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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. I thought it was to show the direction you're supposed to wi - - oh, never mind
  2. Happy Birthday, Oakspear
  3. Hey it's been a long time since my "dropping acid days" - but it's kinda hard to control the flashbacks... :(
  4. T-Bone


    Happy Birthday, Doojable from T-Bone & Tonto
  5. News Force Sects Change gets name change by Crusty Potty Dunkin Trinidad, Colorado. Sects Change Inc., the forerunner in the sects change industry, will be changing their name to reflect their broadening scope of operation and exciting new options they’re offering consumers. News Force spoke with Sects Change CEO, Catheter Bailey, after Friday’s press conference. “Once again our company is forging ahead into un-chartered waters and as always we cannot say more until our legal department squares away everything with the usual waivers and release of liability forms,” Bailey said. She talked more about the early days of Sects Change stressing what has always been her impetus for moving ahead. “Even at the age of twelve I remember having the distinct feeling of being a Methodist trapped in the body of a Presbyterian. That turmoil is what drove me to a career in psychology – trying to reconcile the inner tension I experienced. It wasn’t until 1986 while I was having an operation here at Trinidad that it occurred to me that a person could easily change what religious group they belonged to through a simple procedure.” Until the formation of Sects Change Inc., the only way people could have safe sects was by using a Con-Dumb, a verbal affirmation method whereby the religious adherent would repeatedly chant, “Don’t try to con me – I ain’t that dumb.” With the meteoric rise of Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome and other sectually transmitted diseases in recent years many in the critical thinking community no longer consider the Con-Dumb a trustworthy method. Sects Change was the first company to develop a procedure for changing a person’s religious sect. Bailey continued, “We wanted to make it easy for someone to change their creed – take all the guessing and worrying out of it. We ran a series of tests to determine their sectual orientation and found a religion that was the best fit for them. Sometimes our tests would run into an anomaly - - or really something outside of our typical template of religious preferences. This past year we’ve been able to identify and articulate a number of preferences that forced us to expand our horizon. For instance, we now can identify an atheist and that will enable us to provide a non-religious viewpoint that’s perfect for them. We’re also developing some hybrid-views that cater to unique tastes. We’re going to offer a Baptist Whirling Dervish a combination of the mystical qualities of the Whirling Dervish sans dancing. Another hybrid-view we’re excited about that will appeal to the sadomasochistic group is the Gullible Skeptic. Seeing how we are moving outside religious circles we feel a more appropriate name for our company is Pay-Per-View.”
  6. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Tonto and I saw Buddy Guy a few years ago in a small club venue - wow what a show. He was wearing yellow bib overalls, polka-dot guitar, had a wireless transmitter on his guitar and was walking around the tables...By far his best album imho is Damn Right, I've got the Blues.
  7. So I guess you don't trust eunuchs. :blink:
  8. Welome to Grease Spot, Way2much...And thanks for that very, very, very, exceeding abundantly interesting post...I think you might have something there!!!
  9. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    ChasUFarley, I might have to get that Beckology. I've always liked his stuff - just never bought any of it on CD. Well, I did have some LPs a long time ago - but I haven't replaced everything - - yet... Socks - thanks for the technical explanation of Clapton's technique...Clapton is still one of my favorite guitarists. Not being a guitarist - I can't explain my preference technically - it just seems his leads go somewhere. And they're very thoughtful and - - almost minimal - he puts in enough of what the lick needs. Whereas, to me Alvin Lee hit me as a blazingly fast show-off - at least in his early days - haven't kept up with him in a long time...Keith Richards is THE epitome of a rock guitarist! Very rough, dirty, bold, etc...Page is good but...It's funny there's a lot of groups that all I liked was their first album - like The first Led Zeppelin Album, first Jethro Tull, first James Gang. It's like something changed after the first album.
  10. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Totally self-induced - I'm afraid to say....Maybe I better not say anything about my other dream of the Blood and Drums Clinic... :blink:
  11. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Chas, my dreams tend to be weird technical musings...I dreamed I saw a Hibachi Bass at a Garage Sale - it looked like a Rectangular Stienberger Bass and had an Hibachi Grill built in near where the volume controls would be. In the dream I was worrying how a bass player would play while grilling - realizing the only safe way was to play the bass laying on your back. And the smoke coming off the grill would be a good stage effect. :)
  12. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Chas, I looked at that custom pick guard website. This is a dumb question. Could you use Formica? I don't know if it would be any cheaper but might be a little more accessible...Of course, there is the chance your instrument will look like a Kitchen Counter top...Sometime remind me to tell you about the dream I had of an Hibachi Bass.
  13. Or maybe it's a combination of Groucho's and Jim's idea. Maybe VPW believed his personality would live on in his "son" [seduced by the dark side of the farce] - and so wanting someone to continue with his life's work wreck he bequeathed the kingdumb to LCM.
  14. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    You know, I've wondered about that too...Sometimes I think it's the different perspective - or different spin that the Brits do on the Blues sound...On that Disraeli Gears DVD, Eric played "Sunshine of Your Love" by himself on an acoustic guitar - and he played it very Bluesy - it sounded like a totally different song - I really liked it!
  15. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Well, I'm always intrigued when famous musicians mention who influenced them. Eric was talking about Loving Spoonful having an influence on him - and the song "Summer in the City" - Eric liked the guitar part and it somehow morphed into the chords of "Tales of Brave Ulysses."
  16. T-Bone

    Guitar Talk

    Being a Cream fan from way back I really enjoyed Cream: Disraeli Gears on DVD - it's the story of the making of the Disraeli Gears album...Besides the interviews it was neat hearing the background behind the writing of the songs.
  17. Happy Birthday, Sushi !!!!
  18. Sorry to hear about Scrappy - what a gorgeous creature and gentle soul.
  19. Yeah - that's the car I wanna buy - course it probably costs an arm and a leg... :)
  20. T-Bone

    STUFF ---

    Thanks, Dmiller - these are great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Welcome to Grease Spot, jr4jc - may I suggest you spend a little more time looking over GSC before waltzing in here and insulting everybody...I personally think Bible study is more an exercise in critical thinking than a speed-reading test. :)
  22. To answer Sushi and Sogwap's question on what's to be learned from this topic I would like to mention what I get out of it - it's a good exercise in critical thinking. And really I must say that about any of WordWolf's posts. I've been reading this thread but haven't had anything I thought worth contributing... ...And I don't mean to digress here or get off topic but with WordWolf trying to track down the details of this teaching I am tempted to open up my old Corps notes and Corps journals. Not to find anything on this topic per se but to scan through the HUNDREDS of off-the-wall elusively mutating error propagating comments I heard [in residence] live teachings, night owls, at dinner, etc., that were not written down and published, or on a tape made available to the general body of TWI followers!!!!!!!!!!!! For example, I remember in some after-meeting with the Corps Don W. said "Anytime you have to make a decision you should think 'What would the Board of Trustees want.' " Ok - I'm sorry I did get off topic - sorta - but my point is it's a lot of fun exercising our critical thinking skills on this and other threads where we try to nail down the source and analyze the idea itself !!!!!...Alright - continue with the molesting - - arrggghh - I mean analyzing... ...WordWolf, keep on with the keepin' on.
  23. Yeah Groucho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your post !!!!!!!! Sharp, concise and to the point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Very funny, Roy !!!!!!!!!!! And I consider you to be one of the pillars of this church - your posts are always uplifting - they definitely brighten my day.
  25. In New Knoxville the law requires Red Drapes on the windows- anything else is unbelievable.
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