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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. Chinson -- Just sent you an e-mail saying that I will NOT be able to attend.:(--> :(--> :(--> Things happen, and the circumstances now are such, it is durn near impossible to get there. I knew that about the RSVP, but spaced it out until your reminder appeared. ;)--> MEA CULPA :D--> :D--> I'm praying for peace, love, and joy for you and yours in your "new" future. :)--> :)-->
  2. Quote from Mo --" isn;t she the "wife of the resigned president"??? ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ If she (donna) is NOT called so, she should be.
  3. DABOBBADA -- Happy Brthday!! Kit is right -- forget that stuff about "Beware the Ides of March"!! Have a great day!!
  4. NLL -- Happy Birthday!! ;)--> If 49 is the number, you are younger than I am also. --> oh -- meant to ask -- 49 for how many years in a row now? :D--> :D--> :D--> Just Kidding! Have a great one!!
  5. DatWay -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (wherever you are). :(--> Will be thinking of you on the "wearing of the green" day! :)--> :)-->
  6. Hmmmmm -- IF THIS IS TRUE --> -- it looks like the "Bible Belt" just got loosened a notch or two.
  7. Onion Eater -- Heyyyyyyyy Bro -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 16th!! Here in Minnesota, March 16th is St. Urho's Day, the Finnish equivalent to the Irish St. Patrick's day, on the 17th. Both are credited with ridding their respective countries of some sort of bug. Do you suppose that St. Patrick and St. Urho were both ONIONEATER'S TOO??!! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> They got rid of them there bugs somehow, and if they did it by eating onions, then you are in line for saint-hood! ;)--> Have a happy one, and shed tears of joy, not those induced by the onion. :)-->
  8. Golfie -- yea -- 48 hours is more like it. JC got "took" on a Monday, and was on the cross by 9 am Wednesday. I have a problem with the "last 12 hours" too, since the last 6 that we know of for sure, were spent on the cross itself.
  9. And Trefor -- since you said --- "Hmm looks impressive! What a wonderful way of linking the gay communities of Toronto and Rochester together Hills Bro!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just what kind of LINKING might that be ? --> -->
  10. Long Gone -- not only was your reply succint, and to the point --I understood it. :(--> :(--> Please accept my apologies for presuming that others thought as I did. On the road together :)--> -- BEMA BOUND!
  11. I have a very dumb question to ask of ALL here, but it needs to be asked. Every last SOMEBODY should have "rights" -- (this is the gist of the arguements here, as I see it), and having looked at the postings, I am wondering --- HAS ANYONE LOOKED AT THE WORD, RECENTLY? -- or are we all following what is "popular conviction" -- (yet ANOTHER "PC") ?? --> Times have changed. We as people follow the times, so we have changed. But has God changed in His thinking, about what is right, and what is wrong?? Homosexuality is a sin, the same as being drunk, lying, murdering, etc., etc., etc., are all sins. And before you all castigate me about my comparisions of all these here, I am NOT saying one is worse than the other, but I am saying all are equally bad. Soooooooo -- back to my question. I don't care what you think, or where you stand, but I do care about whether or not YOUR ideas match up with the Word. You will all have to figure that one out for yourselves, because for sure, I cannot do so for you. All in all, if what is thought (and believed) doesn't match up to what is promoted by the Word, then you, I, everyone else who thinks contrary to scripture, is wrong. If any wish to refute this, fine. Tell God you are angry, and that He did not do a good job setting "boundaries". But don't come to me.
  12. Ex10 -- you are making a good point too. ;)--> But if one reaches this site (GSCafe), and sees the "TWI Doctinal Discussion" forum there in the General Forum listing, don'tcha think that those who "want to know" will click there first? --> I'm thinking they will, but what you said holds water. (no leaky cistern there!)
  13. Paw -- Like ChasUfarly, I intially voted to keep it here. However, after reading Rafael's post, I am re-thinking my position. Rafael makes a good point about doing a "dual" doctinal forum, the same as the "dual" political one. I am thinking the integrity of the original Doctrinal forum would not be compromised, by the addition of a second. Vickles makes the point that we all do our share of "crossing over into grey area", but obviously the most prolific here to do so is Mike, and he has one topic only. It may not belong in a "Mike" forum, but it would be nice to see it out of mainstream, as long as it's "final resting place" doesn't corrupt what is already there. Rafael's suggestion makes a lot of sense. Hope you give it more than a passing thought. :)-->
  14. Def59 -- Thank You. I was starting to feel all alone out here. Keep ranting!
  15. "CIRCUMLOCUITOUS"?? Getting out my Funk and Wagnall's right now! :D--> :D--> :D--> Never thought I would hear something new from a Mike thread.
  16. There is no second Adam. There is only a FIRST Adam (meant to be father of a race) who screwed up, and then there is THE LAST Adam (not 2nd, as if there might be more down the block somewhere) who was also meant to "father" a race, and did not screw up. There is nothing unusual about describing Jesus as the Last Adam, since He will accomplish what the first Adam should have, yet didn't.
  17. "My theory about Mary's conception was that God removed sperm from Adam in the garden before the fall of man (maybe at the same time as the rib), and preserved it in a frozen state." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would that "frozen state" be MINNESOTA?!?
  18. "It wasn't AVAILABLE until Pentecost. " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike -- nope, it wasn't -- at least FOR US. Just like resurrection from the dead to Life Eternal is not available yet for us, but will be some day. Jesus has every right to BE THE FIRST-FRUIT. End of story. -->
  19. ShazzzzzzzzzDancerrrrrrrr!! Have a great birthday! :)--> :)--> :)-->
  20. Tom -- Thank you for your MOST EXCELLENT REBUTTAL (caps for emphasis, not shouting) ;)--> I was impressed, and no -- I do not see it as a personal attack. I stand by what I wrote. The point I was trying to make (and perhaps I did a poor job of communicating what I was trying to say) is that I am NOT against the person who is gay, but I AM against the fact that more and more "rights" are being demanded. The only reason I used the pedophile example, is because everyone agrees that is wrong, and I was merely using them to show how yet "another" group of individuals could start demanding "rights", even if the pedophile thing IS an "old chestnut" as Trefor says. And Tom -- yes many heterosexuals prey on people as well. Perhaps I should have used them as the example of THE NEXT GROUP to clamour for equal rights, instead of the ped folk. I have come a loooooong way from my earlier years, as to the acceptance of gays. Growing up in the 50's and 60's imbedded a lot of wrong teaching in my brain about it, and then in the 70's I met twi and vpw who teach me that gays are pozzezed, which basically confirmed that it was wrong, but now it was put on a spiritual level. I used to have a problem with being in the same room with gays, but now I accept them for who they are, AS WELL AS what they stand for with a LOT less judgement than I used to cast their way. Am still working on getting the judgement level down to zero, so be patient, it will get there some day. And finally Shaz -- no, I am not getting bent out of shape because they want to do things "legally". What I am concerned about (call it "bent out of shape" if you want to) is the state sponsorship of it all. That was my main point in the earlier post, and I guess I stated it poorly, since no one addressed that aspect, but focused on the other things I said instead. Thanks for the feed-back. It gives me more to think about, as I work on reducing the judgemental issues in my life, but I am still against state sponsorship of gay marriage, and I still don't like the article at the top of the page.
  21. NiKa -- you say (and maybe rightly so) "Dmiller, perhaps the reason you don't care how many dues have been paid is that you haven't had to pay them; aren't currently having to pay them. I know wonderful people, professionals, brilliant folks really, who have to sneak around in the middle of the night because they are homosexual, and will never be able to walk down the street in Norman, Oklahoma, in the light of day with the people whom they have faithfully loved for decades." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know many brilliant folk, professionals, etc. who are homosexual, and yes I work with them too, so I HAVE to interact with them. I would rather see them straight, but it is their choice to do what they choose to do. I live in Duluth Minnesota, where there is a real "hot-bed" of homosexual activity, but I am not in California either, and "gay-bashing" does occur here as well. I am NOT a "basher", I"m just looking (realistically) at what is the next logical step in all this clamour for "MY RIGHTS". And I have to disagree with you on one point -- perhaps some have it thru hereditary inclination, but I am of the opinion that most of the homosexuals out there, CHOOSE to be so, and use the "born with it" excuse just as that -- an excuse. And I did not say that there was a potential pedophile in every homosexual person. What I DID SAY, was that perhaps they (pedophiles) will be next to claim their rights are being trampled on. I am not in favour of gay marriage for those reasons. If this is allowed, who is the next group to step up to the plate, and say "we are being discriminated against"? My Humble Opinion? --- the mind is being SEARED with a hot iron, and pretty soon, you won't be able to tell good from bad. I really don't care how "loving" a relationship two men, or two women have had. Do you salute and idolize the relationship a town drunk has had with the bottle?? Of course not. You see it as it is -- a problem. I see this as a problem, and as I said the "line has to be drawn somewhere". This is where I draw the line. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. "The conservative course is not to banish gay people from making such commitments. It is to expect that they make such commitments. We shouldn't just allow gay marriage. We should insist on gay marriage. We should regard it as scandalous that two people could claim to love each other and not want to sanctify their love with marriage and fidelity." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juan -- this article is total Bu**$hit. Rocky is right, it is most likely inevitable (given the DOWNWARD slant of morality today), but that does not mean that I as a conservative have to endorse, or "insist" that it happen, as suggested by the author. Now -- here is a question. Gay marriage passes, everyone is cozy and happy, equality for all with no prejudice --- What is the next bandwagon you are going to get on? When this here is all "blown over" and "acceptable", what position will you all take when a pedophile demands acceptance to engage in THEIR "rights"?? I am not being facetious here. When one "cause" is over, another one starts. And I do not see this as an "end-of-the-world" scenario. The posibility of this happening is very real. I am NOT homophobic, but I think the line has to be drawn somewhere, and I don't care how many "dues" have been paid, as NiKa says -- I think the author of this article needs to re-think what conserative means, and get honest.
  23. No one is talking about "them bones" raised up in the OT. Are they alive still? --> I still have all my old copies of the "way rag", but haven't looked at them for decades now. Guess I should dust them off, and learn some more "rightly divided Werewolf". :D--> --> :D--> --> :D-->
  24. Another "Hall of Fame" quote from Mike --- " I don’t give a flying flock what people think of my righteous dodges." and ---- "Why don’t you do the uncommon thing and operate the love of God, forgiveness, and grace?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike: three words for you --- "Physician, heal thyself" :D--> --> :D--> --> :D-->
  25. RalphD -- Happy birthday!!!!!! :D--> ;)--> :D--> I'd say more, but am still watching the fireworks display, in your honor.
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