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Everything posted by doojable

  1. Here's a lot of info on Momentus: http://www.uia.net/~messiah7/tw_momentus.htm
  2. Motivated? WTF? I wake up, wake the kids up and get going. My eyes open. I get up. What's the alternative?
  3. Ummmm.... Don't you think that maybe - just maybe - the emphasis is on "YOUR OWN" instead of every husband (or man) out there? That takes the wind out of the sails of the "women are inferior" doctrine. hmmmmmm..... And I don't think the emphasis is on "submit to your husband" so much as it is -"Hey! Wake up! It doesn't take a village to be in a committed relationship. Keep your relationship between you and your significant other." OH NO! That would mean that I'd be (sssssshiver....) submitting to YOU! No-ooooooooooo! *runs screaming down the street in mock terror - stops at the corner and falls down laughing*
  4. I had heartburn... does that count?
  5. What does this mean: If it means you're going to offer forgiveness and compassion, how do you plan on doing that? She may need to unload and talk. She may need much more. I'd decide on some boundaries up front. Please get the names of a few professional counselors, so that you can refer her to them if you find you're in over your head. One of the plagues of twi was that we thought we were equipped to help and handle things that we had no business touching. Now the visit can be a good one, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared for more. Be wise...
  6. Newlife - It could also be that she read your posts here in this thread and put two and two together. Tread lightly...and wisely.
  7. If I recall correctly, dots(e w was heard to have said, "He was a mean man," at the funeral for her drunken, sick, abusive excuse for a husband. Now WD - I neither have any of the books, nor did I attend the funeral. I really don't care if those words are written down somewhere. What I do care about are the words that DWBH posted from his experience - firsthand experience:
  8. okay,, this time I'm NOT going to read the whole thread,, help me out please. What was the claim? How was it wrong? Oh and WD... just because someone can't prove that they are right, it doesn't mean that the are wrong.
  9. I don't think we agree at all. I think you like to twist words to make them fit what you want to say. You know...like PFAL taught... For the record, I think there are some points that are so obviously logical and correct that to try and repudiate them would make someone a fool. Then there are the illogical and speculous points... or the attack on the logical points...
  10. While I don't think that a person that repeats a story they read as if they experienced it themselves is honest, neither do I reject a story of abuse out of hand just because it is posted in a thread, by a poster with a silly username, on the internet. I certainly wouldn't reject a LOT of posts by different posters saying the same thing happened to THEM! Then I would weigh it with what I already knew... But I would never demand proof from someone who claimed to be a victim of abuse. Didn't you learn any manners growing up, WD?
  11. WD... you proved nothing. I'll get back to you when I choose. In the meantime... please learn some rules of spelling and grammar.. and take the SAT course on reasoning. Is there a mosquito in this thread? Oh no... it's just WD. Then again, mosquitoes spread disease...
  12. Gosh.. can I get my remote to switch to your channel, WD? What is it? "Prove-this-Central"?
  13. So that makes you special? And yet you still choose to play the victim because you say that you're somehow locked into not talking because you can't prove what you saw - or document it. That's the cowards's way out.
  14. WTH does this mean? I experienced the Towers missing because I visited the site on my last visit. Are you telling me that that is less credible than a video? Uhhhh.. So you would believe one of those shows that have some pic of a ghost just because they caught it on tape? Step away from the bong... step away from the bong.... slowly...
  15. You have always liked to play both sides of the fence, White Dove. You do know that there is a difference between actual experiential knowledge and knowledge that comes from a mediated experience, don't you? Oh wait... maybe you don't. Sorry... If you went WOW or were in the Corps or any other experience then you would already know that it's much different than just hearing about it or watching a 35 MM film on the subject...or attending a meeting to get you to "Go NOW!"
  16. :biglaugh: A little old woman entered a pet shop hoping to find a pet. The proprietor walked up to her, "Hello Ma'am. How can I help you?" he said. " I live alone and I get lonely. I was hoping to buy a parrot that talks to help keep me company," she replied. "I'm so sorry but I'm afraid that the only parrot I have right now was previously owned by a sailor who had a real potty mouth. I don't think he'd be an appropriate companion for you." "Well, I bet I can work with him." I'll take him home." The woman took the parrot home and set him on the counter in his cage. While doing so she knocked a book on the floor. The parrot startled and let out a loud, "Sonuvab(tch!" Without hesitation or even a word the woman took the parrot out of his cage and threw him into the freezer. The parrot remained there for about 5 minutes. When she took the parrot out she explained to him that the next time he made such a poor choice of words he would remain in that frozen prison a bit longer. Days went by. The parrot decided that he needed to mind his P' and Q's. One day a strong wind made the front door slam. The bird nearly jumped out of his feathers and squawked, "SON OF A B(TCH!" Once again the parrot found himself in the freezer. He knew it was going to be a while so he started to walk around and flap his wings trying to stay warm. He stopped dead in his tracks when he found a frozen chicken. His eyes opened wide and he said to the chicken, "Damn! You musta' said Mutha F(cker!" :biglaugh:
  17. doojable


    Rejoice - I never meant that YOU called your sister names, nor did I mean to imply that you didn't see her. My point was that while YOU and your family looked in her eyes and saw the person inside - others only saw the lablle.
  18. The Emperor has no clothes! (der Victoid was a fraud!)
  19. Power corrupts... absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  20. doojable


    I said that I get tired of the labels. You say you have a "retarded" sister. Have you looked in her eyes and seen the person inside?... the person that doesn't get noticed because she's different? The person that gets overlooked and dismissed? "Quit acting so retarded!" Are you really going to try and tell me that the sentence above is meant as anything else but an insult? And you're right - the label won't change her situation - but the label would hurt her if she were to hear it spoken in that fashion. Does "the label" totally describe her? Her abilities? Her aspirations? Or does that label put limitations on her and those that deal with her. Frankly, I agree that Obama was engaging in some self-deprecating humor. My issue isn't with Obama. I just happen to dislike the habit of using labels to limit and dismiss people. The word "retard" does this.
  21. doojable


    I haven't heard the "r" word used in years. I used it as a child to refer to people with Down's Syndrome. I get so tired of the words used to label people.
  22. Here ya go http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...52BSI%26otn%3D2
  23. Okay... but did you know anyone back then who went looking for someone- anyone - else that God personally taught the Word to? And the "lots of stuff I teach..." is a lame way to excuse der Victoid's blatant abuse of Leonard's trust (among other men.) Leonard let him run a class and vp stole it. Then he went on to steal more and more. True. However, this is also America, where folks have the right to speak about any religious group they have attended, or not attend one at all if that is their choice. Just like WE had eyes to see and ears to hear? I take care of myself and my kids first as well, masterherbalist. But I have some spare time...
  24. Who was VP? I'll tell you who he was: In Genesis he is the seed of the serpent (And the beer that Noah drank before uncovering his sons' nakedness.) In Exodus he is the plague that kills the first born males. In Leviticus he is the issue of blood. ... ;) ... yea, yea, yea... I was bored...
  25. You're being obtuse OM. According to VP: God is the Word, The Word is God. Jesus Christ was the Word in the flesh. BUT - JC is sitting on God's right hand, (making them both kind of silly), so the Word takes the place of the absent Christ. God told VP that He would teach der Victoid the Word as no one else had known it since the First Century Church. NOW VP was the keeper of the keys to the kingdom. VP took the place of the absent Christ because he had the Word and Christ was... absent - getting eternally goosed by his father....(sound kind of familiar?) VP became the Word in the flesh... So... Now VP had the Word, taught to him by God Himself. He had knowledge no other man had -well not since JC knew more than the scribes and pharisees. It was a secret- the greatest secret in the world...but VP knew it and would whisper it in your ear if you signed a green card and gave a minimum donation of $$$ (I paid $100.00)
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