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Posts posted by GrouchoMarxJr

  1. What it looks like to me is the "bible stuff" is just a front for their investment business. 44 million hogs to work with! icon_eek.gif Sorta like the guy who had a "pizza shop" that made a few bucks while the bookie made tons of dough operating out of the back room.

    And yeah...that 44 million represents the money and the hard work that we all put into this thing... icon_mad.gif...The very people who made that 44 million a reality for them are no longer welcome on the property. Is it unreasonable to think that they could be sued into bancruptcy?

  2. Perhaps it is worthy to note the impact of the sycophant Martindale.

    After the cornfield preacher had worked his con to the point of, "blink, blink, nod, nod,we got all the money"...Martindale took the helm and steered the ship directly into the nearest rocks. Because of the mental illness he had developed while receiving the adulations of his stooges, he became delusional and self destructed, taking the heart and guts of Wierwille's life's work down the commode in a New York minute. Today, an old dyke is running the shell game for what's left of this pathetic little cornfield cult that barely makes an asterisk in the history of "Christian abberations".

  3. The only reason that twi is still in existance is because of the assets. If they suddenly found themselves having to sell off the remainder of their properties and couldn't get paychecks anymore...they'd all fold up the tents and go home. You know as well as I do that if the money all evaporated, so would they.

    Does anybody really know what their financial situation is? They couldn't be hauling in THAT much revenue. With all the properties to maintain and the salaries, etc. etc...I'm sure that things must be tight. Back in Wierwille's hayday, he didn't know what to do with all the frickin' money...(I know, lets buy a castle in Scotland!)...but no more. I mean, are they actually making dough, selling lcm's class? Whose books are they selling? How many? I know they used to make a pretty penny on all those "advances" they used to run, but how about today? Does anybody know anything?

  4. Sorry for your trouble Catcup...You got closer to the fire than most of us, which of course means, that it was easier for you to get burnt.

    The 5 or 6 times that I spent talking, one on one, with Martindale were un-nerving experiences for me. I never liked him, never felt comfortable with him, never felt any true compassion for anybody ever come out of him, never trusted him and certainly never signed any loyalty oath to him. I suppose that selecting Martindale, as Veepee's successor, only underscores Veepee's own lack of "spiritual perception". Martindale had no business in the pulpit, his "talents" would have been served better had he decided to become a prison guard instead.

  5. Back in 1978 there was an extremely disturbed man who started coming to our twig...I suggested that he seek professional help but was soundly "reproved" by the local twi clergy...We were supposed to pray for him and teach him the word and that would do the trick...to make a long story short, the guy tried to burn down my house in the middle of the night...with ME in it! I caught him red handed, put out the fire, called the cops, had him thrown in jail, the judge sent him to a mental institution...I then called the twi clergy guy and told him what happened...I was ....ED! I told him that when the guy gets out of the mental institution, he could go to HIS twig and then I hung up on him!...I guess I must have had quite an angry tone in my voice because the clergy guy never brought up the incident with me again.

  6. ...and just how many people have been driven to suicide because of this sinister little cult?

    Not only were they negligent in getting folks professional help, but they were the ones who often times drove folks crazy!

    I know of a corps guy who killed himself because lcm had an affair with his wife. The wife stayed at hdqrts(to remain lcm's mistress) and the guy was booted...he killed himself a short time later.

  7. Evan...this stuff is great! I thought that I had heard most of the war stories but the inner sactum thing is a new one for me! icon_eek.gif ...and wierwille called himself the "grand wizard"? Holy crap, I think I just wet myself laughing! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> Might any pictures exist? What a hoot!

    The first time I saw "clergy robes" was at the dedication of the Rome City campus...I believe it was about 1976...My WOW family was allowed to attend from Chicago...(they were trying to find warm bodies to have a "crowd" for Veepee)...So anyway, I'm standing out in the crowd, waiting for the trustees to walk out...and suddenly here they come...all dressed in robes! I was shocked, it was totally unexpected, I didn't know that twi folks wore robes, nobody told me...I honestly thought it was a joke, a skit or something...I burst out laughing!!! Realizing that I was the only one laughing, I "stiffled" myself quickly...it only lasted a fraction of a second, a few people noticed and I recall feeling embarrased...and now you're telling me about the grand wizard and his hooded robe! ROFLMAO

    Oh yeah...and about the 6th corps folks who were doing the wild mambo...we want NAMES!!! icon_wink.gif;)-->

  8. waysurvivor...sounds to me like you had it worse than most folks did in their twi experience... As you overcome your difficulties, you will become stronger with each victory...this is a good place to come for encouragement and friends who understand.

    Sometimes there is a lot of disagreement on certain issues and some folks (myself included), can be downright ornery...but that's because we are all individuals here with different ideas and opinions...a refreshing contrast to when we were all brainwashed in the cult...so, kick your shoes off and relax with the rest of us. icon_wink.gif;)-->

  9. I remember going light bearers...it was a nightmare. The leadership at Emporia had told us that each group that failed to put a class together, would be kicked out of the corps. Our group failed, as did most. When I got back to Emporia, I started packing my stuff to leave...

    They called us all into an "emergency" meeting and informed us that they changed their mind and we could all stay. While others around me were cheering, I was thinking to myself that they had no integrity. I also was wondering why they had held me responsible for "causing the increase"...I had planted and watered, that was it, as far as I was concerned.

    Twi coerced us into being a free sales force in their marketing scam. It was nothing more than an "Amway" type of scheme, with a so-called Christian veneer. Wierwille should have received an Academy award for how he cried on stage at the ROA, calling the WOW's "his kids"...sending out thousands of young people to hawk his wares to an unsuspecting public and receiving no compensation for their troubles.

  10. Whatever happened to the "power", in pfal? I never saw it. Remember how Veepee would go on about today's Christians being powerless? "...just when they need it the most, it not there!" He talked about how the church was being destroyed for lack of knowledge...Well, just when HE needed it the most, it wasn't there either. Why didn't somebody unleash the healing power that they learned in pfal, and chase that demon cancer right out of him? Why didn't God warn Veepee not to chose lcm?...Like I said, just when he needed it the most, it wasn't there. He was talking out of his a$$...the only power that Veepee ever knew, was the power of your money.

  11. The doctrine of the trinity...is he is or is he ain't?...I doubt that you can find too many Christians who agree on EVERYTHING doctrinal...why make the trinity such a line of demarcation? I'm not qualified to say who is right or wrong, and I seriously doubt that God will seperate the trinitarians from the non-trinitarians and send them to different heavens.

  12. waysurvivor says to me "You are a disgusting pig who has no place being here"...

    Looks like we got off on the wrong foot? If all that stuff really happened, then I was certainly being insensitive. To be honest, it never entered my mind that it was true...the story was the most extreme case that I had ever heard taking place in twi and the black robes and the dunkings and boxes with spiders...well, in spite of coolwater's helpful psycoanalysis, it still seems pretty bizare to me. If I upset you, it was not my intention and I apologize for that. My earlier post was written to someone who I thought was pulling a prank.

  13. Mike...when you're finished with your break...take your time...

    Question...Since you are so obviously convinced of the greatness of pfal, what exactly are you doing to "master" it? I would assume that the educational value would, by necessity, be translated into practical application eventually.

    Have you started teaching the class on your own yet, to others?

    Do you have a home fellowship?

    Are you "networking" with other fellowships?

    Do you personally have a "gift ministry"?

    I was just wondering what you did, besides post here, arguing with people that are either amused or annoyed or both, by your antics. I must say, if I were as convinced as you are of pfal, I would be doing something other than posting here with all these heretics. That is, unless it was only a "head trip" for me. icon_cool.gif

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