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Everything posted by lindyhopper

  1. I was pretty good with retemories. I have a desent memory so that helps. I remember it being much more of an issue in my early years. In the corps it was a huge deal, even for us mini and junior corps. After the AC I don't remember retemories being that big of a deal except during certain classes. Even then it wasn't pushed the way I remember it earlier. Perhaps it was the further we got away from the corps the less it was inforced. I still remember many of them, minus what color and number it was. My wife is always amazed that I can rattle them off. It usually comes up when I am explaining something about twi doctrine or if she has a quote book with verses in it she will test me. I usually do really well with those books.
  2. Well, it is a little further than just down the road, unless you or the Dali museum have moved. Or maybe I'm confused. The Dali museum is wroth seeing. I actually like his photography better than his paintings. Hw can you beat throwing wet cats in the air and photographing them. The Esher exhibit would be nice to see too.
  3. Belle, Belle, Belle, Belle. Have you forgotten everything you learned? Every piece of encrusted fecal matter on a toilet is an open invitation to debil spirits. That is even worse than a cluttered desk. This is why they need at least AC grads to ensure that every bit of pee backsplash is eradicated and that each beet is orthotomeo'ed. You need a corps grad to be a leader and operator of tens, hundreds, even thousands of mechanical operations in a car as a chauffer. Not to mention not turning to the right hand or to the left, but staying right on the road. Please, a mear foundational class grad would never be able to perform these kind of spiritual tasks.
  4. The party line is "the Word" of the day and it just gets repeated and forwarded, or "moved." Last time I went witnessing as a group, there was a topic to stick to, talking points, bullet points and all on a 3x5.
  5. Haha Yeah. "Can I take this for a ride." "Sure, but I'll have to ride along..." "Perrrrrfect!" "I'm only taking this class if you buy that peach of a car I showed you." read in your best car salesman voice Actually, "moving the Word" these days seems much more like forwarding the talking points memo.
  6. I too first went to Waydale while still in. At first I thought that perhaps there were some people with axes to grind and some people with legitimate complaints and some people that were out to get the organization. At the time I let my own personal not so bad experience, outweigh what everyone here was saying. I wasn't and still am not exactly a techno-sav. I only went to waydale because a close non-twi Christian, lindyhopping, female friend of mine was concerned because she knew I was in a cult and told me to check it out. Seven years ago in my blue collar, non-tech job, I never thought about typing in "twi" into a search engine. The times have changed much in just a few years. The twi internet info did plant a seed. My not so bad experience was actually not all that great and I didn't even realise it. I think what got me thinking was the role-over of leaders in our area. Since I have left there have been some innies that believe I left because I had a bad bout with bad leadership. Not totally true. Not all of them were bad people or even bad leaders but when they left or were kicked out it made an impact on me and really made me think about my own life. Years earlier, when a girl that I was seriously dating left twi without an explaination, it hurt and made me think....a lot. I think that was kind of the begining of my transition. My parents were put on probation, twice. That made me think. When sh!+ is hunky dorry and you have the blinders on and your eyes wide shut, you don't think much in twi. It takes bad things that happen to you or the ministry. It takes people around you leaving. Look at the "fog years." Look at the Allen law suit. People left. Leaders left and that caused a lot of people to leave. IMO, for the twi to come crashing down, it takes a stir. A stir from within. My original point was not that people in it will see the light by way of the internet, but that those that are thinking about going to this different sounding fellowship will. It seems that for quite some time now new foudational grads are largely coming of age innies. There is not a huge influx of new people. It is a different world and people have and will continue to come to places like this to see if it is kosher. That, IMO, is a major factor in the non-comeback of TWI. But for it to fall will take people making a visible or vocal stir. That could happen in a number of ways including a lawsuit but more likely by leaders speaking up and not shutting up. For those of you that have gotten this far down on my post, thanks for reading. :)
  7. Thanks for the correction. But now, because you called me son, I'm gonna knock you out. Why? Cuz Mamma said knock you out.
  8. I don't think the internet will be a fatal blow. I think I agree with Chas. It will, as I said on the other thread, keep them from having a comeback. They will never have the 30,000 followers the way they did in the early 80s. We don't have the left-over Jesus freak hippies around and twi isn't that type of organization anymore. We do have somthing-for-everyone-megachurches out the whazoo though. I think that is another factor in keeping TWI's numbers low. They have all kinds of services and groups for all kinds of people and they have music and productions that don't always suck. Lastly, with the exception of some major off the mainstream doctrines that twi seems to want to keep on the DL for the uninitiated, they are not all that different in doctrine from a lot of churches or dime-a-dozen-self-help videos. (Oh yes I like the hyphen.) So what's the draw? I think it will sputter out to a degree but I think there will always be those that want to keep hope alive no matter what.
  9. Yes that would be interesting, Chas. There would definitely be a possible lawsuit waiting. Potentially a very damaging one if there were many staffers laid off for being gay. The question is, were there staff members fired for this reason? I think twi has had their legal arse covered on the personnel end for quite some time. I remember one year at the WinBiz conference in which we had an open session with Rev. PanOrama. A guy stood up and told his story of telling a job applicant that becasue he was gay, this business owning wayfer didn't think it would work out. He was surprised that he now faced a law suit, lol. The Rev. P told him you have to very careful with how you treat "the gays" in the workplace, yada yada yada. Do you think they could have avoided firing them for being gay by kicking them out of twi first and then firing them because they were not associated with the ministry anymore?
  10. You sure you aren't thinking about "Punk Rock Girl" from the Dead Milkmen? "Punk Rock girl Give me a chance Lets go slam dance We'll dress like Minnie Pearl Yeah, your for me punkrock girl." or the latter verse: "Punk Rock girl You look so wild Lets have a child We'll name her Minnie Pearl Yeah, your for me punkrock girl." Be Cool is worth seeing. I listen to most types of music but I mostly dig Indie, alternative, and punk rock. You will catch me at times bobbing my head to some hip-hop, sheading a tear for the C&W singer who lost his dog, and of course swing, swing, swing, swing, everybody's got to swing, yat-dat dadda and a ho-ho-ho, now you're singin' with the swing.
  11. Don't call it a comeback... A little Public enemy there for the kids. Comaback? please. The culture has changed. TWI will never be what it was. Never. What it was isn't exactly something to brag about anyways. TWI has changed. Most of the people involved are very different from "the good ol' daze" and policies whether written or unwritten are beyond repair without starting over completely and forming a different group all together. To put it in one word... Da-internet. Unless they can destory the internet, twi will never be able to have a comeback. Here, their past will forever be exposed, their wrong or incorrect doctrine will be proven false, the lawsuits will be spotlighted (is that a word), and their website will be laughed at. With the exception of a few wacked coolaid drinkers, dispite whatever twi says people of this age will always check things out on the internet. Nuff said, right? Sorry, I'll let Paul Tony answer for himself. In the meantime, Paul, Tony, you guys have a cuppa Joe on me.
  12. Ok, I've made it through most of the thread now, but haven't seen this yet. Have any of you thought about the coincidence that SITing happens in the Bible at basically the same time God goes from a God of Israel to a God of "the uttermost parts of the world." In Acts, right after the whole phenomenon thing happens, Peter quotes Joel saying God will "pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh." Couldn't the whole idea of SITing be about the language of God's people going from Aramaic to every other language around? If you want to believe what is said in Acts fine, but couldn't it just have been a sign of things to come...the "Word" going to the gentiles and their languages?
  13. Haven't read the thread, although, I think most of you know my view of SITing for the most part. Today I came home from my soccer game and went upstairs to where my wife was with the boys in their room. My eldest, 3, after hugs and kisses and stuff, got up on the air filter next to his bookshelf and turned around to face us. He then began orating a rather eloquent speach with hand gestures and a variety of expressions much like a politician or a ring master. The only thing was we didn't understand a word he was saying. He had a lot to say and a lot of words, but none in English. He can speak English, he just wasn't at the moment. He stopped on occasion and we clapped as if he was giving the State of the Union. He would go on and we would clap in support of his enthusiasm and laugh at his wit or make ohs and ahs at his rather complicated vocabulary of what at times sounded like Russian and other times like an Asian or Polynesian language. 3 years old. At this age, some intelligent youngins that don't have the vocabulary to express all that they want to say will make up a language to fill in the blanks or just not speak the language they know at all. Twins at times will come up with a unique language that they speak to eachother. My boy and his cousin have done this to a degree. My boy has been doing this for about a year now, but today he was verbose and ready to hit the campaign trail...or perhasp lead a believers meeting. I was two years older than he is when I supposedly started SIT.
  14. "4 Billion people can't be thonged"
  15. Of course he would still be president. Rosie, was supposedly taking the position because she had already been operating as a COO for them. I would assume there were more reasons than just that. LCM said the callings of God are without repentence or something like that and that he would become the head of research. The position of president was to take on a different role than the past. That basically meant he would still be coming up with all the crazy sh!+ he had been for the past decade and teaching it or telling others what to teach. Rosie would just be the figure-head and the CEO/ COO/ whatever. One smart lady in our area asked, "Isn't this just a politcal move, a public image move?" That was denied and sadly that lady is still in. I don't remember how long it was before he was given the boot, but from reading on here what went on around the country, it was again a political move or damage control seeing that there were tons of people leaving. It would be of no suprise to me to find out that he is still running a lot of the show from behind the scenes. Belle, are you going schitzo on this thread?
  16. Speaking of Biblical Scholars.... I do believe JohnUis is taking that verse out of context. Take a look at the verses on either side of that one and you will see that the multitude of words is refering to things like vowing a vow and not paying it and going into the house of the Lord and not considering your words and deeds. It would be foolish to make a promise you can not come through on. It would be foolish to say "God please grant me this and I will do such and such for you," but then when you have what you asked for you forget about what promised. vs.1&2 Now vs. 4-6 Latter you say, "Oops, I didn't really mean THAT" or "Sorry I made a mistake when I promised to give you my first born when I asked for a child." So you see, it has nothing to do with taking someone on point by point in a logical and perhaps lengthy manner, as WW can do on many topics on any given day here at the Gspot. It would be foolish not to consider the long and the short of most topics of importance here on the Spot. More ad hominem perhaps?
  17. I didn't know about the early use of 3x5's. By the mid ninties, at least, many of us were asked to use 3x5's and 4x6's for all kinds of things. Teachings at one point were to be on 4x6 cards, witnessing contacts on 3x5's. There was a point when we did door to door with witnessing topics on 3x5's. I know many people used them for taking notes of classes and such. At least that is what I assumed they were doing. I never thought they would be using them to take notes on me, although it would explain the lists. Whenever something happened (me getting mugged or not ABSing a couple of weeks in a row for example) where they felt they need to confront me, there was always a list of other things that I did or had happened to me brought up used as a link in the chain of every negative thing in my life. This was apparently Since, my parents were FC, my moomate was my FC, and my boss was a FC, no aspect of my life was free from scrutiny. This was apparently done with a positive spin. That being to show me and whoever else in the room how the adversary was trying to get me or how I was slipping in a certain area. I was supposed to help me. Funny, it had the opposite affect. Too bad more people don't have this experience. It would wake them up much quicker. I always assumed they just had decent memories, but knowing all the other things they used 3x5 cards for and the doctrine of writing everything down so that another could run with it and now your stories it seems like they were probably doing it still right up until I left.
  18. lindyhopper

    The Death Clock

    I was playing with this a bit and it seems that, while each time you click it you get a different date, their algorithm gives more weight to your *mode* than it does to whether or not you smoke. Smoking takes about 15 to 20 years off for me, while my mode can take anywhere from 20 to 60 years off. For example when I put down that I am sadistic, I only have about 4 years to live...at the ripe age of 35. Optimistic usually gets me to my high ninties, which, I assume, is how so many of you are living so long. So toke away you puffers , just believe that everything will be alright. After all it worked for Bob Marley right? <_<
  19. It is always dust time around here. I've edited my post so now no one knows what you're talking about, so there, ha. Now don't go and point out the 42 other mistakes in my post. :)
  20. Hi Dot, I'm glad your hubs is better. I'm not a health care professional, but I play one on TV...err, I mean I am married to one so that makes me very nearly qualified :) . My wife would like to second or third what everyone else has said about the antibiotics. The bigger issue or potentially bigger issue IMO, is getting past a stubborn sick spouce. My step-dad used to be that way. He came back from a TWI function across state sick with a tooth infection/ fever. By the time they got home he could barely walk. He didn't want to go to the hospital and no one in our house was making him, although my mother was extremely concerned and upset about it. It took a good friend and fellow twigger to come over and more or less force him to go...with us helping him walk to the car. Long story short, we found out his blood sugar was through the roof and the docs said they didn't understand why he wasn't in a coma. He is now diabetic, but who knows what would have happened if he would have just stayed in bed and went to sleep. I know I am late to the game here, but I talked to my wife about his symptoms because I was curious. Of course it is hard to diagnose things like this not knowing the whole case but the rash and numbness with the other symptoms make her think of West Nile Virus (WNV). About half the cases have rashes and it can affect the nervous system which can cause the numbness. This year all but a few states have cases (ME, WA., and LA). That is not to say they don't have infected mosquitoes though, just no cases this year. This gets me back to the stubborn sick spouce thing and I don't mean to scare you or anyone else but WNV can be serious, fatal even in younger and older people or immune-suppressed people. It can also cause varying degrees of paralysis, loose the ability to speak, and any number of other neurologically related problems. OR it could just produce flu like symptoms, but the it can go down hill fast. Here where we are in CO the positive mosquito pool is rather large. We don't mess around when it comes to mosquito protection. Lastly, I know work is hard and I know spouses can be hard nosed, but four days with flu like symptoms and no doctor visit is not a good way to go espcially if you are about as old as my parents or older. Rashes are also never could in combination with flu like symptoms, that should always be a serious red flag. I'm very happy he is better, but next time get his butt to the doctor. :) Everyone please put on your mosquito repellant this time of year especially around dusk and evening hours.
  21. I used to tell that joke. I still think there are several funny parts to it. "Get your own dirt" isn't one of them.
  22. I think we all know why twi taught that God didn't have emotions. It was because it supports the idiom of permission teaching. So how do you now deal with that? Shadows of God's realities... God so loved the world... Love 1000x... Why are you only discussing the lovey dovey side? What about God's wrath, God's anger, envy, and jealousy? Are ours mear shadows of his? Does he not "feel" those at all? Which is it?
  23. lambano is one that I looked at kind of late in the game and couldn't find it to mean receive into manifestation. As far as I could tell it plainly meant to recieve or take what is given to you or to take away. For eg. in Matt it says "He takes (lambano) our infirmities and bares our sickness." There are many other examples with that one that just don't make sense as receive into manifestation. That along with "filled to overflowing", which is what, pletho? We were taught this one along side lambano in relation to "manifesting." I was at a non-way Christian friend's house one day and picked up a book on the subject and the author explained how pletho in Greek literature was used many times in reference to a ship taking on water and being "overtaken" by it. I brought it up after a fellowship one time and the conversation was quickly silenced by the FC by asking me why I was reading books like these when I had all those twi books, mags, and tapes to read and listen to yada yada yada. The pros definition never seemed to fit perfectly for me either.
  24. Of course there is nothing wrong with “controlling your mind.” Controlling your actions is controlling your mind. Controlling how you deal with emotions is controlling your mind. Yelling at a young child who is screaming and crying, “CONTROL YOUR THINKING!” might be a clue that there was something wrong with the way twi was using the phrase.
  25. This is all so rediculous. Who doesn't know they need and want to have enough sleep. Who doesn't know they need and want to eat well etc etc. These are all things that everyone knows unless you are complete moron. Praying, fine with me or meditate or quite time alone thinking about your day, week, and life. Great. In fact, that last one even better. If you don't allow yourself to reflect on your day and your life in general you might not think much about the overbearing religous group you are involved with. If you want to SIT, great, although my experience is it is not required for having a peaceful moring with the family the way sleep is. I guess my big question is, WHY? Why do they feel they need to write an article about this? Are most of twi followers this brain dead and with a family that is hanging by a thread, unable to figure out how to have a nice morning together? I don't think so. Although, now, if you have any morning stress you are without excuse, I guess. The thing is everyone has rough mornings even if you do all those things. Kids are tough. Parenting is not easy. It can be a roller coaster. You kind of get used to it and everyone needs to except that no one is perfect and no one is exactly the same. Scheduling and planning is not the answer to it all. There has to be a balance and encouragment of structure and spontaneity, consistency while chosing your battles, attention and indepenence. I would say that most parents know these things unless you are crackheads. Which BTW, is not who twi caters to. So what is the point? I think you know. Selling "spiritual" self-help classes, books, magazines, etc. and control. Oh, and the funniest part of the article is the begining, when she asks why believers would want to have peace in the morning and then quotes some Bible. LOL Boy, that sure answered that question. I was really scratching my head. And here I thought it was the same reason why everyone else wants peace in the morning. HAHA, Belle, we were posting at the same time and thinking the same thing right down to the crackheads.
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