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Everything posted by doojable

  1. Pointer Sisters - "Fire" Bruce Springsteen - "I'm On Fire" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo1npZWR5qk
  2. Maroon 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK-H76JeFpA
  3. Pulled Pork in a Slow Cooker I have a 6 quart cooker, so you may need to cut the recipe in half. 2 Pork Butt roasts (4-6 lbs each) 2 large yellow onions, coarsely chopped 2 heads garlic, smashed and chopped. 16 oz bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce. I use Stubbs. Trim and discard the fat. Put pork, garlic and onions in the slow cooker and set it to Low. Cook for 20 hours. (I just keep resetting it.) Remove the bones from the meat. Remove the meat and onions and garlic from the cooker and shred it all with two forks. Skim some of the fat - but not all of it - from the drippings in the pan. Put shredded meat back in the cooker and add the whole bottle of BBQ sauce. Cook on High for another two hours. Serves a whole bunch of folks!
  4. Chocolate Truffle Cake 2 Pkgs (8oz each) semisweet chocolate squares 1 1/2 cups butter or margarine 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup light cream (though I used heavy - couldn't find "light cream") 6 large eggs 2 tsp vanilla Chocolate Glaze Sweetened Whipped Cream Mint leaves for Garnish (Take these from the mint leaves you're using to make Mojitos ;) ) 1. Preheat oven to 350*F. Line bottom of 9-inch springform pan with foil, tucking foil edges under bottom. Attach springform side. Bring foil up around side of pan. Grease foil-lined bottom and side of pan with butter, set aside. 2. Heat chocolate, butter, sugar, and cream in heavy 2-quart saucepan over low heat until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. stirring frequently. Remove mixture from heat. 3. Beat eggs and vanilla in large bowl with wire whisk until frothy. Slowly whisk in warm chocolate mixture until well blended. Do not vigorously beat mixture. You do not want to incorporate air into the mixture. 4. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 45 minutes or until wooden toothpick inserted about 1 inch from edge comes out clean and center is set. Cool cake completely in pan on wire rack. 5. When cake is cool, carefully remove side of springform pan. Leave cake on bottom of pan. Wrap cake in foil. Refrigerate until well chilled, at least 4 hours or overnight. 6. Prepare Chocolate Glaze. Unwrap cake. Remove from bottom of pan and place upside-down on cake plate. Surround cake with waxed paper strips. 7. Spread top and side of cake with warm glaze, using metal spatula. Remove waxed paper after glaze sets. 8. Prepare Sweetened Whipped Cream. Spoon cream mixture into decorating bag with medium star tube. Pipe cream around edge of cake. 9. Garnish with piped cream. Refrigerate until serving. Just before serving, garnish with mint leaves. Makes 16 to 20 servings (uhhh yea... right ;) ) Chocolate Glaze 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips 2 Tbsp butter or margarine 3 Tbsp Half-and-half 2 Tbsp light corn syrup Heat chocolate chips and butter in heavy 1-quart saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Stir in half-and-half and corn syrup until smooth. Makes about 1 1/4 cups Sweetened Whipped Cream 1 cup heavy cream 2 Tbsp powdered sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla Chill large bowl, beaters and cream thoroughly. Place cream, sugar and vanilla into chilled bowl and beat with electric mixer at high speed until soft peaks form. To test, lift beaters from whipping cream; mixture should have droopy, but definite peaks. Do not overbeat. Refrigerate. Makes about 2 cups.
  5. Well, in case anyone here wants to purchase a gun for their next Church (or Clergy) meeting, the ads at the top of the page have some great ideas and prices.
  6. I finally got to listen to it. It's definitely worth listening to again.
  7. I wanted to sue a certain mook-MOG (small time guy - not at HQ) but I was told that it was a waste of time and money. Apparently to prove libel or slander, the plaintiff has the burden to prove 4 claims: http://www.enotes.com/everyday-law-encyclo...bel-and-slander Some of this would be hard to prove. (Of course being hard or difficult to prove didn't make the slander any less painful and it certainly should never have been used as an excuse to publicly humiliate someone.) If YOU were the one talked about - then YOU had to have the proof. So if something was said behind your back - it would be harder to prove. You'd need some very willing and equally ticked off witnesses to the slander. Some folks walked and never looked back, never cared what was being said about them. The last burden of proof - showing that your reputation was injured - is what would get you laughed out of court. Think about it for a minute... how do you think a judge would react to hearing that you were called "possessed" - in a fairly closed meeting. NOW if your employer was in that meeting - then you might have a claim that would fly. But ultimately, the kind of injury that a lot of folks suffered, while very real and very painful, just wasn't "actionable" in a court of law. At the time that I wanted to go to court, I was told that I wasn't "affected enough" by the statements made to warrant the time and money to go to court. It was more important to just move on with life.
  8. Very Good! You know what to do Waysider...
  9. "I'm riding in your car, You turn on the radio"
  10. NiKa - The recipe for the Pulled Pork is somewhere down in the Kitchen Forum. I'll see if I can find it and bump the thread. I'll post the recipe for the Truffle cake in a day or two. (There's no flour in it, which is the reason I made it. One regular BBQ attendee asked for a gluten-free dessert.) They're both easy.
  11. Thanks to The Countess and George for hosting a positively lovely evening. And...thanks to Ex10 and her hubby for their wonderful hospitality.
  12. But "She's Always a Woman" to me.. ~ Billy Joel
  13. Moi? I'm innocent! Well - at least when it comes to Chocolate... in my book chocolate is expendable.
  14. Ahem...Waysider dear... sweetheart... answer and post Luv... :D
  15. Eyes is really f**ed up... There's way too much chocolate at this BBQ- they're working on a sugar high now. We're just being the wenches everyone expects us to be.
  16. Natalie Merchant - Kind and Generous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdG618TMc5E
  17. I'm going to venture a guess here, but I suspect this statement says more about JAL than a lot of other things. He has had more than ample time to process the cost to him and his family. He seems like he's accepted the most basic part of the teaching (adultery, dishonest use of the Bible - etc) and is merely rejecting the window dressing (ie - individual teachings that are replaced with a "new and improved" POV)
  18. Hope you don't plan on making Gin with those juniper berries Ron...
  19. Sinead O'Connor ~"This Is A Rebel Song" Her voice is so beautiful.
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