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Dear Craig: An Open Letter


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From the "Did Paul Apologize??" thread:

Craig may or may not have repented, but the person who is still wounded on the inside who may need to hear from Craig's own mouth that he was wrong, would do good to try to contact the man and have a heart to heart discussion with him; ... as Craig may be totally oblivious to pain someone else may be experiencing on account of him...
Do you know how to contact him?

I'd certainly like a heart-to-heart with him. Honestly.

Sure, here is his phone number:

Just kidding.

I really don't know, but I assume he can be found if someone really wanted to.

Since you knew Donna, maybe you can call hq first and ask to speak with her, or ask her to forward a message to him, or else ask someone else in the Way of the USA to forward your message to him, if they know where he is?

Perhaps you can write a letter to the Way of the USA asking if it's possible to forward a letter to Craig?

I have no idea, I'm just throwing out suggestions.

At first I thought, "Yeah...right...like Craig and/or Donna or anybody else is going to actually take any of it seriously."

Then I thought, "Why not try?"

So I'm posting a letter here...and maybe I'll actually mail it to HQ or something.


Dear Craig,

I first met you when our twig had come from Topeka, KS to Emporia to help clean up the campus and get it ready for use by The Way International.

I'm sure you don't remember me. :)

You were funny, energetic, impressive (to my teen-aged brain), and seemed to be very caring.

When you taught, I was moved to my very core...and I listened.

I wanted to be like you. I wanted to teach like you. I wanted to serve God's Ministry just like you.

So I paid a whole lot of attention to your words, your actions, your example.

Being active in twigs in Kansas made it simple to be at Emporia quite a bit, so I got to spend quite a bit of time listening to you, watching you, and getting to know you here and there. Every chance I had to catch you outside and chat a bit, I took the opportunity.

It took me 3 years of going to twig before I finally sat through more than the first half of the first session of PFAL. I even paid for the class twice and was charged another $25 when I finally gave in and decided to sit through it all. The deciding factor was when my twig leader asked me how I was ever going to get to the point you were at if I never took the class.

When VPW chose you as the one to whom he was going to 'pass the mantle', I was reserved but ecstatic that it was YOU. I was reserved because I didn't know if you could hold up under the pressure...lots of people were not happy about it being you. I was ecstatic because if you could hold up under the pressure, I thought you'd be GREAT!

In late 1985, early 1986 I wrote several letters to you, your wife, and Mrs. VPW. The letters were about the mess of things in Alaska.

You and your wife individually responded to my last letter. Your response was scribbled diagonally across a small piece of notepaper. You said, "I don't know what to say." and signed it with your initials.

At the time I understood that all hell was breaking lose...for you and for the whole Way Ministry. So I thought your note was about all that you had to give at the time. I held no grudge or ill will about it. I just prayed and prayed for you, your family, and the Way International.

My family and I finally had to leave the Way Ministry for our own safety and sound mind.

I never blamed you. In fact, I kept thinking that if I could have sat down with you for an hour, everything would be cleared up and fixed.

In 1998 I found an internet message board for ex-cult people to vent.

I was shocked!!!! How COULD people be so hateful of you and VPW??? My very first post was a lengthy scolding of all for such vile, evil thinking.

Slowly, very slowly, the scales came off of my eyes.

Then you and VPW fell from the pedestal I had placed you upon.

I was very angry for several years.

Now I am at a place in my life that I would like to sit with you for a long time and talk human being to human being.

I'm not so gullible as I was once upon a time, so I'm no longer afraid of you.

I have come to grips with realizing my own hand in my own destruction, so I don't totally blame you any longer.

I don't want to yell at you. That might happen, but it would happen only because of the emotional fire that would be stirred up, not because of hatred or malice towards you.

I don't want to accuse you. I will ask you pointed questions about why you did or did not do some things, but that would be for understanding and clarification, not for accusation.

I do want to know where you stand in your heart now.

I do want to know if you are repentant.

I do want to ask you if you will do anything to help those you have harmed.

I'd be happy to have a mediator involved.

You can contact me via email at billandvickynicholson@yahoo.com.

Vicky Nicholson

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Thoughtfully composed letter. Seems like many excellent points for LCM to take a serious look at.

A response would be remarkable… perhaps fully written out, with a signature. :)

Wonder if he’s really sorry, or if he thinks what he was doing was okay?

Is TWI still controlling his actions because of lawsuits? Those payoffs came with ‘rules’ attached…


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God first

Beloved CoolWaters

God loves you my dear friend

That was a very good lettle to the point with great understanding

I hope some day you can sat down with Craig for a meal were both can talk in peace but in a public place

I do not know if talking would help but just to help the lettle after all we saw and heard took great heart

I all ways knew you was a great loving caring person but I must say that was some lettle

one to get to the truth but peacefully and caring

I have wrote a note to The Way Ministry about every year or two about the flow of hurt people that end up here every year but not a loving one

I many write a caring one soon because I am not longer mad at them but bad about what happen

But I believe only a caring note can help now

There was a leader that I wrote years ago and he told me "take it by faith" about tithing but he got kick out and now he runs a XWay group in Ohio and he is a good guy and was then but missleaded

I will end now because I could just go on about the Way for days and how I put it in the past and why

The main reason It is in past I can only do so must

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Great letter VIcky,

I too would like answers,

I'll settle for just an acknowledgement that the Alaska situation should have never happened

If per chance you do contact LCM

You've got my number, and Addy (actually he just has to read under my name)

I'd be receptive to a call or letter, no screaming, no abuse, just some honest dialog

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I love the heart you shared in your letter and I pray you get some response, some closure and some much deserved dialog.

I'm afraid, though, that craiggers is a classic Narcissist and will never apologize to anyone because he feels he's entitled and hasn't done anything wrong. :( If he doesn't seek and get professional help, I think he'll always be sorry he got busted, but never sorry for not taking care of God's flock as was his responsibility.

I hope I"m wrong, though. You certainly deserve it!! We know the WayGB reads these posts and we KNOW they know how to get in touch with him. It would do them well to pass your letter along and to encourage him to make this first step - even if it means you, him and a therapist.....

Keeping you in my prayers, Love.

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Cool Waters,

That was a wonderful post/letter. I hope someday you can have that conversation with Craig.

I have recently been "hit" with the knowledge that someone local, someone who did great harm to myself and my family within the context of twi, someone I thought would NEVER leave twi, is actually attending alternative fellowships and seriously thinking about saying goodbye to twi for good.

It was so hard to see past my anger to be happy for this person and his family. And I realized that I was carrying all that baggage, long after I thought I had let it go, because the hurts and conflicts, in my opinion, didn't arise from twi doctrines and practices but from this person's own personality and ego.

But, in order for me to be at peace, I realized I need to forgive this person, no matter what was driving their actions... and it has made me realize I need to do the same regarding Craig Martindale.

So, I really, really appreciate this thread and your letter. It is exactly how I am feeling right now:

I don't want to spit venom, or rant and rage... I just want some honest answers. Even if the answers are, "I was a jerk and I have no excuse." I just want an honest dialog; and the opportunity to ask questions and let them know that there were consequences to their actions, but that I forgive them.

I am, frankly, not terribly hopeful that this dialog will ever take place. I'm not entirely convinced this person will ever get to the level of humility required to have this kind of discussion, just as I'm not convinced Craig will ever be able to have such discussions. But, you know, I have to hope... for my own sake, and for the sake of others... we have to keep hoping...

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TYVM {{{{all}}}} for your comments here.

I really don't know what to say...I kinda get freaky after I do something like this...so I tend to kinda keep quiet afterwards about it all...

I'm going to go ahead and send this via snail mail to as many places as I can...hoping it will get to him. I'll be sending it certified, return receipt requested so that I can chart the progress or lack of progress with each address...and kinda keep the whole situation in front of me so it doesn't bite me on the rear...if ya know what I mean.

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God first

Beloved all

God loves you all

I all so wrote a note I wish I know were to mail

Now I may try Head quarters but I have no other places to try

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

here the note if you know how to reach him


God first

Beloved friend and fellow believer Craig

I know in my heart that God loves us both. Now I was once part of the Way Ministry were you were the leader but lets move past that my dear friend. I have forgiven all that may of cost me pain no matter who they are or where they even myself.

Yes I was hurt when I was kick out of the Way as I am sure you were. Now what I want to tell you is you can write me and I will help you deal with the pain you might be living after being cast out of the Way Ministry.

Now let me talk to you I once knew a man that was a trig leader for thirty five by the name of Eddie D. Who told me when you first became the leader you try to get personal with the fellowship and just talk but they wanted scripture and verse.

I believe that talking was what the Way people needed but they have been taught scripture and verse. I believe you try to make it more personal and that may of change things but we will never know will we.

Today my beliefs have changed over time and I have learn to write down my word of prophecy and I have learn a lot. Now I do not want you to talk to me not knowing me so you can read my prophecy by doing a search on the word “ year2027".

I post on many boards even the Grease Spot Café but that may not be the best place for you at this time because some people are looking for some one to blame but not me. But take the time to look while your find places that love me but you will all so find places that hate me.

Now is there any part of the word you need help with I will try and I am sure you can help me with parts. One thing I like to say one can not prove God is or is not fleshly and that is why we prove God is real in our own hearts.

Now you will find out if you look into what I say that I believe one can speak in tongues with interpretation or word of prophecy in private alone but when in a group there are rules. But you will all so find out that I believe whether one believes Jesus the Christ is God which we know is wrong is just a small thing and love of God is a big thing.

Now I am not sure what you need to hear but I am willing to try my dear friend.

Thank you for reading

With the love of God and a holy spiritual kiss blowing your way Roy

PS A holy kiss to me is the Christ in me blowing the Christ in you a kiss but more like a two year old would blow a kiss bye

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