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Good Article on wolves...if the shoe fits

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I thought this was a great article about wolves and posted it here since I hardly ever go to the doctrinal forum and thought others might never read it over there, either. Here goes:

December 6, 2005

"Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"

-Dennis Cramer

Dennis Cramer Ministries


The Bible warns us to be on our guard against wolves.

"I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number, men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember, I have never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears." -Acts 20:29-31

Years ago, the Lord prophetically warned me of a wolf who was about to enter my life and ministry. "Denny, if you join with this man, he will rob you of your congregation--for his heart and his mind are not joined with yours. He is a deceptive man, and he will cleverly deceive the congregation to undermine you and your ministry, twisting and distorting even the most innocent words and actions to make you appear as the evil one rather than himself. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing."

The Bible uses a wolf to symbolize a false minister or teacher. He is someone who scatters the flock, leads sheep astray, and preys upon the flock instead of feeding them. He is not a true shepherd.

He misleads people by drawing them to himself instead of drawing them to the heart and rule of God--his outward appearance concealing his inward motives. A wolf will talk, teach, preach, sing, or act just like a real sheep but his desire or motivation is entirely different.

A wolf thinks only of himself--selfish and destructive. A true shepherd always puts the sheep first--not last. He lays his life down for the sheep.

A wolf is someone who has not submitted his life to the Lordship of Jesus. He has sought God for the wrong reasons. He serves God for what he can get from Him rather than for who He is. He is an impostor, easily mistaken for a true shepherd until his motives are revealed by his actions.

A wolf takes control no matter what it takes: trickery, deceit, manipulation, false doctrine, intimidation, clandestine meetings, power plays, secrecy, planting seeds of distrust, discord, disloyalty, or even spiritual witchcraft. He will use any means available. It is very difficult to identify a wolf by his outward appearance--by what he says or how he looks; a wolf often looks and sounds like a sheep.

Instead, you identify a wolf by what he does or does not do. You identify a wolf by his actions.

"Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruit. . . " -Matthew 7:15-16

Fruit speaks of lifestyle, character, teaching, and influence--his personal history--the mark he leaves on people's lives. In addition, a wolf will often lie, steal, gossip, slander, break covenant, be disloyal, violate friendships or trusts, betray or dishonor others, violate confidentialities, ignore biblical guidelines for proper communication between disagreeing Christians, lust, love money, be a poor steward of money, be dishonest, be selfish, be self-important and proud, claim a false ministry or gift, claim an authority in God he doesn't possess, self-promote, be worldly, be carnal, be greedy, show outbursts of anger and rage, have a controlling spirit, have no fruit of the Spirit, and most importantly do nothing out of a pure agape love as his motivation. A wolf only knows how to display cold love because by nature, he is a predator.

According to the Bible, the dog, fox, bear, and wolf all have negative connotations.

"Behold, I send you out as sheep among wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents..." -Matthew 10:16 (We should be wise concerning wolves.)

"After my departure, savage (grievous) wolves (notice the nature or characteristic of this type of wolf--savage, grievous). . . will come in among you, not sparing the flock (notice where the wolves are located--among you--among us. . . notice their recklessness and the danger they pose to the sheep--"not sparing the sheep").

From among yourselves, men (notice the wolves are men--probably leaders) will rise up speaking (a wolf has an unusually big mouth, jaws, and teeth) perverse (misleading) things to draw away disciples after themselves (a wolf always has a personal agenda--not a godly agenda). Therefore, watch and remember I did not cease to warn you (notice this apostolic warning is to Christians) night and day for three years (notice the seriousness of this warning)." -Acts 20:29-31

Beware of false messengers who come to you in sheep's clothing.

"Beware of false messengers who come to you in sheep's clothing (notice their outward appearance-they look like sheep) but inwardly, they are ravenous wolves. (notice their inward motivation-meat eaters) You will know them by their fruit." -Matthew 7:15-16

Jesus said that their inward motivation will eventually be seen in their actions.

In Review: What Is A Wolf?

According to the Bible, there's nothing good about a wolf--nothing. A wolf is a cunning, hostile, marauding animal--intelligent, clever, calculating, an opportunist in the animal kingdom, and the arch enemy of sheep. Jesus used a wolf (Gk.lukos-- weighty one) metaphorically to describe a false prophet, minister, or teacher--a cruel, greedy, destructive person (usually a person in a leadership position)--someone who would oppress and ruin the church.

The Bible warns us a wolf often looks and sounds just like the other sheep, but he shares similar outward characteristics only and spends most of his time around the sheep (not for fellowship, but to size up his prey). But he will freely sacrifice the sheep should trouble arise. Compare this to a true shepherd who will oppose a wolf at the risk and cost of his own life.

Carnivores and herbivores do not hang out together.

Most alarmingly of all, a wolf is a carnivore--he loves freshly killed sheep! A sheep is an herbivore; carnivores and herbivores do not hang out together. Make no mistake about it, a wolf feeds on sheep. He sees them only as a resource for his selfish purposes--a food source!

A wolf is someone greedy for personal gain, who can never have enough. He is a hireling working primarily for the money--not a true shepherd (John 10:11-13). His only interest is personal advancement at the expense of others.

A wolf is ruthless and loveless--a "taker." He openly violates God's principles of agape love in I Corinthians 13. Most wolves don't know how to love--they're just hunters living for the kill.

A wolf scatters the flock--he's not a true leader. His ministry is often characterized by the number of dead sheep left scattered around him. Any contact with a wolf will lead to destruction and eventual death for the sheep. A wolf only gathers sheep to use them or disqualify them (John 10:12).

A wolf leads sheep astray--twisting and distorting the truth. A wolf is often weak theologically, even heretical, and cares little for the orthodoxy of Scripture. His goal is not healthy, well fed, theologically balanced, sheep but gullible, vulnerable, dependent sheep--mindless, spineless followers.

Self-preservation is the prime motivation of a wolf.

A wolf misleads people by drawing them to his own personality instead of drawing them to the heart and rule of God--his outward appearance concealing his inward motives. He will talk, teach, preach, sing, or act just like a sheep, but his desire or motivation is entirely different. A wolf possesses a self-important spirit--often boasting of a false gift or ministry.

A wolf looks for quick results that require little sacrifice. He is impatient, impulsive, immature, premature in all he does. He's an aggressive animal--a pushy personality, often displaying erratic behavior.

A wolf thinks only of himself--usually an acutely selfish and self-destructive personality. Self-preservation is the prime motivation of a wolf. A wolf is often a betrayer and knows little of relational loyalty.

A wolf is an untrustworthy person--never turn your back on one--never trust a wolf. Jim Jones was a wolf. If a wolf offers you a glass of Kool-Aid, don't accept it!

A wolf is someone who has not submitted his life to the Lordship of Jesus.

A wolf is usually an unbroken vessel--lacking genuine authority in God. He will impugn the character of others, while totally ignoring his own sins.

A wolf seeks God for the wrong reasons--for what he can get from Him rather than for who God is.

A wolf is an impostor, easily mistaken for a true shepherd until his motives are revealed by his actions, his fruit. (life-style, character, teaching, and influence). Never listen to what a wolf says. Listen to what he does; look at his track record.

A wolf takes control no matter what it takes: trickery, deceit, manipulation, intimidation, false doctrine, clandestine meetings, power plays, secrecy, planting seeds of distrust, discord, disloyalty, or spiritual witchcraft. He will use any means available. A wolf thinks nothing of illegal, unethical, or unscriptural behavior. To a wolf, the end always justifies the means. Left to his own devices, a wolf will ultimately destroy any church he leads.

Hope this helps,

Dennis Cramer

Dennis Cramer Ministries



Dennis' Upcoming Itinerary:

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Neptune, N.J.

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"Breaking Christian Curses"

by Dennis Cramer


Book and/or E-book

Is everything you do a struggle? Does a dark cloud seem to hang over your life? Are you trapped by feelings of abandonment and betrayal? Does severe hopelessness and chronic loneliness keep you paralyzed in debilitating despair? Are you immobilized by self-doubt and a persistent sense of overwhelming inferiority? You may be cursed! And you are not alone. In this startling expose', Dennis Cramer details his 13-year battle with a "Christian" curse and how God not only miraculously exposed the source of the curse, but dramatically delivered him from its devastating effects. Could you be the victim of spiritual abuse? Could other Christians have pronounced failure and defeat over your life? In order to bring to light this terrible darkness, Dennis takes you on a journey into the evil world of "Christian" witchcraft, "Christian" cannibalism, and "Christian" curses - where you will not only be informed, but set free!

Chapter Listings

Christian Cursing Christian?

How a "Christian" Curse Begins

Licensed to Curse?

Church Leaders - At Greater Risk?

Leadership: A Matter of the Heart

The Stuff of Which "Christian" Curses are Made

How Do Christians Curse?

Can a Christian Be Cursed?

Battling a "Christian" Curse

Freed from a "Christian" Curse!

Breaking Your Personal Curse

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Far be it from moi` to confuse anyone with the facts, but here goes. :biglaugh:

(From the National Wildlife Federation's website)

Depictions of Wolves in History: A Cautionary Tale

Wolf Truth: Wolves are rarely seen in the wild.

Human Interpretation: Wolves are secretive.

Wolf Truth: Wolves hunt in packs.

Human Interpretation: Wolves are cunning, sly and devious.

Wolf Truth: Wolves howl.

Human Interpretation: Wolves are evil.

A large part of the body of folklore most familiar to us espouses the evil, cunning, untrustworthy nature of wolves. In Little Red Riding Hood, one of the Grimm Brothers' most famous tales, the wolf is blamed for eating Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother before devouring the little girl herself. Luckily a nearby woodsman was there to cut open the wolf's belly and free Grandma and Red Riding Hood. But that the story has even earlier roots shows that the Grimm Brothers were not responsible for igniting a new anti-wolf fervor. In 1697, more than a hundred years before the Brothers Grimm wrote their version of the Rotkäppchen tale, a Frenchman named Charles Perrault wrote the story called Little Red Riding Hood, in which the young girl is eaten by the wolf. There was no woodsman to save the day that time.

Wolves have been the central characters in Western folklore for centuries. Aesop, a Greek slave who lived some time around the 6th century, wrote many fables featuring humans and animals. All of his fables offered a moral lesson. In more than one of his stories, the wolf is portrayed as the animal most likely to trick others. In other tales, the wolf is the embodiment of a bad characteristic. In one such tale, a devious, greedy wolf dresses as a sheep to lure an unsuspecting lamb from the flock. The wolf showed us that not just appearances but also wolves themselves can be deceptive and over the years, we've all learned "not to trust a wolf in sheep's clothing."

And what about the boy who cried wolf? In this story, a young shepherd repeatedly sounds the alarm that a wolf has entered the flock and the townspeople come to drive the wolf away, only to discover that the alarm was false. Eventually, they stop responding so when a wolf really does enter the flock, sheep are killed. While the wolf himself was not a key player in this fable, the popular perception that wolves and lies are synonymous has stuck.

Wolves have not always been seen as bad animals, however. Before the middle ages Europeans held overwhelmingly positive views of the wolf. The German hero Siegfried supposedly had a female wolf as a foster mother, an Irish legend tells of a young king raised by a wolf pack who was able to reclaim his throne when he reached adulthood, and the ancient Celts had a wolf cult that believed wolves to be the companions of the gods.

Perhaps most famous of the tales of this type is the story of the founding of Rome. According to Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus, sons of the god Mars, were ordered killed by their greedy uncle. Their lives were spared by the executioner, however, and they were placed in the Tiber River. They were eventually found by Tibernius and given to a she-wolf who nursed them. Years later, the brothers built a city, and after an argument, Romulus killed his brother, named the city Rome and crowned himself King.

In the 10th Century, attitudes towards this animal began to shift drastically and depictions of the wolf as a cunning, bloodthirsty predator became increasingly common. Between 1600 and 1800, legends about man-eating wolves were abundant throughout Europe. The best known is the tale about a pair of wolves that killed humans in the French town of Gèvaudan in the mid-1700s. Of the dozens of supposed victims of these wolves, most were children. By 1766 two wolf-like animals in the area were blamed for these deaths and killed. During the next thirty years however, the French went on to slaughter two thousand more wolves. But were wolves the real killers? Present day wildlife experts examining the recorded physical information about the accused animals concluded that they were not wolves, but dogs or perhaps wolf-dog hybrids.

When the European settlers crossed the Atlantic and settled in the New World, they brought that fear and misunderstanding of wolves with them. Although there has never been a verified account of a wild wolf attacking and killing a human in North America, wolves are still feared and, as a result, have been persecuted nearly to extinction.

Perhaps the fear stems from lack of human understanding of the way wolves live. Wolves are shy around other creatures and are rarely seen by humans but very social within their own groups. They live and hunt in packs because it is an efficient way to care for all pack members. Wolves do howl, but they also bark, whine, yelp and growl. And when the wolf told Red Riding Hood of his nose, "All the better to smell you with," he wasn't kidding! Wolves have an amazing sense of smell which warns them when danger is present, alerts them when food is nearby and notifies them when they are about to venture into the territory of another wolf.

Some of this misunderstanding certainly has roots in our folklore as well. Often, the wolves in these stories are portrayed as having human characteristics, such as the devious wolf Little Red Riding Hood encounters in the woods. People sometimes mistake these human characteristics for those of the wolf itself. It is only through continued understanding that we can begin to debunk these myths and see the wolf in a clearer light.

Edited by Sushi
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  • 4 weeks later...
The best known is the tale about a pair of wolves that killed humans in the French town of Gèvaudan in the mid-1700s. Of the dozens of supposed victims of these wolves, most were children. By 1766 two wolf-like animals in the area were blamed for these deaths and killed. During the next thirty years however, the French went on to slaughter two thousand more wolves. But were wolves the real killers? Present day wildlife experts examining the recorded physical information about the accused animals concluded that they were not wolves, but dogs or perhaps wolf-dog hybrids

There was a movie loosely based on this incident--which I saw-(Which name escapes me entirely :asdf: ) a couple of years ago. In France they eventually killed the animal responsible. Some zoologists think from the description that it was a hyena. How you ask did a hyena end up in the middle of France??? In those days up and coming nobility had their own menageries of wild animals -importing them form Africa and the India's-they feel this was an escapee.

Edited by templelady
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