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Posts posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. There were stories of people who took whole states with them when they left twi...especially in the late 80's when the great purge happened. Some folks walked silently away by themselves, while others went out of their way to encourage others to leave.

    When I left, my twig left with me and I went out of my way to contact each and every person that I had ever got into twi...I can honestly say that each person that I ever talked into twi is now out.

    A close friend of mine was a state coordinator and when he left, he took the entire state with him...while all of this was happening, he actually received death threats from a member of the bod, whose name I will not mention...

    How did your leaving twi impact others?

  2. That's right dabob...I remember quite well when Veepee made all those statements about his family standing with twi. I left in 87, so I missed Loyboys reference to it in his letter concerning Geer...interesting that he eventually is convicted by his very own words. A false prophet by every standard.

  3. ...Sorta like when you hear an old song that you haven't heard in years...suddenly you are singing along, word for word...even when you can't stand the song! It has burned it's way into your circuitry. Each session of pfal has it's own triggering mechanisms, that will reopen the passageways into cult hell. A stroll down memory lane, if you will, only Freddy Krueger is your tour guide. Thanks to the skinny tied cornfield grifter, we all have, as a permanent reminder, an emotional scar, similar to Captain Picard's when he finally escaped the borg...standing on the observation deck of the Enterprise, staring off into space, he finally understood the value of his individuality. icon_wink.gif;)-->

  4. The actual "ministry" may be shrinking and dying but twi's investments are doing just fine I imagine. With the multi millions that they have invested, they probably have a steady income for themselves. The "work of the Lord" is not really a major concern because of all the money secured during Veepee's hayday. I mean, how much was it? 44 million plus whatever they have in their "credit union"? Who owns all that dough? If it's just the members of the bod, I would say they are fairly "comfortable" without having to "Go, Stand and Speak", if you know what I mean. icon_wink.gif;)-->

  5. It was a cold, dark October night. The full moon illuminated the evening sky and the wind whistled through twisted branches, sounding like a demon's hiss.

    Suddenly dominitrix Donna emerged from the shadows, her black stilletto heels and whip silhouetting against the corps chalet. Crawling slowly behind her, making obscene grunts, is her slave, "Pig Rosie"... icon_cool.gif

  6. Back to the subject...

    Session one was always, and I mean ALWAYS, the time that the main hook was thrown...and you all know what I'm talking about icon_wink.gif;)-->


    This doctrine of convienience emerged from the cornfield preacher at about the same time that they incorporated and decided to make a living by running a cult. Contrary to his previous teachings, der fadder in der werd decided that Gawd decided to make an exception to the old testament law of tithing and apply it to Christians...sorta. I mean, could you do less than a servant? What a "hook line"! C'mon, give the old adulterous drunk some credit here...he was a master grifter! He could talk a hungry dog off of a meat wagon...and when it cam to talking you and me out of our money...he was the master of disaster!...and it all started with that little red book...FIRST assignment of pfal...the very first frickin' thing that twi hit us with was...gimmee your dough.

  7. I have been one of Veepee's harshest critics and I hate the way that they treated Mrs Wierwille. In many ways she was the biggest victim of us all...she was a kind lady who deserved much better than what Veepee gave her or how she was treated after his death.

    As far as J.P. goes...I cut him all the slack in the world, but ya know...he doesn't need any slack. John Paul Wierwille is a fine man and I'm proud to say that I know him. I'm not sure how well I could handle it, if VPW were my dad...think about it. J.P. is a class act and a man who knows who he is...that's all I have to say on the subject. icon_smile.gif:)-->

  8. Besides spending all his time trying to visit Vic's grave, what else does Doug M. do? Is he part of a splinter group? I remember him from the old days...I think he was 2nd corps?...I know he was ordained in the early 70's.

    ...And what's the REAL reason why they wouldn't let him visit the damn grave? I mean, think about it...what harm would it do to twi to allow him to walk over to the grave, say a prayer, and leave? God Gawd! The ONLY reason I can think of is spite. Doesn't that "word of Gawd" that they teach, say something about putting away bitterness and encouraging forgiveness? How can they pretend to manifest God's love and grace when they refuse a former clergyman to visit Veepee grave??? icon_eek.gif

    Not to go off on a tangent but the only reason I affiliated with twi in the first place was because of their attitude of "there are no strangers here, only friends we haven't met yet". Everybody was welcome...open door policy...nothing to hide...we want to show God's love...come on in the doors always open. Today the place is guarded like the main oil refinery in Iraq...Who the FU*K would WANT to be around that place? Sorry but the people there now have GOT to be morons!

    ...And Rivenbark, I hope you read this post! icon_mad.gif

  9. There I was, I had just finished the advanced class and was now fully instructed in carrying on a two way conversation with the Almighty. I had stood faithfully for several years and had taken the foundational class at least a dozen times up to that point. I had applied myself to the goals of study, prayer and fellowship with great earnest. This did not go un-noticed by the leadership...I was now spiritually ready for the awesome responsibility of.....

    FLIPPING CHARTS! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  10. Even with your own cup, the coffee usually tasted like it had been sitting on the burner for about 3 days, after being strained through a pair of dirty underpants.

    I recall, during one of those mercilessly short 10 minute breaks...the new students were standing together telling jokes...I stepped forward and told them this joke..."What did Spock see when he looked into the commode?...the captains log!" icon_biggrin.gif:D--> I thought it was pretty funny (still do)...the corp leader overheard me and took me aside...he REAMED ME OUT ROYALY! Took away my position as "assistant class coordinator", and told me that I had a serious "problem". I think back on all that stuff now and I just shake my head and laugh. icon_cool.gif

  11. I was actually told that the more times I sat through the class, the more spiritual I would become. I probably subjected myself to it at least 20 times in my 13 year involvement.

    We pretended that the class was more than it was, just as we pretended that we were more spiritual than the guy sitting next to us, taking it for just the third time...when we had had it over a dozen times...what a stupid ego trip that was.

    The truth be told, I was bored out of mind after the second or third time taking it. I would usually volunteer to do refreshments just to get out of the room and have a cig. Some of those sessions were akin to the chinese water torture. Especially session 4...the dreaded 4 crucified...where the cornfield preacher with the skinny tie would go on and on and on and on...malefactors, thieves...AAARRRG!

    Looking back on it (been out 17 years), the way we all fussed over these stupid classes was sorta like a guy who buys a car and never drives it. He just studies the owners manual...over and over and over and over.....

  12. How do people like Rozilla and Donna justify their actions in their own minds? As the top "leadership" of twi, I'm certain that they are aware of the "smokin' out the homos" years. They are certainly aware of twi's biblical interpretations regarding homosexuality...but yet...there they are.

    What does this say about them?


    Chop up the following fruit and place into a large pitcher.

    1 peach, 1 plum, 1 lime, 1 orange, 1 apple

    add...1 cinamon stick and 2 tablespoons of sugar

    add...1 cup of your favorite rum and 1 bottle of sweet red wine (blackberry wine is good), and about 2 shots of orange liquer.

    Fill the picture the rest of the way up with ice, stir well and let it sit in the refridgerator for at least 2 or 3 hours before drinking...

    This stuff will make you sing funny songs.

  14. Interesting stuff Goey....and the assets belong to? The three BOD members?

    22 million cash principle split three ways?...they could still have servants I would wager...and that's not to mention the 16 million in Gunnison and the 8.8 million in the credit union...geeze louise...If they were to liquidate and split the dough, would it then be taxable?

    I would be curious to know who the 5 employees are, how much they are paid, and who they had to bend over for, to get such a cush job.

    So, the proceeds from the sales of Rome city and Emporia were sucked into the black hole of paying off bills...and of course, that was martindales fault. Wierwille handed him a thriving business on a silver platter...all he had to do was "keep the trains running on time" and count all the money. Instead, in his infinite wisdom, he decided to dismantle the three main sources for growth and income...the WOW program, the ROA and pfal. What a stroke of genius! Was this guy a moron or what?

  15. "Why doesn't God speak to us more often?"

    The question implies that God DOES speak to you. I'm not sure that I can even make that assumption. It's a comforting thought, but is it true? I remember twi talking about "first thought" and I keep hearing different versions of the "quiet seas" idea...when my friend Joe talks to me, I have no problem deciding if that was my own thoughts or if that was really Joe. When Joe is speaking, I don't have to "quiet myself" and get peaceful in order to "receive" Joe's words. In fact Joe can be talking to me when my mind is anxious and full of fear...and I can STILL hear Joe. Why is Joe seemingly more efficient at his communication skills than God?

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