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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. T-Bone

    little johnny take 2

    Tom - that joke is truly inspiring - it shows you just how far a Hillbilly can go if he really applies himself!
  2. Well, that's the problem I have - looking back in retrospect, thinking about our tendency to deceive ourselves and others...It makes me wonder about the other manifestations that TWI was allegedly experts in - the president and founder morally bankrupt yet able to see through the spiritual darkness and lead the way by his accurate operation of word of knowledge, word of wisdom and distilling discerning of spirits...And why all the fuss and practice over the worship manifestations? Why didn't they have practice sessions for the revelation or power manifestations? And where in the Bible does it indicate we're supposed to practice at it? And for a ministry so proud on being experts in the Holy Spirit field - why didn't we see any actual honest-to-God eye-witness power manifestations - stupendous healing services, storming hospitals and emptying them out?...Sounds to me like a whole lotta talk.
  3. Where is everybody?...Well, Tonto, in the immortal words of Sonny & Cher, "I've got you, Babe."
  4. What's the rules for running a PFAL Class? You can mention the obvious ones we were supposed to enforce - or the unspoken...I'm going with the unspoken - . Why couldn't well-seasoned grads teach the class live? So, PFAL rule # 1: No one else is allowed to teach the class - you can only play VPW's class.
  5. In my opinion, people in TWI had developed a self-centered mind-set on the Holy Spirit field [courtesy of VPW and his Patchwork Orange book PFAL, RTHST, and TNDC]. I Corinthians 12: 11 "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills." [NASB] VPW said it meant as the man wills according to each man's believing – I think it means as God wills, agreeing with I Corinthians 12:4-6 "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons." Looking at other parts of the chapter [v.18 "…God has placed the members, each one of them…just as He desired…" and v.24 "…But God has so composed the body…" and v.28 "God has appointed in the church, first apostles…"] it appears the distribution of these spiritual abilities is at God's discretion. I wonder how much of what I saw was self-directed instead of coming from God? I remember my twig leader's wife always saying the same five or six words in a tongue but the interpretation was at least two or three sentences long. I never gave this linguistic oddity much thought until I brought my friend Steve to Twig – and he pointed that out to me. Every week, the same five or six words – with a different interpretation each time. Maybe each word had multiple meanings and functions – a diagram of the sentence would probably look like a complicated map of the NY Subway System.
  6. I think what has the most bearing on the issue is what's going on in our heart - as the next verse Romans 8:27 says, "And He who searches the heart knows what is the mind of the Spirit..."...And that makes me think of Matthew 15:8 where Jesus quotes Isaiah referring to hypocrites "This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me..."...Which goes along with what Dancing and Oldiesman said about the importance of the status of our hearts in the last few posts! What lengths people will go to trying to prove what TWI palmed off as Speaking in Tongues was real!
  7. This looks like you're turning your brain off...And how would this be a reminder that there was extrasensory info available - how would your brain figure that out since you don't understand the tongue - you know, with your English Editor being turned off? And how would you know if you're walking in the right direction?...In my opinion - "priming the pump" is a nice "technical" explanation for something that no one has any way of proving or documenting in Scripture.
  8. I think the natural sense of Romans 8:26 means the Spirit's intercession is unutterable by any human in any language. In my opinion you are projecting a TWI bias into the verse...I don't think anyone could explain in detail what's going on - because WORDS would be used...This verse is talking about the Spirit's intercession - something the Spirit is doing...I don't know a whole lot about that...
  9. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Tom, thanks for the technical info on SRV - I love it when you talk shop :) ! ...And do tell about your SRV/Plane trip!!!!
  10. Welcome to Grease Spot, Connerron - and let me buy the first round of French Vanilla Cappuccino. Thanks for sharing your story and I'm sorry to hear about your weird TWI experience. My heart's sincere prayer for you and everyone else at GSC is healing, understanding, and growth.
  11. Great post Sunnyfla !!! I was such a worry-wart in school my 5th grade teacher wrote a note home to my parents saying "your son worries too much." [like the Buddy Miller tune!] Thanks for sharing the stuff on overcoming worry...And I like your other thought - listening to a different perspective. That's why I come to Grease Spot Café and even enjoy reading different commentaries on the Bible.
  12. In my opinion I don’t think Romans 8:26 refers to Speaking in Tongues. “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;” [Romans 8:26 NASB] This verse seems to imply that the intercession goes beyond anything we could say. I don’t see the linkage between this verse and speaking in tongues. I used to believe it referred to speaking in tongues [courtesy of TWI] – that tongues was perfect prayer. I don’t know – maybe I’m wrong – but it looks to me like the verse is telling me I don’t know how to pray perfectly – and need the Spirit’s intercession which is by far superior to any words I could utter.
  13. Have a good one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    I'm playing through a Peavey TNT - a "little" 75 watt, Socks...I think it's part getting older and part lazy-butt, I did a terrible thing [for a bass amp] - put the amp on wheels so I can move it around easier... DMiller, the two SRV I've got: Greatest Hits and In Step. ChasUFarley - I've ordered that Beckology from Amazon!
  15. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    I will say that Kramer aluminum neck is darn true! But it's funny how the end of it looks like a big tuning fork - it looks like the perfect Ham Sandwich Holder...And yeah Tommy has a good sound - I've got a couple of SRV CDs!
  16. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Thanks, DMiller and Socks, for the string info…Socks, I imagine your son's fretless Jazz Bass sounds sweet! There's a place in my heart for the Fender Jazz Bass…I had one in the early 70s – even had it customized – had a Humbucking pickup installed on it – it had three toggle switches for each pickup. It was great for that fat bass sound like Bruce's Gibson on live Cream tunes – but I liked the feel of the Fender [mine was fretted]…Caught a bad case of new-believer-free-spirit and gave my Fender to a believer [named Bob?] in NY before I went W.O.W…This is funny – years later I played on one of those R.O.A. side stages and got to play my old Fender . I still have the warranty/owner's card for it! Who knows – I may wind up getting a Fender Jazz again someday – it will be fretless this time. I like Jaco Pastorius – I've got a CD of his "The Birthday Concert" – and like his energetic playing and Fender sound. When you mentioned Weather Report I thought of their first album "Sweetnighter" which featured Miroslav Vitous on Double Bass – I like his style and have a couple of his CDs.
  17. Got any helpful analogies of what it was like being in TWI? For me it was like "Gilligan's Island" and "Fantasy Island" at first - lot's of fun and believing I could control reality. As time went on it got to be more like "Lost" and "Survivor" - scary and survivalist mentality. Something in common with all of the above: separated from the real world...And I think depending on duration of involvement it may have ingrained some weird dynamics of how we function that may take some time to change/correct. So - anyone have another analogy that might be helpful?
  18. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Whoa DMiller !!!!!!! You have mentioned the instrument of my dreams - a Double Bass !!!!! Just one little hitch - those strings wouldn't work on my electric bass - I don't think the strings would do anything to the pick ups looking for steel moving through its magnetic field...I did some experimentation years ago - building several different microphones into the body - that gave it an acoustic sound - but it was very shallow - since it wasn't as long as a double bass and didn't have a resonating hollow body...Plus I think a double bass would be a big challenge for me to play. My fretless has the frets marked on them - so I don't get lost. :blink:
  19. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Yeah, DMiller, I checked that website out - very interesting. I'd like to try them out - maybe go into a music store that has them on a bass...Of course, I hadn't played since 1985 and have got so busy with work and family [which is a good thing compared to my TWI days]...Checking out this thread has got me thinking about messing around with it again...I'll jam once and awhile with my son [he's got a Carvin Bass and plays Acoustic Guitar]...Anyway - I remember in the late 60's, this guy Ricky I knew had Nylon Taped Strings - very mellow sound - sorta muted - and I noticed they'd get nicks in the tape and I think that messed with their sound too...I've always used round wounds because the strings seem to last longer - guess that's an illusion because of the brighter sound - I used to like the oinky, ringy sound but I'm wanting a more mellow tone that would compliment the whine of a fretless...So maybe I have to hear the Blue Steel strings.
  20. Yeah, I have to agree with what you guys said - and add I think a lot of why I come here is to enjoy the cyber-fellowship of people with a common bond - the TWI experience. Sometimes I see it like we've all survived a big train wreck - an event that has changed our lives in so many different ways - it's hard to fathom. Sometimes what helps me unravel my weird convoluted mental and emotional baggage is listening to another person's viewpoint.
  21. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Speaking of strings - do they still make Nylon Taped Bass Strings? Or is there something better? I have a Kramer Fretless Bass and was wondering about "appropriate" strings that would be a good fit with a fretless.
  22. Your daughter and town are in my thoughts and prayers.
  23. I usually gravitate to wards people that I think are being up front - it doesn't matter if they agree with me or not. It's kinda hard to do over the Internet - but after awhile you can get a sense of what a person is about.
  24. My healing has been mental [regardless of what you all think of my posts - ] and in relationships. Both have been an on-going process since I left TWI...
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