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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2020 in Posts

  1. Can't find a previous topic on vpw et al's ego problems, so am starting this: Just heard about Any Stanley's "Laws of Applause"- If a (Christian) leader starts buying into the deceit that it is all about him/her and should be, then three things can happen: - The exceptional (performance, revelation, etc) that is applauded becomes expected, [and pressure mounts for more membership, new revelations, etc.] - Admiration/applause can lead to the leader's sense of entitlement/ [access to ppls' money, power, bodies, etc.] - The honoring/applause can become addictive, [and he/she need more and more...] What's in brackets is my own explaining... So these apply, right??? Hell yeah, to vpw, lcm, et al. Just thought I would share...
    1 point
  2. Annio, I was sexually assaulted by two of the men in my family, over 50 years ago. I have spent my entire life recovering from it. Thank God for therapists, and medication. Both of them are helping me in my process of recovering.
    1 point
  3. It doesn’t matter what it’s labeled – foundational, intermediate, advanced, “new and improved” advanced class – it’s still snake oil: a substance with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases; a product, policy, etc. of little real worth or value that is promoted as the solution to a problem. I have one question regarding all these classes. What qualifies them – any of them (past or present – wierwille, Craig or any other snake oil salesperson) to teach this stuff? What was/is their training and experience? And since we’re talking turkey – we can eliminate all the subsequent cult-leader-regurgitating-knockoffs and look at the original jive turkey – wierwille. So what training and experience qualified wierwille to teach about the holy spirit? He barged in on BG Leonard’s class and afterwards stole BG's class - even right down to the silly names of Maggie Muggins, Johnny Jump Up and Snowball Pete – and along with a lot of other plagiarized material put his own classes together. He did not do the research himself nor put forth any effort to develop theory and practice. The only way he made any of this stuff his own – was by slapping his name on plagiarized material. He was a snake oil salesman – all talk but nothing of real substance. Speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy is just talk too – in that they can be faked – so put that in your Lo-Shanta and smoke it. Whoa – how about those revelation manifestations - word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits. Sorry – don’t think I can ever trust the supposed spiritual insight of a guy who was up to his earballs in personal demons of lying, stealing, alcohol, sexual predation and who knows what else…all talk and no walk. Last but not least – the power manifestations – faith, miracles and gifts of healing. Okay, show of hands – how many still believe wierwille’s supposed miracle of him telling the guy who didn’t believe in Jesus to raise his withered arm? Go ahead, now raise your hand. I still remember the frustration I had trying to console the disappointment of a woman in our Twig. She just came back from an advance at Camp Gunnison – where she asked wierwille to heal one of her toes that was messed up from birth - always uncomfortable and occasionally very painful. Of course he couldn’t do anything – but lets her limp off feeling guilty about her lack of believing… Soooooooo – back to present day…What qualifies any of these snake oil salespersons to teach this stuff? Regurgitation is NOT a manifestation of the spirit.
    1 point
  4. There are so many things wierwille and/or twi taught WRONG about "The Way Tree"........and the "Household of God." Yet, those of us here at Greasespot Café have pointed out the wrong doctrine. Household of God teaching ******* ******* ******* *******
    1 point
  5. Btw, I don't watch commercial television either, but do watch YouTube, Hulu, Amazon Prime video and PBS online. I just ran into an Associated Press news story about this recently released (in France, and in French) book about an adult woman detailing her experience as a young teen (13-15 years old) having had a sexual relationship with a much older man who happens to be still alive and previously a celebrated literary star in that country. While twi excuses sexual misconduct by its clergy with adult (sometimes married) women, the interpersonal dynamics at work in the power relationships in twi weren't different from what this French author describes... at least according to what I've read in English. Here's one of the book reviews on Amazon translated into English: In 1993, Gabriel Matzneff published a book in which he recounts his adventures with young V., 13 years old when he was 50. V., this is Vanessa Springora, the very one who publishes today The Consent... The very one that, from 1986 to 1987, was Gabriel Matzneff's little victim under the complacent gaze of much of the intellectual world of the time. Bernard Pivot will shamelessly say to Matzneff during one of his shows: “You are still a kitty collector”... Here you go. Everyone knew very well that Matzneff only touched very young virgin girls or young boys aged 11 or 12... Here you go. Everyone knew he was a criminal pedo who went to Manila regularly to satisfy his little boy fantasies... Here you go. Everyone knew it, even the President of the Republic of the day... Even Vanessa Springora's own mother. Here you go. Yeah, but Gabriel Matzneff was an author, so it changed everything. Because Matzneff knew how to manipulate and seduce with words. Because he made young Vanessa believe that there was nothing wrong with the fact that a 50-year-old man had sex with a 13-year-old child. Springora uncomplacently recounts how Matzneff spotted her, seduced, isolated, submissive and ransacked her. That's the predator. Then she tells the story of how she tried to escape this grip. She tells the story of a 13-year-old girl, caught in the clutches of a most fearsome narcissistic pervert. She tells how this predator himself has carefully recounted in books published by major publishers his sexual adventures with minors... without shocking anyone, without justice interfering with them... without anyone worrying about the fate of the young victims... At my humble level, I thank Vanessa Springora for publishing this book. I thank her on behalf of all of us: the abused young girls, the hookers, the “who did not dare to speak”, the “who spoke but who were rebarred”, the “who survived”, the “who did not survive”, the “who drove away”, the “who were annihilated by a narcissistic pervert”, the “who believed” that it was all their fault ”... In short, I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
    1 point
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