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Everything posted by dmiller

  1. A ll B irthday's C onsidered, D ot E njoys F aboulously G ood H ealth I n J esus. K nowing L ife M ore N ow, O ver P ast Q uestionable R eligious S tifleing T heocracies. U nbridled V ictory W ithin X plains Y our Z est !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOT !!!!! ;)--> [This message was edited by dmiller on February 24, 2004 at 12:18.]
  2. Geo -- whew!!!!! glad you cleared up the MLM thing :)--> When I read MLM in your first post, I was thinking "Mr. Loy Martindale" Somehow, I could not imagine you using two such NON-SPECIFICS together! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->
  3. Roy writes -- "quote" =========================== And the person who wrote the teaching he took creit but creit show of went to God Everybody looking for creit and trying to take a way creits Lets just learn to live love and forget about creit with love Roy =========================== Roy -- easy to say, but hard work went into the teachings that vpw plagiarized, and the original authors/workmen of the word, DO deserve the credit. Not only did vpw get the "credit", he also got THE CASH from his lucrative business which followed from his taking other's work, and passing it off as his own. --> I agree with oldiesman, pfal served a purpose (at one time), and I agree with you, that God gets the glory for what is in His word, but while we are "living love", it is not a bad thing to give credit, where credit is due.
  4. Krysilis -- your post makes good sense, both about Mel Gibson, and Walter Cummins. :)-->
  5. LittleHawk -- I saw Mel on TV the other day talking about this. I seem to remember him saying a lot of Aramaic was used (with complete "disregard" for the english speaking audience) so as to lend authenticity to the film. Could be wrong, but if not, hope this helps!
  6. Rocky -- you have given us a lot of info tonight. thanks! :)--> :)--> :)--> It will be a sad day in America, albeit a neccesary one, that the Constitution has to be amended, as to the defintion of marriage. Never thought I would see this day come to pass, but with the way we are going, BRING IT ON!! If they are going by "lawful" standards, let us give them "lawful" standards to live by, and uphold.
  7. CKnapp No --- I don't go to movies, and I hate violence depicted on the "big screen", even if it carries a message. I just posted here to say GOOD LUCK in bracing yourself. Hope you get something out of it. (I can see both sides of this issue, and hope your side does you proud). :)-->
  8. MJ HA !! :D--> Good response! I personally "chose" to get rid of stuff. How was it with you Paw?? -->
  9. G Jessio -- I agree. I missed my brother's wedding in 1979, cause I was a wow, and "could not leave the field". I love the statement you made about your mom --- "I seriously don't hold her accountable for most of this. She had the worst case of waybrain this side of Mike". :D--> :D--> :D--> We all been there, and done that, at one time or another. Hang in There!!!!
  10. Wayfer ---- yea, I do the same thing. I see the sign "hungry, on the road, please help. God bless" And always with a black magic marker on cardboard. Sometimes I feel "led" to help them, and other times not. Times that I have tho, I go to the nearest quick food joint , buy a meal, and write the check for an extra 5 dollars. Then I go back to where they were, and hand them the sack, say God bless you, and tell them there is money in the sack as well as food. I have done this several times, and only once was I dissappointed at the reaction I got from "the one in need". One time however, I bought wayyyyy more than I figured was needed, for the guy by the over-pass. I circled around, and what do you know -- He was feeding a whole family with what I had bought there on the grass by the over-pass. Got misty then, and am doing so now, thinking how God can use even me to minister to those in need. People in need are just that -------- people in need. They need not wear any other banner, they are asking for help. God Bless you for what you did, and may all of us do the same, as these situations arise.
  11. Laleo awwwwww be nice!! :(--> 6 months at a McDonald's???
  12. I have to agree with Ex (in her earlier post) about the youthful dreams. :)--> Back then (1975 or so), I felt like I had FINALLY done something right, was with the correct group, and had answers to everything. So much for that! :(--> Would love to feel the same again now, almost 30 years after the fact. That is what I would like back.
  13. Rocky -- now that there is sad :(--> Guess every state in the union has to have it now. Maybe we should be called the U.S. of L. (United States of Lemmings). Seems like every somebody, is willing to put whatever county, whatever state, whatever district, on a course headed straight for destruction. --> Shoot low. They are riding Shetlands.
  14. Kit -- Wow! What insight!! I would have never thought of that, but now that you mention it here, it makes perfect sense. :)--> Thank you for sharing that! ;)-->
  15. MJ -- but aren't Christians who wish to pray part of the public too? Should they be denied, and others who are against be recognized? What if you go to a restaurant, and are denied the right to give thanks before your meal.? Public place -- right? Prayer should not be forced, yet by the same token, it should not be denied.
  16. jezusfreaky -- yep, no matter what story is told, it will step on someone's toes, so tell it anyway! Here (for anyone who cares to read it) is the Truth or Tradition posting on the "Passion of Christ". http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.ph...article&sid=294
  17. I also was raised Catholic, and I have to agree with corrydj, that the resurrection is the more important aspect to focus on. But --------- I heard a Jewish preacher once talk about the crucifixition, and he described it in the most graphic of detail (with all the body parts hanging out, the flayed skin, the total disfigurement of the body of Christ), and then made the comment --- Quote -- "This is what sin looks like to God. God sees all sinners in this state, and not as the perfect being He made man as originally, and this is how He sees us, unless we accept Christ." end of quote. I think he was right. None of us can even begin to imagine the enormity of what Jesus went thru. I admire Mel for his agressiveness, and determination to get this subject out, but am not sure if I am ready to see it yet.
  18. Garth --- NeoNazi Skinheads wear PANTIES??
  19. Groucho -- no the Jews did not kill Jesus. The Romans did. The Jews OF THAT TIME put the grease under the skids, but it was the Romans who actually perpetrated the act.
  20. Tom I love "non-raunchy Limericks!! Woops! I think that is an oxy-moron :)--> You just started a new "genre"!
  21. Roy your site you posted shows that light source, is reflected in the printing industry. All green colours in the graphs there, had both yellow and blue right next to it. Green is a composite, and therefore subject to being a counterfeit. As I said depends on the amount of .... yada, yada yada! :D--> However, I did save that site to my favourites, and will look at it more.
  22. Roy headed there now. TY. (ps. -- yes, white is a "given", since that is the colour of paper, but they really do use 4 colours in printing, and those are the four I mentioned -- CMYB -- and on white paper.) Back at ya!
  23. Socks All that good stuff you just shared?? It doesn't seem to work on a Mac. :(--> :(--> :(--> I just might buy a PC yet :D--> :D--> :D-->
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