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Posts posted by act2

  1. Minicorpse,

    I read every word also and just shook my head. I am so sorry for all the cr@p that you had to endure, but am thankful that you are in grad school and sought counselling.

    I got 'in' as a teenager and stayed 19 years. That was bad enough. I can't imagine what you 'born in the way' kids thought as you grew up and moved around all the time.

    Anyway, welcome to the GS Cafe.

    Suda had already offered you coffe and a danish, so should keep you going till lunch!!!

    Take care of yourself, ok?

  2. Can listen to someone else's opinion and not feel obligated to 'correct their error' and let them know that you know the 'true word of God'

    Can pray and ASK God for something instead of demanding it

    Can pray and ASK for God's Will to be done because HE knows the future and what I need MORE than I do

  3. Knit blankets & caps for preemies & bereaved parents of babies who didn't make it and FEEL GOOD about doing something GOOD for someone other than 'believers'

    Knit caps and fingerless mittens for men and women overseas serving this great country of ours and FEEL GOOD about doing something GOOD for someone other than 'believers'

    Shop at Salvation Army and Goodwill to add to your collectibles that you now have the money to collect, not because you have to shop there for your clothes, not that there is anything wrong with that, ok???!!!

    Have your family over for holidays and not refer to them as your 'earthly family'

    Go on vacations to anywhere other than OHIO

    Give money to someone in need because you want to and FEEL GOOD about doing something GOOD for someone other than 'believers'

    Watch tv shows (yes, you have time to now) and not nitpick them to death spiritually

    Ok, enough for now.

    Anybody else?????????????

  4. Sudo, I am glad that I didn't watch this last nite. I would have probably had nightmares!!!! Maybe that is why I never had children, huh? I was AFRAID something might happen to them.

    OMG, what a piece of cr@p.

    BTW, I think it was actually seven times that you had to hear something, not three. Three had to do with, if you hear a negative, replace it with 3 positives.



    I don't post often, but boy, am I glad to see you!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all you do over there!!!!

    Be safe and know that you are in lots of folk's prayers.

    God Bless you and your family and your new baby.

  5. I uploaded the videos directly from my camcorder thru my Pinnacle Studios. The quality doesn't come thru very well, and there is no sound. Yet, I have sound on the other videos that I listen to.

    Can any one help???

  6. Ooops....

    I just realized I said that that song was appropriate ... to RG ... when it was supposed to be to ACT 2. Duh :huh:

    Sorry if I added any confusion anywhere.

    so much music... so little time!!!!! :(

    No problem, Ala.

    I am so excited. I just put 2 videos of our friend Bill Haney on YouTube. I don't know how long it takes to finish up the process. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Act 2,

    I have a wonderful song for you appropriate for graduation... it's called : MAY I SUGGEST by Susan Werner...

    I wasn't able to find anything on youtube and I can't remember how to post songs... from my itunes... so i'll just post the lyrics for now.

    If someone can remind me of how it's done..by all means...


    Yes, thank you again. This is quite appropriate. We had 469 graduates Friday nite. Though sitting thru all those names got boring, it was really a great presentation.

    Cara will like this, I am sure.

  8. Dearest Dot,

    My hometown is a super place. Very low crime. Just across the Ohio river from Evansville, IN, where the pay is better. My nephew owns several homes and mobile homes in a small community just outside the city limits. A wonderful Baptist church is located there.

    My brother works for the city and has had 4 children involved in sports/cheerleading and has his own underground construction business, so he knows LOTS of folks. In fact, at our festival last month, if he didn't know someone, his wife did, but if they didn't, her parents did. I swear they knew almost everyone that walked past us as we sat at a picnic table eating our food.

    Sis manages the local emergency she1ter for women. Hubby owns an auto repair shop.

    In other words, I think you would find what you are looking for in my hometown.

    We have free festivals all spring and summer long. They are orderly and fun.

    We have 4 seasons, but the winters are not bad. We only had a couple snows this year, but didn't even have to shovel the snow. It melted away quickly.

    Plus, hubby and I have a boat!!!!!!!!!!!

    What more could you ask for????



  9. ALA, thank you so much for the Allison Krause song. It is absolutely beautiful.

    I am making a photo album for my graduation niece and am putting 4x6 cards with special quotes on them along with old pictures and recent ones as well. I was looking for something else and I think these words to A Living Prayer are IT!!!!!!

    Keep the great music coming!!!!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. FreeAtLast,

    I am sorry to hear about the MS. My cousin has had it for years and is still working as a hairdresser. In fact, she does my mom's hair every week.

    Please do what you have to do to keep the stress away.

    God bless you.


    Dear Free at last,

    Happy Mother's Day to you!!! I am sorry to see you go. I feel like I know you through your words and our correspondence.

    I am preparing for about 30-35 people today at my house so I just wanted to catch up at GS, but HAD to take the time to post to you.

    You are very special.

  11. Envy is right!!!!!!!!!!! I have a digital piano and practiced faithfully for a couple of years, but have let it slide for over a year now.

    I never was good, but I could play most of the notes correctly!!!!!!!

    Thank you, satori, for the beautiful music.

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