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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2010 in all areas

  1. Hi Java, I think you mean a bronze statue. Nevertheless, it's there, overwhelming people as they enter the auditorium. I used to give tours of the auditorium, and I always felt awkward at this part, which was the very end of the tour. In fact, it started and stopped at his statue. But at the end we talked about him, and had to point out the already very obvious five "titles" of him that were inscribed at the statue base: Father in the Word President Teacher and a couple others I forget (was it Rapist and Plagairizer?). That was the part I couldn't stand. Part of me thought it was because I never knew him. But part of me knew...it's too much HIM and not enough of God's Word. Now I know even more: not enough Jesus Christ. Why? Because VPW takes the place of the (non-)"absent" Christ. Yep, that outfit def. not getting any better.
    2 points
  2. One of the reasons VP was "deified" is because of his and our relative ages. Ever notice how, with few exceptions, he did not surround himself with men his own age and status? I used to study martial arts. I had an instructor who I believe was a 4th or 5th degree black belt. That's a pretty high rank for those of you not familiar with ranking. He started practicing as a young man, I came across him when he was in his late 30's. In other words he had practiced martial arts for quite some time. In his case, he devoted his entire life to the practicing and teaching of martial arts. We students thought he was amazing, which he was. I would watch him, and I would just marvel at what he could do with his body. To me it looked almost super human. It wasn't super human. It was the result of someone who had done something day after day for several years. Wierwille was in his 50's when most of us were in our early and mid-20's. We weren't very seasoned, we were kids really (not "keedz" yuch!). So Wierwille could sound real educated, academic, and he could sell his arguments to us easily. What the Hell did we know? People who talked to him would be amazed at how "detail-minded" he was; how "organized" he was, "disciplined" etc. He said things we thought were so insightful and wise. Well,duh! He had 30 years of adulthood behind him, of course he seemed "amazing" to us! I'm telling you, if we ran across him or someone like him now at our ages, we would do what most of our parents did which was to go, "Who the heck are you?" And we wouldn't do that as a result of having been in TWI, we would have picked it up because of our maturity. That's why there were almost no 50+ aged people around at that time.
    1 point
  3. Yes, I was in on part of that class. It was eminently practical - no wonder VP had problems with it. Later, in my "Way Career," during Body, Soul, & Spirit week, I decided to teach on wisdom, It was a hit, but now, listening to what you say about Steve's "seminar" on wisdom, I don't doubt that the roots came from Steve. Apparently, God thought different. Ha, "Waybot," maybe that's a clue to why you "knew" what you did about what God couldn't do in the hearts of men. What he was doing before your very eyes. "I noticed that TWI leaders that seemed the most mature or enlightened quit or were booted." And that showed you nothing? "Why, then did I hang around TWI for another 6 years or so?" Maybe you're real McCoy experience with the ilk of Steve Heefner was arguing with your Waybot identity - maybe you just wanted to see something real again, & were confused about what you saw. Long argument. By design, But Jesus Christ is still our peace. Our only peace - as so many have been trying to say. Tom
    1 point
  4. I saw Victor sign Bibles for people. :P He had a colossal inferiority complex (especially around the issue of IQ and scholarship). He was NOT brilliant... he was pretty ordinary. Most spiritually damning, he mistakenly believed he could mock God. OK, maybe this is off topic, let me 'get back on the ball.' The deification of VPW.... shows, without doubt, that most of us would have been made good Nazis.
    1 point
  5. While speaking in tongues may be a religiously legitimate practice... even profound, it's been important for me to realize that there is NOTHING supernatural or miraculous about it. For me, thinking otherwise is naught but superstition. Superstition is the bane of good religion. Since I only have so many years left, I'm glad to have finally jettisoned magical believing (no one has EVER walked on water) in favor of reason, sweet reason... the mother and father of good religion.
    1 point
  6. Has anyone ever posted here about the class Steve H. wanted to make about wisdom? I think it was 1972. I was at Way East HQ on Forest Ave in Rye one day and Steve was in his office there, complaining loudly and bitterly that VPW had told him he couldn't do it. Steve saw it as a direct affront to the operation of his ministry. He had been studying Proverbs and other parts of scripture regarding the topic 'wisdom.' This was around the time, it was rumored, that Steve took the money collected at Way East Sunday evenings and bet on "ponies" at the race track. This was also around the time that a young (high school) Way East follower told me that he washed the light blue Mustang of a staff member there, while Way East staff smoked pot inside the car. I was there frequently and don't doubt any of this. True or not, Steve, God bless him, was Way in over his head. He was not mature enough at that time, to be a responsible leader of so many people who trusted his ministry with such a huge part of their lives. Even as a young, glassy-eyed, naive, Waybot, I knew this man couldn't manifest the spirit (operate a ministry) out of a paper bag. His successors there did no better... and one, at least, was cruel in a way Steve never was. I noticed that TWI leaders that seemed the most mature or enlightened quit or were booted. Why, then did I hang around TWI for another 6 years or so? I guess I "needed the eggs."
    1 point
  7. Rebellion, hard-heart, and stiff-neck are dangerous things. Of course things were so twisted in twi because the leadership was in rebellion against the Lord. I have found that a softer neck and willingness to obey what the Holy Spirit speaks does pave the way for a more fruitful life -- communication with Him, answered prayers, etc. Not being stiff-necked has been a lesson the Lord continues to work with me for many years. I cannot say I have learned it yet. Watchman Nee was a great example of this humility. He was imprisoned by the communists from 1960 to 1972 and he died in prison. He was charged with taking money from Europeans and Americans and for being a spy because he couldn't prevent his church businesses from prospering due to the fact that he faithfully tithed and obeyed the Lord. During the time of his imprisonment his friends knew he was still alive because from outside the prison they could hear "his deep baritone singing the hymns he loved." Watchman Nee's writings were produced by his friends from notes made at his teachings many years ago (there was a new one published in 2009). He never saw or reviewed many of the works published as his writings. I asked a Chinese person who also loved his stuff how did he know it was not counterfeit Watchman Nee? He had a gentle laugh and said, "It would not be Watchman Nee." Watchman Nee's writings are most precious but they allow no room for rationalization -- he lived his life with that integrity. When I first started reading this stuff I would make notes to "correct" his simplicity -- but upon recent re-reading those same passages I find now that I was in error, not Watchman Nee. Because there is a softness of the "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit, His voice cannot be heard when one has a stiff neck and/or a hard heart, so these things which are life-threatening diseases should be avoided at all costs.
    1 point
  8. And every once in a while someone's lips get so tired they start growing a conscience. That's when it's time to leave.
    1 point
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