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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Bumpy

    Lasik Eye Surgery

    Then WHY are you still wearing glasses everytime I look at your postings!
  2. Bumpy


    Is there AnyWay to STOP IT <_<
  3. Bumpy

    Your Best Friend!

    Wake Up all you Dog Lovers in America! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTKE-H3oaIo...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2TCL5dwpws...ted&search= After these, you can worry about today’s “heavy” GS postings! Have a nice day! Bump (woof!)
  4. Bumpy


    Might also be a great way to get an uninterested spouse to file divorce papers...after you've fallen asleep at the board
  5. Maybe I should have been hanging out more with you spiritual "heavies" at HQ, or Emporia?? I always "felt" I was missing something !
  6. You know you look very familiar somehow? Do you hangout in Paris, maybe in the Louvre??
  7. Hi T-Bone! Do you realize we joined GS almost 1 year and 1300 members apart? 3 minutes, that's fast! Have you ever ridden on the back of a Triumph Daytona '68? It's a great California roadbike, especially when chromed-out! 0-100 in less than 3 min.
  8. Bumpy


    Speaking of Snakes & Spiders...Have you ever been to Africa? You don't need to "see" 50 a day, you only need to NOT see ONE on ANY day There's no place to go and nothing to think about if something happens. But if you're interested pm me. I have another project coming up at the end of the year, and you might be the one to work with some of my "locals"! You see, I don't really like clearing jungle vegatation! <_<
  9. It's your $$$, the glass can be half full. For me it's flexibility. But if market conditions change, I think you want to be free to change as well, no? Anyway, individual investors will always feel the pain first. Better not to watch your positions too closely.
  10. Hamm, what particular (drug) nut were you chewing on at the time? The "payoff" was always in their lifestyle & maybe a little investment fund on the side?? How much do you think twi invested of everyone's money? Anyone know?
  11. T-Bone, what a negative summary! How long did it take to figure out?
  12. No one is going to argue "diversification", or Dad, Grand Dad or whether Bob is a politician. He's just another guru who predicted the dot bomb bubble and got it right. Everyone else lost! But that's not the point. My feet don't want to sit in cement for 40 years to play it safe until I retire...Besides, you're LOCKED IN no matter how you allocate and if you need the $$$ you pay a big withdrawl penalty.
  13. There are two sides to every coin as seen below: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/for...on=money_latest http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aMtV.07BfeXg And millions of Gurus supporting any argument you wish to prove. Do you keep your feet in cement for 50 years and follow the market’s “historic trend” and disregard inflation along the way...? Or look at a situation where the market is at record highs and it might be time to take some $$ off the table? My worry...Deficit Spending, US $$ Currency Valuations vis a vis no future appetite for buying/financing US debt, Big Time unreported loan housing fallout/supply on the horizon, unending wars draining the economy with Iran coming on-line, a possible shift out of dollar dominated oil trades (e.g. Iran/Japan), oil prices continuing to rise, a major Japanese earthquake or some other disaster where a run on treasuries causes a currency collapse, total lack of oversight in the derivatives market...& maybe just the on-going US trade deficit. The entertainment value is endless & nobody really knows anything. So when do you sell?, if yesterday, we were at historic highs in a Bush administration? And on the sidelines sits another group of political idiots waiting to take over the White House in a few months time. Just Remember, “Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered”! 1929 was frenzy out of control and maybe, just maybe...so it goes today! <_<
  14. No argument there, and you can leave the dumb frogs out of the equasion! I've been watching the tape as a kid...
  15. Right! And what goes up comes down! So hang onto your hat. The deficit fundamentals and sub-primes of 50 billion may put holes in your college plans! <_<
  16. Bumpy

    Speed Dating

    Aaaaahh, but you may be judging the book by its' cover? & Who pays for the lunch?
  17. Bumpy

    Lasik Eye Surgery

    Wife had it done last summer in Fort Erie, Lasik. All I know is she was blind before and now she sees (perfectly)! Website and more info if you want, pm me Price US 1598 for both eyes. They only invoice in US currency. The exchange rate is nothing anymore...Bump PS, I might be doing the same in Sept.
  18. Bumpy


    TFI, that was the place...’75 or ‘76! A group of us went from the bay area with the objective of learning a little rock climbing and repelling. Well, different strokes for different folks, and after a little canvassing of the rock surfaces it was time to, “Let go and let Go...” So for the uninitiated, going over a cliff in your leather harness with a rope running through the carabiners for the FIRST time, can cause some to manifest that spiritual creature called FEAR! Such was the case with our housemate “Craig”. Craig whose real name was Greg, had Mr. Fear written all over his face and refused to go over. But whoever was in charge that day was going to have none of that. I remember after my turn of bouncing down the wall, looking up maybe 50 ft., that things were slowing down. So up I went. There was Greg in a white “cable” sweater refusing to move. To make an interesting moment as short as possible, Greg was forced over and seemed to get about 1/2 way down when the devil in the form of a nice cable knit sweater got caught with the rope in the carabiner. So there is Greg, FROZEN with fear, his face to the wall, with absolutely no way to go up or down. And the sweater firmly through the metal hooks tied in knots! The stage is set. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abseil#Equipment
  19. Bumpy

    Guilt Trips

    Possibly the little lady in the picture below would agree with you? However I don’t think she was in your corps regiment. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k234/jol.../ATT4952161.jpg “Beaver, tell your brother Wally it’s time for dinner”! (and tell that damn father of yours his a$$ is grass!)
  20. Bumpy

    Speed Dating

    ~EX~ After 15.869 million postings...Speechless?? I'll look around for what you're looking for! Any particular SIZE?@!
  21. Bumpy

    Speed Dating

    I'll bet you can't beat this for a true "speedo" romance! http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSSP10422420070718 Might have a "cult love" function as well?
  22. Bumpy

    Guilt Trips

    Brilliant Post. For me, says it all!
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