and talent?

When twi does a musical number, they display first a video of a group of elderly people

singing in long-outdated clothes. When they try to change that, they find ONE younger

person who can barely sing, can't dance, and can't write lyrics. (They have no one to

write lyrics for him or choreograph his dance moves-a major change since the 1980s...)

The result is arguably worse than the previous video- it becomes a laughingstock all

over cyberspace among people who've never HEARD of twi or vpw.

The few staffers they have are almost all approaching "their golden years", with

possibly a few younger people who have no idea how badly they're getting hosed.

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Good question Ham, and good deductions there Wordwolf..

Recently I received an invite to the annual Way Credit Union meeting.. Course knowing how others have gone in the past while being considered mark/avoided (ostracized) and ended up being carted away by Linder 'n gang, that isn't in my thoughts.

But what I did find quite odd and interesting was what was listed on the Voting ballot.

Typically, you see about 3 or 4 Corps grads up for nomination on any number of different Way Credit Union board positions.. And of course accepting such a position, means you have to be able to make frequent trips to the board meetings held at de Way.. As far as I know, they usually include staff, or potential/upcoming staff members, and again I've only ever seen Corps grads.

But this last list, actually included, a young gal from Bowling Green Univ (not far from HQ), who was not a Corps grad, and wasn't even a Fellowship/Twig coordinator.. Is it just me, or are they really drudging the bottom to get people to come to The Way International HQ?!

I believe Wordwolf is definitely correct in that their talent pool is increasingly dwindling. And the old farts at HQ are the majority (40+). Granted there are a number of young folks.. Thirty somethings who are in the Corps and have no choice to be HQ. Or tweens who are just coming of age and haven't yet sprouted their wings fully. Although most the tweens I know at HQ and the new young staffers leave as quickly as they come. They realize a stench when they get there, unless they are raised in it, in which case once their term is up they get away, lucky them!

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average would be a bad description

as has been described, two bell curves, one in the teens/20s and the other, probably larger, in the fifties, sixties.

true. But isn't that unusual for a "vibrant, growing" organization?

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I went to one of the colliquim talks today..

and it was actually "interesting"..

there was some side talk.. these are The Specialists..

"we don't let *interesting* get in our way.."

Honest to God.. this was stated..


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