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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2019 in Posts

  1. Admission into Wierwille's Elite Corps Program: Loyalty When wierwille set up his "spiritual-marine" corps training program......it was based on one thing, loyalty. The corps candidate was required to take all of the prerequisite classes, serve faithfully for the apprentice year, get sponsors and money together and then........admittance was granted into the corps program. The corps program was NOT about an education or curriculum with test scores or grades. In fact, some corps skipped months of classes by following trustees' requests concerning the building needs at other campuses. The corps program was NOT an extensive search of biblical truths to be fully-equipped to teach and minister to others. Quite the contrary, it was designed to indoctrinate the youth into a lifetime of wierwille-adulation and twi-servitude. No grades. Missed classes. NO PROBLEM. Loyalty was the highest premium...........not merit. Big donations, doctors' kids and "celebrity-status" help to fast-track corps admissions, too. Even when corps were sent out Light-Bearers........we were told that we NEEDED to get a pfal class together or else. Or else what ?? That we'd be kicked out of the corps program? Yeah.....that is what was implied and what a lot of us thought. But when we arrived back on campus without achieving that stated objective......a major butt-chewing and shaming ensued to the majority of us who didn't sign up 7 people. But I don't remember anyone who was thrown out for failing this "test." With one's admission into wierwille's "army of corps-followers".........he got .....hundreds of thousands of hours of free labor. .....decades and, in some cases, a lifetime of twi-servitude .....five corps campuses that were indoctrinating youth .....tens of millions of dollars funneled into twi's coffers .....a secret world of guarding his sexual predation What did the corps get for this loyalty and admission into wierwille's corps program? To the misguided and/or clean of heart, they discovered the deception and dropped allegiance to this cult and built a new life. For the opportunists, liars and frauds it provided years, even decades of..........1) social signaling, 2) status gaming, 3) spiritual elitism, and 4) measured power and control over others. For those who continue in this spiritual-status game of twi and splinter groups..........is the self-serving appropriation of a bankrupt soul.
    1 point
  2. Yes. The Corps was a financial gold-mine. The students paid money to be there, so just having them there, and spending so little on them, meant the program worked at a profit. Then they worked manual labor for free, so twi didn't have to pay laborers for their free work, which is quite profitable. Any slave-owner could tell you that paying your workers zero is very profitable for you the slave-owner. Then, when they finished, they were expected to pay you money regularly- tithes, "abundant sharings", and, if you could convince them, "plurality giving", -handing over all money not directly earmarked for an expense like food, rent or clothes. On top of that, they were trained as a SALES FORCE- the only professional training they had was NOT in counseling or anything like that, it was plagiarized Dale Carnegie SALES courses. So, they were told to run classes- which ran at a profit for twi- and get more people- who were expected to tithe/ ABS. At every level, twi was organized to run with the least possible expenditures, with locals carrying all expenses, and all activities designed to run at a net financial profit for twi. It's blatantly UNgodly, but profitable if you care about money and NOT about God.
    1 point
  3. The big money was from thousands upon thousands faithfully tithing/abs [15%] to twi of their hard-earned money. So yeah, when these "trained" followers went forth to run classes, get others involved, more tithing.....it was a multiplier of coercion and deception for sure.
    1 point
  4. And, so were they...........on every level imaginable. Was the Emporia Campus a place of higher learning.......or just an indoctrination camp? Why dangle an Associates of Theology Degree......when it was a worthless piece of paper in academic circles? Dozens in the 7th corps (my elder corps) were sent to Gunnison and/or Tinnie, NM for plumbing, carpentry, etc. And, when they missed whole blocks of classes.......it didn't matter. Only their loyalty to Trustees' requests mattered. No grades, no tests......why take notes? Maybe just feign attention to keep up with appearances for future assignments. Why did wierwille think that Emporia Campus needed a Dean?....... Maybe that's why Dean Don felt betrayed? The whole gambit wreaked of *playing the system to one's advantage.* Seemingly, the concept was......if you wanted to move up the ladder, you've got to go corps. Even those who'd been leaders on the field for years, had to go thru the corps training to establish street cred [cult cred].......ie Chris Geer [7th corps], John Lynn [9th corps]. Heck, even Don and Howard were publically presented with Honorary Corps Diplomas...... why? LOL With corps in-residency, there was no basis for academic achievement.........no questioning, no open discussions, no tests, no voicing dissent was allowed. Even those adept in research skills and languages were confined to the parameters of wierwille's "research." The whole deception was, and still is, that the corps program involved education......whereas indoctrination was its core.
    1 point
  5. No guarantee that you finished knowing anything, either. When I first started attending locally, a corpse guy was sent to run the Branch for his interim year. He never fit in, and people just sorta nodded when he said stuff, then went off and did things the way we were supposed to. (He was more decorative than actually LEADING anything.) We were glad when his year was up and he went back to wherever. His replacement was better, but he could hardly have been worse. :)
    1 point
  6. Yes..........and corps became leaders (cough, cough) over branches, areas, limbs, regions and departments at hq. All of the Milf0rd Bowens, J. Fred Wils0ns, and long-standing staffers at hq were phased out and replaced with corps grads. That's why even people that didn't want to go into the corps......went into the corps. It was status gaming of the system that wierwille set in motion. It was a two-tiered system.........if you weren't CORPS, you weren't in the top tier. Wierwille stated it plainly in his corps meetings for all to hear. Corps were instructed to MARRY corps......else, they were NOT equally-yoked. Got it? The corps nametag was "membership" to the only club that mattered in the cult.
    1 point
  7. Yes there was. The corpse members got to wear the elite status nametags. IOW, "Look at ME! I'm elite!!"
    1 point
  8. This was one of my biggest disappointments with the FellowLaborers program, as well. It was pitched as a way to gain in-depth training and insight. Turns out it was just a stinking commune with a Biblical facade.
    1 point
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